1,662 research outputs found

    Trends, challenges and processes in conversational agent design: exploring practitioners’ views through semi-structured interviews

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    The aim of this study is to explore the challenges and experiences of conversational agent (CA) practitioners in order to highlight their practical needs and bring them into consideration within the scholarly sphere. A range of data scientists, conversational designers, executive managers and researchers shared their opinions and experiences through semi-structured interviews. They were asked about emerging trends, the challenges they face, and the design processes they follow when creating CAs. In terms of trends, findings included mixed feelings regarding no-code solutions and a desire for a separation of roles. The challenges mentioned included a lack of socio-technical tools and conversational archetypes. Finally, practitioners followed different design processes and did not use the design processes described in the academic literature. These findings were analyzed to establish links between practitioners’ insights and discussions in related literature. The goal of this analysis is to highlight research-practice gaps by synthesising five practitioner needs that are not currently being met. By highlighting these research-practice gaps and foregrounding the challenges and experiences of CA practitioners, we can begin to understand the extent to which emerging literature is influencing industrial settings and where more research is needed to better support CA practitioners in their work

    AMPA receptors and seizures mediate hippocampal radial glia-like stem cell proliferation.

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    Neurogenesis is sustained throughout life in the mammalian brain, supporting hippocampus-dependent learning and memory. Its permanent alteration by status epilepticus (SE) is associated with learning and cognitive impairments. The mechanisms underlying the initiation of altered neurogenesis after SE are not understood. Glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive radial glia (RG)-like cells proliferate early after SE, but their proliferation dynamics and signaling are largely unclear. We have previously reported a polarized distribution of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) on RG-like cells in vivo and postulated that these may signal their proliferation. Here, we examined the acute effects of kainate on hippocampal precursor cells in vitro and in kainate-induced SE on proliferating and quiescent clones of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine prelabeled hippocampal precursors in vivo. In vitro, we found that 5 μM kainate shortened the cell cycle time of RG-like cells via AMPAR activation and accelerated cell cycle re-entry of their progeny. It also shifted their fate choice expanding the population of RG-like cells and reducing the population of downstream amplifying neural progenitors. Kainate enhanced the survival of all precursor cell subtypes. Pharmacologically, kainate's proliferative and survival effects were abolished by AMPAR blockade. Functional AMPAR expression was confirmed on RG-like cells in vitro. In agreement with these observations, kainate/seizures enhanced the proliferation and expansion predominantly of constitutively cycling RG-like cell clones in vivo. Our results identify AMPARs as key potential players in initiating the proliferation of dentate RG-like cells and unravel a possible receptor target for modifying the radial glia-like cell response to SE

    Triangular Textures for Quark Mass Matrices

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    The hierarchical quark masses and small mixing angles are shown to lead to a simple triangular form for the U- and D-type quark mass matrices. In the basis where one of the matrices is diagonal, each matrix element of the other is, to a good approximation, the product of a quark mass and a CKM matrix element. The physical content of a general mass matrix can be easily deciphered in its triangular form. This parameterization could serve as a useful starting point for model building. Examples of mass textures are analyzed using this method.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Meal-time Detection by Means of Long Periods Blood Glucose Level Monitoring via IoT Technology

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    Blood glucose level monitoring is of great importance, especially for subjects experiencing type 1 diabetes. Accurate monitoring of their blood glucose level prevents dangerous and life-threatening situations that might be experienced by those subjects. In addition, precise monitoring of blood glucose levels over long periods of time helps establishing knowledge about the daily mealtime routine which aids the medical staff to monitor subjects and properly intervene in hazardous cases such as hypo- or hyperglycemia. Establishing such knowledge will play a potential role when designing proper treatment intervention plan. In this research, we present a complete IoT framework, starting from hardware acquisition system to data analysis approaches that gives a hand for medical staff when long periods of blood glucose monitoring are essential for subjects. Also, this framework is validated with real-time data collection from 7 subjects over 10 successive days with temporal resolution of 5 minutes allowing for near real-time monitoring and analysis. Our results show the precisely estimated daily mealtime routines for 4 subjects out of the 7 with discard of 3 subjects due to huge data loss mainly. The daily mealtime routines for the 4 subjects are found to be matching to have a pattern of 4 periods of blood glucose level changes corresponding to the breakfast around 8 AM, the lunch around 5 PM, the dinner around 8 PM, and finally a within-day snack around 12 PM. The research shows the potential of IoT ecosystem in support for medically related studies

    Challenges of Early Years leadership preparation: a comparison between early and experienced Early Years practitioners in England

