63,269 research outputs found

    Space photography and the exploration of Mars

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    A general exposition of the scientific potentialities and analytic framework of space photography is presented using the photography of Mars from flybys and orbiters as the principal example. Space photography is treated here as a communication process in which planetary scene information is communicated to the eye-brain receiver of earth-based interpreters. The salient parameters of this process are: (1) total information returned, (2) surface resolution, and (3) a priori knowledge regarding the planetary surface observed

    The Impact of Early Positive Results on a Mathematics and Science Partnership: The Experience of the Institute for Chemistry Literacy Through Computational Science

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    After one year of implementation, the Institute for Chemistry Literacy through Computational Science, an NSF Mathematics and Science Partnership Institute Project led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Department of Chemistry, College of Medicine, and National Center for Supercomputing Applications, experienced statistically significant gains in chemistry content knowledge among students of the rural high school teachers participating in its intensive, year-round professional development course, compared to a control group. The project utilizes a two-cohort, delayed-treatment, random control trial, quasi-experimental research design with the second cohort entering treatment one year following the first. The three-year treatment includes intensive two-week summer institutes, occasional school year workshops and year-round, on-line collaborative lesson development, resource sharing, and expert support. The means of student pre-test scores for Cohort I (η=963) and Cohort II (η=862) teachers were not significantly different. The mean gain (difference between pre-test and post-test scores) after seven months in the classroom for Cohort I was 9.8 percentage points, compared to 6.7 percentage points for Cohort II. This statistically significant difference (p\u3c.001) represented an effect size of .25 standard deviation units, and indicated unusually early confirmation of treatment effects. When post-tests were compared, Cohort I students scored significantly higher than Cohort II and supported the gain score differences. The impact of these results on treatment and research plans is discussed. concentrating on the effect of lessening rural teachers’ isolation and increasing access to tools to facilitate learning

    Multidecadal variability in hydro-climate of Okavango river system, southwest Africa, in the past and under future climate

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    The focus of this paper is to understand the multi-decadal oscillatory component of variability in the Okavango River system, in southwestern Africa, and its potential evolution through the 21st century under climate change scenarios. Statistical analyses and hydrological modelling are used to show that the observed multi-decadal wet and dry phases in the Okavango River and Delta result from multi-decadal oscillations in rainfall, which are likely to be related to processes of internal variability in the climate system, rather than external natural or anthropogenic forcing. Analyses of changes in this aspect of variability under projected climate change scenarios are based on data from a multi-model ensemble of 19 General Circulation Models, which are used to drive hydrological models of the Okavango River and Delta. Projections for the 21st century indicate a progressive shift towards drier conditions attributed to the influence of increasing temperatures on water balance. It is, however, highly likely that multi-decadal oscillations, possibly of similar magnitude to that of 20th century, will be superimposed on the overall trend. These may periodically offset or amplify the mean drying trend. This effect should be accounted for in water and catchment management and climate change adaptation strategies

    Dynamical Self-assembly during Colloidal Droplet Evaporation Studied by in situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering

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    The nucleation and growth kinetics of highly ordered nanocrystal superlattices during the evaporation of nanocrystal colloidal droplets was elucidated by in situ time resolved small-angle x-ray scattering. We demonstrated for the first time that evaporation kinetics can affect the dimensionality of the superlattices. The formation of two-dimensional nanocrystal superlattices at the liquid-air interface of the droplet has an exponential growth kinetics that originates from interface "crushing".Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Nuclear effects in photoproduction of heavy quarks and vector mesons in ultraperipheral PbPb and pPb collisions at the LHC

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    The comparison of photoproduction cross sections for ccˉc\bar{c} and b-b(bar) in PbPb and pPb collisions can give sensitivity to nuclear shadowing effects. The photoproduction of vector mesons is even more sensitive to the underlying gluon distributions. In this study we present the cross sections and rapidity dependence of the photoproduction of heavy quarks and exclusive production of vector mesons in ultraperipheral pPb and PbPb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider at sqrt(s_NN)=5 TeV and sqrt(s_NN)=2.76TeV,respectively.Thepotentialsofusingtheseprocessesforconstrainingnucleargluonshadowingareexplored.Itisfoundthatphotoproductionof TeV, respectively. The potentials of using these processes for constraining nuclear gluon shadowing are explored. It is found that photoproduction of J/\psiand and \Upsilon$ in PbPb collisions in particular exhibit very good sensitivity to gluon shadowing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Role of Schizosaccharomyces pombe RecQ homolog recombination and checkpoint genes in UV Damage tolerance

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    The cellular responses to DNA damage are complex and include direct DNA repair pathways that remove the damage and indirect damage responses which allow cells to survive DNA damage that has not been, or cannot be, removed. We have identified the gene mutated in the rad12.502 strain as a Schizosaccharomyces pombe recQ homolog. The same gene (designated rqh1) is also mutated in the hus2.22 mutant. We show that Rqh1 is involved in a DNA damage survival mechanism which prevents cell death when UV-induced DNA damage cannot be removed. This pathway also requires the correct functioning of the recombination machinery and the six checkpoint tad gene products plus the Cds1 kinase. Our data suggest that Rqh1 operates during S phase as part of a mechanism which prevents DNA damage causing cell lethality. This process may involve the bypass of DNA damage sites by the replication fork. Finally, in contrast with the reported literature, we do not find that rqh1 (rad12) mutant cells are defective in UV dimer endonuclease activity

    Patching task-level robot controllers based on a local µ-calculus formula

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    We present a method for mending strategies for GR(1) specifications. Given the addition or removal of edges from the game graph describing a problem (essentially transition rules in a GR(1) specification), we apply a µ-calculus formula to a neighborhood of states to obtain a “local strategy” that navigates around the invalidated parts of an original synthesized strategy. Our method may thus avoid global resynthesis while recovering correctness with respect to the new specification. We illustrate the results both in simulation and on physical hardware for a planar robot surveillance task

    Electronic transport in films of colloidal CdSe nanocrystals

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    We present results for electronic transport measurements on large three-dimensional arrays of CdSe nanocrystals. In response to a step in the applied voltage, we observe a power-law decay of the current over five orders of magnitude in time. Furthermore, we observe no steady-state dark current for fields up to 10^6 V/cm and times as long as 2x10^4 seconds. Although the power-law form of the decay is quite general, there are quantitative variations with temperature, applied field, sample history, and the material parameters of the array. Despite evidence that the charge injected into the film during the measurement causes the decay of current, we find field-scaling of the current at all times. The observation of extremely long-lived current transients suggests the importance of long-range Coulomb interactions between charges on different nanocrystals.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure