967 research outputs found

    Data Processing Uses in a Small Fund-Raising Agency

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    Structural and electrical characterization of hybrid metal-polypyrrole nanowires

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    We present here the synthesis and structural characterization of hybrid Au-polypyrrole-Au and Pt- polypyrrole-Au nanowires together with a study of their electrical properties from room-temperature down to very low temperature. A careful characterization of the metal-polymer interfaces by trans- mission electron microscopy revealed that the structure and mechanical strength of bottom and upper interfaces are very different. Variable temperature electrical transport measurements were performed on both multiple nanowires - contained within the polycarbonate template - and single nanowires. Our data show that the three-dimensional Mott variable-range-hopping model provides a complete framework for the understanding of transport in PPy nanowires, including non-linear current-voltage characteristics and magnetotransport at low temperatures.Comment: Phys. Rev. B Vol. 76 Issue 11 (2007

    An Integrated Architectural Element Approach to Three-Dimensional Geologic Mapping of the Huntertown Aquifer System In Northeastern Indiana

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    This poster was presented at the 2008 Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies with the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM, October 5-9, Houston, TX.A three-dimensional geologic model of the Huntertown glacial aquifer system is being developed. Permeable hydrostratigraphic units within the Huntertown Formation (Quaternary) comprise the principal ground-water resource for an expanding population in northern Allen County, Indiana. The Huntertown aquifer system lies predominantly between the less permeable Lagro and Trafalgar Formations. The Huntertown Formation and corresponding aquifer system are located in an interlobate setting characterized by complex glacial stratigraphy, consisting of coarse-grained proglacial sediments and loamy till intercalated with glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine facies. To construct the model, a database of more than 2,500 lithologic logs from public and private water supply wells and more than 200 down-hole natural gamma-ray logs was compiled for the study area (~500 km2). The lithologic logs were plotted to construct 110 hand-drawn cross sections (total length of about 900 km) that were used to map the bounding surfaces of the three formations (high-order architectural elements) as well as to constrain the scale and geometry of intratill sand and gravel aquifer units. The base of the Lagro Formation was determined from well logs by a shift from massive clays to loam-textured sediments or by the presence of laterally and vertically extensive underlying sand and gravel units. A prominent shift toward higher counts in natural gamma-ray profiles was also used to determine the base of the Lagro. The top of the Trafalgar Formation was defined by a ubiquitously present overlying outwash package depicted in gamma-ray logs or by lithologic descriptions reflecting the Trafalgar's overconsolidated nature. Previously mapped areal extents of hydrogeologic facies are currently being used in conjunction with both lithologic and natural gamma-ray cross sections, rendered at various orientations across the study area, to determine the geometry of individual morphosequences or lower-order architectural elements (e.g., ice marginal fans and outwash channels)

    Les protéines de choc thermique (heat shock proteins). I : Classification, structure, fonctions et implications dans les processus pathologiques

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    All living systems have evolved mechanisms to maintain homeostasis in the face of rapid environmental changes. When exposed to elevated temperatures, most of the cells activate the synthesis of a specific group of proteins called Heat Shock Proteins (Hsps). This heat shock response, under control of specific transcription factors, the Heat Shock factors (HSF), is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism, from bacteria to humans. Heat Shock Proteins are classified into families according to their molecular weight (Hsp 25, 40, 70, 90, 105). They play the role of molecular chaperones by binding and protecting other molecules (proteins, RNAs). The function of Hsp is to prevent accumulation of non-native proteins either by assisting proper folding of polypeptides or by driving them to proteosome pathway for degradation. Hsps are involved in various pathological processes that are accompanied by protein alterations such as chronic or degenerative diseases. This review describes structural and functional characteristics of the six main Hsps classes. It also focuses on their respective role in highly studied pathologies. The diversity of Hsps implications in these diseases explains that they became recently a strategic target in development of new therapeutic strategies.Tout organisme est doté de mécanismes lui permettant de résister à de brusques changements de son environnement. Exposées à une température anormalement élevée, la plupart des cellules activent l’expression d’une classe particulière de protéines appelées les protéines de choc thermique (Heat Shock Proteins, Hsps). Cette réponse cellulaire au choc thermique placée sous le contrôle de facteurs de trans-cription spécifiques, les facteurs de choc thermique (Heat shock factor, HSF) est un mécanisme conservé au travers de l’évolution depuis les bactéries jusqu’à l’homme. Les protéines de choc thermique qui sont divisées en familles désignées par leur masse moléculaire (Hsp25, 40, 70, 90, 105) font partie des molé-cules chaperons qui s’associent à d’autres molécules (protéines, ARNs) et en protègent la destinée. Le rôle des Hsp est d’empêcher l’accumulation de protéines anormales en aidant à conformer correctement les polypeptides ou en les dirigeant vers le protéosome qui les détruit. En tant que chaperons, les Hsp sont impliquées dans de nombreux processus pathologiques qui s’accompagnent d’altérations des protéines comme les maladies chroniques et dégénératives. Cette revue décrit les spécificités structurelles et fonc-tionnelles des six familles principales d'Hsp ainsi que leur intervention à différents niveaux dans les patho-logies les mieux étudiées. La multiplicité de l'implication des Hsp dans ces phénomènes pathologiques les désigne comme cibles privilégiées dans le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques