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    Leadership has been under-researched in the Early Years (EY) sector of primary schools in England, especially in leading change for professional development. The aim of this paper is to theorise what the leadership culture for EY practitioners looks like, and how Initial Teacher Training providers and schools are preparing practitioners for leadership. Using case studies of EY practitioners in different stages of their career in primary schools, we offer an insight into their preparedness for leadership in EY, the implication being that leadership training requires an understanding and embedding of the EY culture and context. Interviews with both sample groups allowed for deeper insight into the lived world. Interviews were also conducted with the head teachers to gain an overview of the leadership preparation they provided. The main findings suggest that newer EY practitioners are better prepared for leadership from their university training in comparison to more experienced EY practitioners

    AK2 deficiency compromises the mitochondrial energy metabolism required for differentiation of human neutrophil and lymphoid lineages

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    Reticular dysgenesis is a human severe combined immunodeficiency that is primarily characterized by profound neutropenia and lymphopenia. The condition is caused by mutations in the adenylate kinase 2 (AK2) gene, resulting in the loss of mitochondrial AK2 protein expression. AK2 regulates the homeostasis of mitochondrial adenine nucleotides (ADP, ATP and AMP) by catalyzing the transfer of high-energy phosphate. Our present results demonstrate that AK2-knocked-down progenitor cells have poor proliferative and survival capacities and are blocked in their differentiation toward lymphoid and granulocyte lineages. We also observed that AK2 deficiency impaired mitochondrial function in general and oxidative phosphorylation in particular - showing that AK2 is critical in the control of energy metabolism. Loss of AK2 disrupts this regulation and leads to a profound block in lymphoid and myeloid cell differentiation

    An Optimized Lentiviral Vector Efficiently Corrects the Human Sickle Cell Disease Phenotype

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    Autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells transduced with a lentiviral vector (LV) expressing an anti-sickling HBB variant is a potential treatment for sickle cell disease (SCD). With a clinical trial as our ultimate goal, we generated LV constructs containing an anti-sickling HBB transgene (HBBAS3), a minimal HBB promoter, and different combinations of DNase I hypersensitive sites (HSs) from the locus control region (LCR). Hematopoietic stem progenitor cells (HSPCs) from SCD patients were transduced with LVs containing either HS2 and HS3 (\u3b2-AS3) or HS2, HS3, and HS4 (\u3b2-AS3 HS4). The inclusion of the HS4 element drastically reduced vector titer and infectivity in HSPCs, with negligible improvement of transgene expression. Conversely, the LV containing only HS2 and HS3 was able to efficiently transduce SCD bone marrow and Plerixafor-mobilized HSPCs, with anti-sickling HBB representing up to 3c60% of the total HBB-like chains. The expression of the anti-sickling HBB and the reduced incorporation of the \u3b2S-chain in hemoglobin tetramers allowed up to 50% reduction in the frequency of RBC sickling under hypoxic conditions. Together, these results demonstrate the ability of a high-titer LV to express elevated levels of a potent anti-sickling HBB transgene ameliorating the SCD cell phenotype

    Light-based devices for the treatment of facial erythema and telangiectasia

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    Facial erythema is one of the most common outpatient complaints in dermatology. There are various causes of facial erythema and several devices are available for its treatment. Pulsed dye laser (PDL) and intense pulsed light (IPL) are the two common light devices used for these conditions. In this review, we evaluated the literature to assess efficacy of IPL versus PDL in facial erythema and telangiectasia. We searched published articles including clinical trials or reviews articles, case series, and case reports. Electronic databases (MEDLINE and PubMed) were searched to retrieve the articles. Reference lists of selected articles were also considered for the review. Articles published in English language until June 2021 were considered for this review

    Spontaneous upper limb monoplegia secondary to probable cerebral amyloid angiopathy

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    Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a clinicopathological disorder characterised by vascular amyloid deposition initially in leptomeningeal and neocortical vessels, and later affecting cortical and subcortical regions. The presence of amyloid within the walls of these vessels leads to a propensity for primary intracerebral haemorrhage. We report the unusual case of a 77-year-old female who presented to our emergency department with sudden onset isolated hypoaesthesia and right upper limb monoplegia. A CT scan demonstrated a peripheral acute haematoma involving the left perirolandic cortices. Subsequent magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated previous superficial haemorrhagic events. One week following discharge the patient re-attended with multiple short-lived episodes of aphasia and jerking of the right upper limb. Further imaging demonstrated oedematous changes around the previous haemorrhagic insult. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is an overlooked cause of intracerebral haemorrhage; the isolated nature of the neurological deficit in this case illustrates the many guises in which it can present
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