432 research outputs found

    Unusual High-Energy Phenomenology of Lorentz-Invariant Noncommutative Field Theories

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    It has been suggested that one may construct a Lorentz-invariant noncommutative field theory by extending the coordinate algebra to additional, fictitious coordinates that transform nontrivially under the Lorentz group. Integration over these coordinates in the action produces a four-dimensional effective theory with Lorentz invariance intact. Previous applications of this approach, in particular to a specific construction of noncommutative QED, have been studied only in a low-momentum approximation. Here we discuss Lorentz-invariant field theories in which the relevant physics can be studied without requiring an expansion in the inverse scale of noncommutativity. Qualitatively, we find that tree-level scattering cross sections are dramatically suppressed as the center-of-mass energy exceeds the scale of noncommutativity, that cross sections that are isotropic in the commutative limit can develop a pronounced angular dependence, and that nonrelativistic potentials (for example, the Coloumb potential) become nonsingular at the origin. We consider a number of processes in noncommutative QED that may be studied at a future linear collider. We also give an example of scattering via a four-fermion operator in which the noncommutative modifications of the interaction can unitarize the tree-level amplitude, without requiring any other new physics in the ultraviolet.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX, 4 eps figures (v2: reference added, v3: minor clarifications

    Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Dan Derajat Keasaman (PH) Air Pencucian Pada Aktivasi Zeolit Pelet Terhadap Prestasi Mesin Diesel 4-Langkah

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    One of efforts to save fuel consumption can be done by using thermal-acid activated zeolite as adsorbent for water vapor and nitrogen. Herry Wardono has proved that the value of concentration of 0.3 N and 0.5 N in the chemical activation can save specific fuel consumption. The best result occurred in the use of thermal-chemical activated zeolite. In this research, thermal activation temperatures used were 150 0C and 200 0C respectively for 1 hour. Variations of washing water pH were also performed on the 4.5, 5.5 and 7. The results showed this thermal activation of 200 0C on activator HSO24 0.3 N and HCl 0.3 N can save fuel by 5.350% and 7.811% respectively. Then the pH value of 7 gave the best fuel consumption savings those were of 5.964 % and 7.175% for use of HSO 0.5N24 and HCl 0.5N. This result occured at low speed (1500 rpm)

    Fertigation Scheduling in Hydroponics System for Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms

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    A computer program for fertigation scheduling in a hydroponics system has been developed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithms (GA). The ANN model was used to establish the relationship between the environmental factors and outflow volume of fertigation in a hydroponics system for cucumber. The result showed that the predicted outflow volume agreed well with those of the measured values. The correlation coefficients (R2) between the predicted and measured values were 0.9673, 0.9432, and 0.8248 for vegetative, flowering and maturation stages, respectively. Optimum schedules for vegetative, flowering, and maturation stages were in a good coincidence at R2 of 0.8808 with the amount of fertigation required by the plants as calculated using the empirical method

    Pengaruh Audit Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada PT. Gramedia Asri Media Bandar Lampung)

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    PT. Gramedia Asri Media Bandar Lampung is a general bookstore that is engaged in the retail and distribution of books, school and office tools as well as multimedia products. The company as a business person should be able to deal with the changes and developments that exist both in the field of technology and social. Based on the description in the background, this research aims to determine the influence of Human Resource Management Audit against the Employee Performance at Gramedia Asri Media Bandar Lampung. The variables that examined in this research are Human Resource Management Audit (X) as Independent Variables and Performance (Y) as the Dependent Variable. The population of this research is the parts that related to the audit of human resource management and employee performance. Sampling in this research is based on saturation sampling technique. In this research the number of the samples which are used is 43 respondents.The data which is used in this research is primary data obtained from the questionnaires and interviews. To analyze the influence of Human Resource Management Audit (X) Toward Performance (Y), writer uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative methods, correlation coefficient, simple linear regression analysis, analysis of the coefficient of determination, and a t test. Based on statistical analysis obtained the following results: t test results are showed that the Human Resource Audit impact employee performance. This is indicated by tcount 5.743 while ttable of 1.68, based on the calculation that tcount> ttable then Ho is rejected or in the other words Ha is accepted. Based on these findings it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states "Human Resource Management Audit influence on Employee Performance" is acceptable

    Aplikasi Berbasis Web Monitoring Peringkat Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Berdasarkan Parameter Webometrics dan 4icu