    Thermopower of Interacting GaAs Bilayer Hole Systems in the Reentrant Insulating Phase near ν=1\nu=1

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    We report thermopower measurements of interacting GaAs bilayer hole systems. When the carrier densities in the two layers are equal, these systems exhibit a reentrant insulating phase near the quantum Hall state at total filling factor ν=1\nu=1. Our data show that as the temperature is decreased, the thermopower diverges in the insulating phase. This behavior indicates the opening of an energy gap at low temperature, consistent with the formation of a pinned Wigner solid. We extract an energy gap and a Wigner solid melting phase diagram.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Long dephasing time and high temperature ballistic transport in an InGaAs open quantum dot

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    We report on measurements of the magnetoconductance of an open circular InGaAs quantum dot between 1.3K and 204K. We observe two types of magnetoconductance fluctuations: universal conductance fluctuations (UCFs), and 'focusing' fluctuations related to ballistic trajectories between openings. The electron phase coherence time extracted from UCFs amplitude is larger than in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots and follows a similar temperature dependence (between T^-1 and T^-2). Below 150K, the characteristic length associated with 'focusing' fluctuations shows a slightly different temperature dependence from that of the conductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of ICSNN2002, to appear in Physica

    Regulation of ciliary adenylate cyclase by Ca2+ in Paramecium

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    Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol exposure during rat pregnancy leads to symmetrical fetal growth restriction and labyrinth-specific vascular defects in the placenta.

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    1 in 5 women report cannabis use during pregnancy, with nausea cited as their primary motivation. Studies show that (-)-△9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), the major psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, causes fetal growth restriction, though the mechanisms are not well understood. Given the critical role of the placenta to transfer oxygen and nutrients from mother, to the fetus, any compromise in the development of fetal-placental circulation significantly affects maternal-fetal exchange and thereby, fetal growth. The goal of this study was to examine, in rats, the impact of maternal Δ9-THC exposure on fetal development, neonatal outcomes, and placental development. Dams received a daily intraperitoneal injection (i.p.) of vehicle control or Δ9-THC (3 mg/kg) from embryonic (E)6.5 through 22. Dams were allowed to deliver normally to measure pregnancy and neonatal outcomes, with a subset sacrificed at E19.5 for placenta assessment via immunohistochemistry and qPCR. Gestational Δ9-THC exposure resulted in pups born with symmetrical fetal growth restriction, with catch up growth by post-natal day (PND)21. During pregnancy there were no changes to maternal food intake, maternal weight gain, litter size, or gestational length. E19.5 placentas from Δ9-THC-exposed pregnancies exhibited a phenotype characterized by increased labyrinth area, reduced Epcam expression (marker of labyrinth trophoblast progenitors), altered maternal blood space, decreased fetal capillary area and an increased recruitment of pericytes with greater collagen deposition, when compared to vehicle controls. Further, at E19.5 labyrinth trophoblast had reduced glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) expression in response to Δ9-THC exposure. In conclusion, maternal exposure to Δ9-THC effectively compromised fetal growth, which may be a result of the adversely affected labyrinth zone development. These findings implicate GLUT1 as a Δ9-THC target and provide a potential mechanism for the fetal growth restriction observed in women who use cannabis during pregnancy
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