246 research outputs found

    Lithium carbonate and coenzyme Q10 reduce cell death in a cell model of Machado-Joseph disease

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    Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by expansion of the polyglutamine domain of the ataxin-3 (ATX3) protein. MJD/SCA3 is the most frequent autosomal dominant ataxi4912FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2007/57559-9; 2013/07559-3sem informaçã

    Synthesis and crystal structure of C2/c Ca(Co, Mg)Si2O6 pyroxenes : effect of the cationic substitution on the cell volume

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    A series of clinopyroxenes along the CaMgSi2O6-CaCoSi2O6 join was synthesized by quenching from melt at 1500\ub0C and subsequent annealing at 1250\ub0C (at 0.0001 GPa). This protocol proved to be the most effective to obtain homogenous, impurity free and stoichiometric pyroxenes as run products. Electron microprobe analyses in energy-dispersive mode were conducted and single-crystal X-ray diffraction data were collected on the Ca(CoxMg1-x)Si2O6 pyroxenes, with x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6; anisotropic structure refinements were performed. The effects of the cation substitution at the M1 site are described at the atomic level. The experimental findings of this study allowed us to extend the comparative analysis of the structural features of pyroxenes with divalent cations at the M1 and M2 sites

    Scientific Opinion on a technical file submitted by the US Authorities to support a request to list a new opinion among the EU import requirements for wood of Agrilus planipennis host plants.

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    This document presents the scientific opinion of the Panel on Plant Health on the technical file submitted by the US Authorities to support a request to list a new option among the EU import requirements for wood of Agrilus planipennis host plants. The option under consideration is a heat treatment at 60 °C for 60 min to liminate possible infestations of the wood by the emerald ash borer (EAB). The experiments leading the US Authorities to propose this option are presented in a scientific peer reviewed publication, Myers et al. (2009). The analysis of the aggregated data published by Myers et al. (2009) and based on a Probit regression model showed that the proposed treatment cannot guarantee a control level of 99 % or higher. The analysis of the individual data either from the original measurements or from a corrected dataset, using a Probit regression model, showed that it is likely to observe one live EAB out of an infestation of 100 after the proposed heat treatment of 60 °C /60 min. To ensure a control level of 99 % the temperature of the heat treatment of 60 min should be higher than 70 °C. Results obtained with a Poisson log linear model based on individual data showed that the estimated probability that one insect or more per m2 survive the proposed heat treatment was higher than 0.6 and that there is a 0.1 probability that three insects or more per m2 survive the proposed heat treatment. Based on these results, the Panel concludes that A. planipennis is likely to survive the proposed heat treatment of 60 °C/60 min with a low uncertainty, and that the alternative option proposed in the technical file submitted by the US Authorities for wood does not guarantee the wood to be free of A. planipennis

    Experimental investigation on the mechanical behavior of an innovative parabolic trough collector

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    In the present work an experimental program aimed at assessing the mechanical behavior of an innovative parabolic solar trough is presented. More specifically, a lightweight and low-cost collector making large use of adhesive joints, which can be easily assembled on-site, still performing at a high efficiency, was designed. Static and fatigue tests were performed on a full-scale prototype of the collector in the pre-production stage. The tests included differential torsion, concentrated and distributed bending, and distributed load (wind effect). During the tests, a network of strain gauges was placed in the most critical locations to measure the strain field, while laser sensors and cable transducers were placed in strategic positions to measure the displacements. The results demonstrate the strengths of the innovative parabolic trough collector and support the assessment of its structural integrity

    Statement on the dossier for a derogation request for the US authorities concerning cold-treated strawberry plants intended for planting.

