219,881 research outputs found

    Influence of Induced Interactions on the Superfluid Transition in Dilute Fermi Gases

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    We calculate the effects of induced interactions on the transition temperature to the BCS state in dilute Fermi gases. For a pure Fermi system with 2 species having equal densities, the transition temperature is suppressed by a factor (4e)1/32.2(4e)^{1/3}\approx 2.2, and for ν\nu fermion species, the transition temperature is increased by a factor (4e)ν/312.2ν3(4e)^{\nu /3-1} \approx 2.2^{\nu-3}. For mixtures of fermions and bosons the exchange of boson density fluctuations gives rise to an effective interaction, and we estimate the increase of the transition temperature due to this effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Viscous relaxation and collective oscillations in a trapped Fermi gas near the unitarity limit

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    The viscous relaxation time of a trapped two-component gas of fermions in its normal phase is calculated as a function of temperature and scattering length, with the collision probability being determined by an energy-dependent s-wave cross section. The result is used for calculating the temperature dependence of the frequency and damping of collective modes studied in recent experiments, starting from the kinetic equation for the fermion distribution function with mean-field effects included in the streaming terms.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures; proof version, corrected typo in Eq. (23); accepted for publication in PR

    Viscosity and Thermal Relaxation for a resonantly interacting Fermi gas

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    The viscous and thermal relaxation rates of an interacting fermion gas are calculated as functions of temperature and scattering length, using a many-body scattering matrix which incorporates medium effects due to Fermi blocking of intermediate states. These effects are demonstrated to be large close to the transition temperature TcT_c to the superfluid state. For a homogeneous gas in the unitarity limit, the relaxation rates are increased by nearly an order of magnitude compared to their value obtained in the absence of medium effects due to the Cooper instability at TcT_c. For trapped gases the corresponding ratio is found to be about three due to the averaging over the inhomogeneous density distribution. The effect of superfluidity below TcT_c is considered to leading order in the ratio between the energy gap and the transition temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    The structure of correlation tensors in homogeneous anisotropic turbulence

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    The study of turbulence with spatially homogeneous but anisotropic statistical properties has applications in space physics and laboratory plasma physics. The first step in the systematic study of such fluctuations is the elucidation of the kinematic properties of the relevant statistical objects, which are the correlation tensors. The theory of isotropic tensors, developed by Robertson, Chandrasekhar and others, is reviewed and extended to cover the general case of turbulence with a pseudo-vector preferred direction, without assuming mirror reflection invariance. Attention is focused on two point correlation functions and it is shown that the form of the decomposition into proper and pseudo-tensor contributions is restricted by the homogeneity requirement. It is also shown that the vector and pseudo-vector preferred direction cases yield different results. An explicit form of the two point correlation tensor is presented which is appropriate for analyzing interplanetary magnetic fluctuations. A procedure for determining the magnetic helicity from experimental data is presented

    Experimental evaluation of outer case blowing or bleeding of single stage axial flow compressor. Part 3 - Performance of blowing insert configuration no. 1

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    Experimental evaluation of outer case blowing or bleeding of single stage axial flow compressor, and performance tests using distorted or undistorted inlet flo

    Kinetic Theory of Collective Modes in Atomic Clouds above the Bose-Einstein Transition Temperature

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    We calculate frequencies and damping rates of the lowest collective modes of a dilute Bose gas confined in an anisotropic trapping potential above the Bose-Einstein transition temperature. From the Boltzmann equation with a simplified collision integral we derive a general dispersion relation that interpolates between the collisionless and hydrodynamic regimes. In the case of axially symmetric traps we obtain explicit expressions for the frequencies and damping rates of the lowest modes in terms of a phenomenological collision time. Our results are compared with microscopic calculations and experiments.Comment: Nordita preprint NORDITA-1999/46 C

    Responses of a bacterial pathogen to phosphorus limitation of its aquatic invertebrate host

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    Host nutrition is thought to affect the establishment, persistence, and severity of pathogenic infections. Nutrient-deficient foods possibly benefit pathogens by constraining host immune function or benefit hosts by limiting parasite growth and reproduction. However, the effects of poor elemental food quality on a host's susceptibility to infection and disease have received little study. Here we show that the bacterial microparasite Pasteuria ramosa is affected by the elemental nutrition of its aquatic invertebrate host, Daphnia magna. We found that high food carbon : phosphorus (C: P) ratios significantly reduced infection rates of Pasteuria in Daphnia and led to lower within-host pathogen multiplication. In addition, greater virulent effects of bacterial infection on host reproduction were found in Daphnia-consuming P-deficient food. Poor Daphnia elemental nutrition thus reduced the growth and reproduction of its bacterial parasite, Pasteuria. The effects of poor host nutrition on the pathogen were further evidenced by Pasteuria's greater inhibition of reproduction in P-limited Daphnia. Our results provide strong evidence that elemental food quality can significantly influence the incidence and intensity of infectious disease in invertebrate hosts