797 research outputs found

    Influence of group housing, lactation system and floor type on performance and injuries in rabbit does

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    To evaluate the effect of group housing, lactation system, and floor type, 40 crossbred multiparous pregnant rabbit does were transferred to individual pens (0.5 m x 1.0 m); 8 does were kept individually during all the trial (I; n=8); the other 32 does were kept in 8 collective pens (2.0 m x 1.0 m, by joining 4 individual pens) in stable groups of 4 individuals (G; n=8) from 8 d until 2 d before kindling and from 2 d until 33 d after kindling. Half pens had wire net floor covered with plastic mats (W; n=8) and the other half plastic slatted floor (P; n=8). Within G does, in half pens (n=4) each doe nursed its own litter (fixed lactation, F); in the remaining half, each doe randomly nursed the litters of the group (random lactation, R). Doe performance at kindling and during lactation, litter performance from standardization until weaning (33 d), and skin injuries on G does (5, 12, 19, 26 and 34 d after kindling) were controlled. The effect of the housing system on performance was tested by PROC GLM of SAS. Within G does, the effect of the lactation system and floor type was evaluated by PROC MIXED (pen as random effect); the injury frequency was analysed by PROC FREQ according to observation day, lactation system, and floor type. Housing system did not affect doe kindling or lactation performance; litter weight at standardization was higher for G than I does (680 vs 619 g, P<0.05), but differences disappeared at weaning. The lactation system showed some residual effects when controlled lactation finished, nests were opened, and kits free of moving. In fact, from 19 to 33 d after kindling, does and litters had higher feed intake (679 g/d vs 602 g/d; P<0.05) and, at 33 d, kits were heavier (775 vs 748 g, P<0.05) in R than in F pens. Floor type (W vs P pens) affected milk production (244 vs 225 g/d; P=0.06), and kit weight at the end of controlled lactation (301 vs 290 g; P<0.05), without residual effects at weaning. The injury frequency changed after the group formation: 34% at 5 d, 47% at 12 d, 13% at 19 and 26 d, and 10% at 34 d of lactation (P<0.05). In conclusion, under our conditions, group housing did not negatively affect doe performance; lactation system and floor type had minor effects; aggressiveness among does was evident after group formation during early lactation but decreased in the late lactation. Further recordings on more reproductive cycles would be necessary to confirm the present results

    Sensitivity and spatial resolution of square loop SQUID magnetometers

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    We calculate the flux threading the pick-up coil of a square SQUID magnetometer in the presence of a current dipole source. The result reproduces that of a circle coil magnetometer calculated by Wikswo with only small differences. However it has a simpler form so that it is possible to derive from it closed form expressions for the current dipole sensitivity and the spatial resolution. The results are useful to assess the overall performance of the device and to compare different designs

    A New Approach to Background Subtraction in Low-Energy Neutrino Experiments

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    We discuss a new method to extract neutrino signals in low energy experiments. In this scheme the symmetric nature of most backgrounds allows for direct cancellation from data. The application of this technique to the Palo Verde reactor neutrino oscillation experiment allowed us to reduce the measurement errors on the anti-neutrino flux from ∼20\sim 20% to ∼10\sim 10%. We expect this method to substantially improve the data quality in future low background experiments such as KamLAND and LENS.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    A General Analysis of Corrections to the Standard See-saw Formula in Grand Unified Models

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    In realistic grand unified models there are typically extra vectorlike matter multiplets at the GUT scale that are needed to explain the family hierarchy. These contain neutrinos that, when integrated out, can modify the usual neutrino see-saw formula. A general analysis is given. It is noted that such modifications can explain why the neutrinos do not exhibit a strong family hierarchy like the other types of fermions.Comment: 30 page

    Effect of breast myopathies on quality and microbial shelf life of broiler meat

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    To evaluate the impact of emerging myopathies on meat quality and microbial shelf life, 48 normal, 48 white striped (WS), and 48 wooden breasts (WB) were stored for 11 d at 4°C aerobically and analyzed at 24, 72, 120, 168, 216, and 264 h post-mortem. Normal breasts showed lower (P < 0.001) redness index (−0.88 vs. −0.41 and −0.43) and cooking losses (22.0 vs. 23.8 vs. 26.9%) than those of WS and WB meat. Normal and WS breasts exhibited higher protein content than that in WB meat (23.9 and 23.2 vs. 21.4%; P < 0.001). Normal meat also had a lower ether extract content than that in WB meat (1.09 vs. 1.88%; P < 0.001), with intermediate values for WS meat. Normal breasts exhibited higher saturated fatty acid (FA) rate (31.3 vs. 28.0% of total FA on average) and lower unsaturated FA rate (68.7 vs. 72.0%) than those in WS and WB meat (P < 0.001). Differences were mainly due to polyunsaturated FA (30.5% in normal vs. 35.3 and 35.4% in WS and WB meat; P < 0.001). Normal breasts had higher initial total viable count (TVC) and a shorter TVC lag phase than those of WS and WB meat (46.3 vs. 85.2 and 77.8 h). The microbial shelf life threshold (7 log10 CFU TVC/g) was achieved first in normal (130 h) and then in WS (149 h) and WB (192 h) meat. TVC and Pseudomonas spp. counts were significantly higher in normal than those in the affected breasts between 72 and 216 h of storage. Enterobacteriaceae spp. and lactic acid bacteria counts were significantly higher in normal meat, lower in WB meat, and intermediate in WS meat until 216 h. All differences in microbial targets across meat types disappeared by 264 h of storage. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the factors and the mechanisms that may modulate microbial growth and composition during storage in broiler breast meat affected by myopathies

    Effect of feed restriction timing on live performance, breast myopathy occurrence, and muscle fiber degeneration in 2 broiler chicken genetic lines

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    During recent years, research on meat quality in poultry has aimed to evaluate the presence and consequences of breast myopathies as well as the factors which can affect their occurrence by modifying the growth rate. A total of 900 broiler chickens were reared until slaughter (48 D) to evaluate the effect of 2 genetic lines (A vs. B) and feeding plans (ad libitum [AL], early restricted [ER], from 13 to 23 D of age, and late restricted [LR], from 27 to 37 D of age; restriction rate: 80%) on performance, meat quality, and breast muscle myopathies. Calsequestrin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expressions, and muscle fiber degeneration (MFD) were recorded at 22, 36, and 48 D. Chickens in the AL treatment had greater final live (P < 0.01) and carcass weights and proportion of pectoralis major muscle (P = 0.04) compared to chickens in the LR treatment, whereas chickens in the ER treatment had intermediate final live (3,454 g) and carcass weights, and proportion of pectoralis major muscle (25.6%). Chickens of line A were heavier than chickens of line B (P < 0.001), and had a greater feed conversion rate. Chickens of line A also had a greater dressing out percentage (P < 0.001), but a lower proportion of pectoralis major muscle (P = 0.04), as well as a greater meat pH (P < 0.001), meat cooking losses (P < 0.01), and shear force of the pectoralis major muscle (P = 0.03). Calsequestrin and VEGF mRNA were significantly lower in ER and LR chickens compared to AL chickens after feed restriction and during refeeding (P < 0.05). MFD scores increased with chicken age (P < 0.001) and differed between genetic lines (P < 0.001). Neither feeding plan nor genetic line affected the occurrence of white striping or wooden breast condition
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