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Plant Health examined the report “Evaluation of Strawberry Nursery Plant Cold Treatments on Survival of the Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci”, submitted to the European Commission by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The report serves as technical justification for a derogation from requirements listed in Annex IV, Part A, Section 1, point 46 of the Council Directive 2000/29/EC. The Panel concluded that due to shortcomings in the report itself and in the experimental design of the study, this report does not demonstrate the effectiveness of the cold treatment proposed for the elimination of B. tabaci from strawberry plant consignments prepared for shipment to the EU. In addition, the Panel conducted a preliminary review of the available literature on viruses of strawberry and concluded that no B. tabaci‐transmitted viruses are currently known to infect strawberry and that no viruses of Fragaria listed in European Council Directive 2000/29/EC are known to be transmitted by B. tabaci. However, adult whiteflies of B. tabaci on strawberry consignments can carry plant viruses irrespective of whether strawberry is a host plant for these viruses and thus represent a pathway for the introduction of non‐European viruses. There is also some uncertainty concerning the extent to which known or unknown B. tabaci‐transmitted viruses could infect strawberry. Irrespective of the presence of B. tabaci, strawberry transplants from the US may represent a pathway for the introduction of any non‐European virus (and other potentially harmful organisms) of Fragaria

    Scientific Opinion on the assessment of the risk of solanaceous pospiviroids for the EU territory and the identification and evaluation of risk management options.

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    Following a request from the EU Commission, the EFSA PLH Panel conducted a risk assessment for the EU territory of pospiviroids affecting solanaceous crops, identified and evaluated risk reduction options and evaluated the EU provisional emergency measures targeting Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). The risk assessment included PSTVd, Citrus exocortis viroid, Columnea latent viroid, Mexican papita viroid, Tomato apical stunt viroid, Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid, Tomato planta macho viroid, Chrysanthemum stunt viroid and Pepper chat fruit viroid. Four entry pathways were identified, three involving plant propagation material, with moderate probability of entry, and one involving plant products for human consumption, with low probability of entry. The probability of establishment was considered very high. Spread was considered likely within a crop and moderately likely between crop species, with exception of spread to potato, rated as unlikely. The probability of long distance spread within vegetatively propagated crops was estimated as likely/very likely. The direct consequences were expected to be major in potato and tomato, moderate in pepper, minimal/minor in other vegetables and minimal in ornamentals. Main risk assessment uncertainties derive from limited knowledge on pospiviroids other than PSTVd, although all pospiviroids are expected to have similar biological properties. Management options to reduce risk of entry, spread and consequences were identified and evaluated. No management options can prevent establishment. Examples of successful PSTVd eradication are linked to timely and strict implementation of measures. Uncertainty exists on the effectiveness of risk reduction strategies targeting only one pathway. The EU provisional emergency measures appeared to have significantly reduced PSTVd incidence in Solanum jasminoides and Brugmansia sp., even though eradication from the EU is so far incomplete. The low PSTVd incidence in food crops did not permit to conclude whether the reduction in PSTVd prevalence in ornamentals led to a reduction in outbreaks in food crops

    Statement on a study proposal prepared by the UC to support a future derogation request from the EU import requirements for wood packaging material originating in the US and used to pack and transport military ammunition. Scientific Opinion.

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Plant Health was asked to deliver a statement on a study proposal prepared by the US to support a future derogation request from the Community import requirements for wood packaging material (WPM) originating in the US and used to pack and transport military ammunition. The Panel reviewed the submitted study proposal and based its conclusions on the shortcomings identified in the study proposal. It was concluded that, due to these shortcomings, the evaluation of the methodological approach described in this study proposal with regard to: 1.the determination of the likelihood that live pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) and other harmful organisms relevant for the Community are present in the WPM used by the US Department of Defense to pack and transport military ammunition (Pest survey component), 2. the assessment of the likelihood that harmful organisms may be introduced into the Community through the WPM pathway (Pathway Risk Analysis component) cannot be conducted

    Scientific Opinion on the effect on public or animal health or on the environment on the presence of seeds of Ambrosia spp. in animal feed