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    Kemunculan suatu universitas di internet melalui suatu website saat ini merupakan suatu kewajiban. Dalam dunia internet sekarang ini, masyarakat dapat mengenal suatu universitas melalui suatu situs. Sejalan dengan tumbuh berkembangnya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang sangat cepat, maka eksposisi suatu institusi melalui media digital akan secara cepat tersebar ke masyarakat, baik di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Oleh sebab itu semua universitas saat ini berusaha menampilkan prestasi dan kemampuan dirinya melalui suatu website. Saat ini terdapat berbagai versi pemeringkatan yang berkaitan dengan website. Dua diantaranya yaitu webometrics dan 4ICU. Dan aspek yang akan diterapkan ada 4 yaitu Size (20%), Visibility (40%), Rich Files (10%), Scholar (10%), Pagerank (10%), dan Alexa (10%). Size (bobot 20%) adalah jumlah halaman website yang tertangkap oleh dua search engines (Google dan Live Search/Bing). Visibility (bobot 40%) merupakan jumlah eksternal link yang unik (backlink) yang diterima oleh domain web universitas (inlinks) yang tertangkap oleh Google.Visibility ini menyiratkan besarnya impact factor terhadap sebuah website/repositori. Rich Files (bobot 10%) merupakan jumlah file dokumen (Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Adobe PostScript (.ps), Microsoft Word (.doc) and Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt), dan tidak termasuk xls or latex or tex) yang online di bawah domain website universitas yang tertangkap oleh Google. Scholar (bobot 10%) merupakan jumlah paper dan jumlah sitasi yang tertangkap di Google Scholar (http://scholar.google.com) untuk setiap domain website universitas. Pagerank (bobot 10%) adalah peringkat setiap website yang diberikan oleh Google. Alexa (bobot 10%) adalah peringkat banyaknya pengunjung yang diukur oleh Alexa.com. Metodologi yang akan digunakan ialah Waterfall, panel admin akan diberikan untuk memasukkan nama dan alamat domain/url perguruan tinggi dan juga terdapat menu untuk mengupdate data website perguruan tinggi. Terdapat menu update peringkat secara otomatis dan manual oleh admin. Pengunjung hanya dapat melihat peringkat perguruan tinggi. Pada tahap implementasi, sistem ini akan dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP 5.3.3 dan javascript, RedBean sebagai Framework. Database menggunakan SQLite sebagai management databasenya. Sedangkan untuk server menggunakan Apache2 dan untuk texteditor menggunakan Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 dan Notepad.. Nantinya akan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang berguna untuk memonitoring perguruan tinggi di Indonesia berdasarkan parameter webometrics dan 4ICU, yang menggunakan sistem ORM dan framework RedBeanPHP serta menggunakan SQLite sebagai server databasenya

    Analisis Ekonomi Rawai Dasar Dengan J Hook Dan Circle Hook Di Ppi Ujungbatu Jepara Jawa Tengah

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    Ikan demersal merupakan target dari alat tangkap rawai dasar. Rawai dasar banyak digunakan nelayan di Kabupaten Jepara, khususnya nelayan di Pelabuhan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) Ujungbatu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat tangkap rawai dasar dengan mata pancing J dan mata pancing circle. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan dari rawai dengan mata pancing J dan mata pancing circle, total biaya dan keuntungandari alat tangkap rawai dasar dengan mata pancing J dan mata pancing circle di PPI Ujungbatu, Jepara. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 11 Oktober sampai dengan 29 November 2014 di Desa Ujungbatu. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode experimental. Analisis data meliputi homogenitas, normalitas dan uji t. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan jenis mata pancing yang berbeda bisa memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap pendapatan dan keuntungan. Circle hook lebih menguntungkan dibanding J hook. Analisis ekonomi rawai dasar dengan J hook dan circle hook membutuhkan modal Rp. 15.000.000,- untuk J hook dan circle hook, sedangkan untuk pendapatan diperoleh rata-rata Rp 219.871,- untuk J hook dan Rp. 276.675,- untuk circle hook, rata-rata keuntungannya Rp. 158.371,- untuk J hook dan Rp 215.175,- untuk circle hook. The demersal fishes as the fish target of bottom longline. It is mostly used by the fisherman in Jepara regency, especially in Fish Leanding Center (PPI) Ujungbatu.This research was conducted by using bottom longline with j hook and circle hook. The objective of this research to analyze the different income between bottom longline of J hook and circle hook, to calculate cost and profit fishing gear of bottom longline with J hook and circle hook in PPI Ujungbatu, Jepara. This research conducted on 11 October to 29 November 2014 in Ujungbatu village. Experimental method was used in this research. Data analyzed by homogeneity, normality and t test. The research result showed that the use of different types of hook did significantly effect the income and profit. This research show that circle hook more profit than J hook. The economic analysis with J hook and circle hook requires a capital of Rp 15 million for the J hook and for the circle hook , the average earned income of Rp 219 871 , - for J hook and Rp 276.675 , - for circle hook , the average profit is Rp 158.371 , - for J hook and Rp 215.175 , - for the circle hook