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    The European Commission requested EFSA to provide a scientific opinion on the effect on public or animal health or on the environment on the further distribution of Ambrosia spp. in the European Union and on the importance of feed materials, in particular bird feed, in the dispersion of Ambrosia spp. The genus Ambrosia (Asteraceae family) is distributed worldwide. Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed) has heavily colonised several areas of South-East Europe. Ambrosia spp., both in their native range and in invaded areas, are of public health concern due to the allergenic properties of their pollen. The NDA Panel concluded that inhalation of the plant pollen causes rhino-conjunctivitis and asthma, with skin allergies and food allergy playing minor roles. Ambrosia may cross-sensitize patients to other allergens, including food allergens. There is some evidence for allergenicity of Ambrosia pollen in animals. With regard to the effects on the environment of the further distribution of Ambrosia spp. in the European Union, the PLH Panel concluded that there is no direct evidence that Ambrosia spp. cause extinction of plant species. However, there are some indications that A. artemisiifolia could become highly invasive in certain environmentally-valuable habitats and might be linked to an impoverishment of species richness, therefore further ecological studies are needed. The CONTAM Panel focused on the relative importance of animal feed, bird feed in particular, on the dispersion of Ambrosia. Ambrosia seeds may contaminate feed. However, animal feed materials compounded for use in livestock are extensively processed. This processing destroys Ambrosia seeds and hence the contribution of compounded feed to the dispersion of Ambrosia is considered to be negligible. Bird feed often contains significant quantities of Ambrosia seeds and remains unprocessed. Therefore, bird feed seems to play an important role in introducing Ambrosia to new, previously not infested areas

    Gratitude among advanced cancer patients and their caregivers: The role of early palliative care

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    Objective: A cancer diagnosis represents a unique trauma, given its life-threatening, multidimensional, and uncertain nature. Gratitude is a construct representing the emotional state that arises when individuals recognize that a benefit has been received as a result of someone else’s action or a spiritual entity’s intervention. Based on the positive psychological wellbeing, gratitude has been associated with improved health outcomes even in the disease setting. Thus, the models of care that foster gratitude should be adopted in the clinical context. This study aims to explore whether and how gratitude may originate in patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers undergoing early palliative care (EPC). Methods: We analyzed 251 reports from 133 patients and 118 caregivers describing their clinical experience in two EPC units. The sources of gratitude were identified and ranked based on their frequencies. Words expressing gratitude and words referring to communication and spirituality were collected by means of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count software and correlated. Results: In total, 123 (92.5%) of 133 patients’ and 97 (82.2%) of 118 caregivers’ reports, respectively, included explicit or implicit expressions of gratitude. Gratitude was associated specifically with successful physical symptom management, emotional support, improved attitude toward death, better information, humanity, and the familiar environment. The use of words of gratitude in patients’ reports was positively correlated with the use of words referring to communication (r =.215, p =.026) and spirituality (r =.612, p <.001). Conclusion: Our results suggest that interventions within the EPC model based on doctor–patient–caregiver communication may allow patients and caregivers to experience a feeling of gratitude, and this may represent a resource to be exploited to improve their physical and psychosocial wellbeing

    Early palliative care versus usual haematological care in multiple myeloma: retrospective cohort study

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    Objectives Although early palliative care (EPC) is beneficial in acute myeloid leukaemia, little is known about EPC value in multiple myeloma (MM). We compared quality indicators for palliative and end of life (EOL) care in patients with MM receiving EPC with those of patients who received usual haematological care (UHC).Methods This observational, retrospective study was based on 290 consecutive patients with MM. The following indicators were abstracted: providing psychological support, assessing/managing pain, discussing goals of care, promoting advance care plan, accessing home care services; no anti MM treatment within 14 and 30 days and hospice length of stay >7 days before death; no cardiopulmonary resuscitation, no intubation, <2 hospitalisations and emergency department visits within 30 days before death. Comparisons were performed using unadjusted and confounder adjusted regression models.Results 55 patients received EPC and 231 UHC. Compared with UHC patients, EPC patients had a significantly higher number of quality indicators of care (mean 2.62 +/- 1.25 vs 1.12 +/- 0.95; p<0.0001)); a significant reduction of pain intensity over time (p<0.01) and a trend towards reduced aggressiveness at EOL, with the same survival (5.3 vs 5.46 years; p=0.74)).Conclusions Our data support the value of integrating EPC into MM routine practice and lay the groundwork for future prospective comparative studies
