1,212 research outputs found

    Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters (SONYC) IX: The planetary-mass domain of Chamaeleon-I and updated mass function in Lupus-3

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    Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters -- SONYC -- is a survey program to investigate the frequency and properties of substellar objects in nearby star-forming regions. We present new spectroscopic follow-up of candidate members in Chamaeleon-I (~2 Myr, 160 pc) and Lupus 3 (~1 Myr, 200 pc), identified in our earlier works. We obtained 34 new spectra (1.5 - 2.4 mum, R~600), and identified two probable members in each of the two regions. These include a new probable brown dwarf in Lupus 3 (NIR spectral type M7.5 and Teff=2800 K), and an L3 (Teff=2200 K) brown dwarf in Cha-I, with the mass below the deuterium-burning limit. Spectroscopic follow-up of our photometric and proper motion candidates in Lupus 3 is almost complete (>90%), and we conclude that there are very few new substellar objects left to be found in this region, down to 0.01 - 0.02 MSun and Av \leq 5. The low-mass portion of the mass function in the two clusters can be expressed in the power-law form dN/dM \propto M^{-\alpha}, with \alpha~0.7, in agreement with surveys in other regions. In Lupus 3 we observe a possible flattening of the power-law IMF in the substellar regime: this region seems to produce fewer brown dwarfs relative to other clusters. The IMF in Cha-I shows a monotonic behavior across the deuterium-burning limit, consistent with the same power law extending down to 4 - 9 Jupiter masses. We estimate that objects below the deuterium-burning limit contribute of the order 5 - 15% to the total number of Cha-I members.Comment: Accepted for publication by Astrophysical Journa

    Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters (SONYC) VIII: Substellar population in Lupus 3

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    SONYC -- Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters -- is a survey program to investigate the frequency and properties of substellar objects in nearby star-forming regions. We present a new imaging and spectroscopic survey conducted in the young (~1 Myr), nearby (~200 pc) star-forming region Lupus 3. Deep optical and near-infrared images were obtained with MOSAIC-II and NEWFIRM at the CTIO-4m telescope, covering ~1.4 sqdeg on the sky. The i-band completeness limit of 20.3 mag is equivalent to 0.009-0.02 MSun, for Av \leq 5. Photometry and 11-12 yr baseline proper motions were used to select candidate low-mass members of Lupus 3. We performed spectroscopic follow-up of 123 candidates, using VIMOS at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), and identify 7 probable members, among which 4 have spectral type later than M6.0 and Teff \leq 3000K, i.e. are probably substellar in nature. Two of the new probable members of Lupus 3 appear underluminous for their spectral class and exhibit emission line spectrum with strong Halpha or forbidden lines associated with active accretion. We derive a relation between the spectral type and effective temperature: Teff=(4120 +- 175) - (172 +- 26) x SpT, where SpT refers to the M spectral subtype between 1 and 9. Combining our results with the previous works on Lupus 3, we show that the spectral type distribution is consistent with that in other star forming regions, as well as is the derived star-to-BD ratio of 2.0-3.3. We compile a census of all spectroscopically confirmed low-mass members with spectral type M0 or later.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    The SONYC survey: Towards a complete census of brown dwarfs in star forming regions

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    SONYC, short for "Substellar Objects in Nearby Young Clusters", is a survey program to provide a census of the substellar population in nearby star forming regions. We have conducted deep optical and near-infrared photometry in five young regions (NGC1333, rho Ophiuchi, Chamaeleon-I, Upper Sco, and Lupus-3), combined with proper motions, and followed by extensive spectroscopic campaigns with Subaru and VLT, in which we have obtained more than 700 spectra of candidate low-mass objects. We have identified and characterized more than 60 new substellar objects, among them a handful of objects with masses close to, or below the Deuterium burning limit. Through SONYC and surveys by other groups, the substellar IMF is now well characterized down to ~ 5 - 10 MJup, and we find that the ratio of the number of stars with respect to brown dwarfs lies between 2 and 6. A comprehensive survey of NGC 1333 reveals that, down to ~5MJup, free-floating objects with planetary masses are 20-50 times less numerous than stars, i.e. their total contribution to the mass budget of the clusters can be neglected.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of the conference 'Brown dwarfs come of age', May 20-24 2013, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italian

    Lack of PAH emission toward low-mass embedded young stellar objects

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    PAHs have been detected toward molecular clouds and some young stars with disks, but have not yet been associated with embedded young stars. We present a sensitive mid-IR spectroscopic survey of PAH features toward a sample of low-mass embedded YSOs. The aim is to put constraints on the PAH abundance in the embedded phase of star formation using radiative transfer modeling. VLT-ISAAC L-band spectra for 39 sources and Spitzer IRS spectra for 53 sources are presented. Line intensities are compared to recent surveys of Herbig Ae/Be and T Tauri stars. The radiative transfer codes RADMC and RADICAL are used to model the PAH emission from embedded YSOs consisting of a PMS star with a circumstellar disk embedded in an envelope. The dependence of the PAH feature on PAH abundance, stellar radiation field, inclination and the extinction by the surrounding envelope is studied. The 3.3 micron PAH feature is undetected for the majority of the sample (97%), with typical upper limits of 5E-16 W/m^2. Compact 11.2 micron PAH emission is seen directly towards 1 out of the 53 Spitzer Short-High spectra, for a source that is borderline embedded. For all 12 sources with both VLT and Spitzer spectra, no PAH features are detected in either. In total, PAH features are detected toward at most 1 out of 63 (candidate) embedded protostars (<~ 2%), even lower than observed for class II T Tauri stars with disks (11-14%). Assuming typical class I stellar and envelope parameters, the absence of PAHs emission is most likely explained by the absence of emitting carriers through a PAH abundance at least an order of magnitude lower than in molecular clouds but similar to that found in disks. Thus, most PAHs likely enter the protoplanetary disks frozen out in icy layers on dust grains and/or in coagulated form.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Probing protoplanetary disks with silicate emission: Where is the silicate emission zone?

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    Recent results indicate that the grain size and crystallinity inferred from observations of silicate features may be correlated with the spectral type of the central star and/or disk geometry. In this paper, we show that grain size, as probed by the 10 ΞΌm silicate feature peak-to-continuum and 11.3 to 9.8 ΞΌm flux ratios, is inversely proportional to log Lsstarf. These trends can be understood using a simple two-layer disk model for passive irradiated flaring disks, CGPLUS. We find that the radius, R10, of the 10 ΞΌm silicate emission zone in the disk goes as (L*/Lβ˜‰)^0.56, with slight variations depending on disk geometry (flaring angle and inner disk radius). The observed correlations, combined with simulated emission spectra of olivine and pyroxene mixtures, imply a dependence of grain size on luminosity. Combined with the fact that R10 is smaller for less luminous stars, this implies that the apparent grain size of the emitting dust is larger for low-luminosity sources. In contrast, our models suggest that the crystallinity is only marginally affected, because for increasing luminosity, the zone for thermal annealing (assumed to be at T > 800 K) is enlarged by roughly the same factor as the silicate emission zone. The observed crystallinity is affected by disk geometry, however, with increased crystallinity in flat disks. The apparent crystallinity may also increase with grain growth due to a corresponding increase in contrast between crystalline and amorphous silicate emission bands

    An adaptive wavelet-based collocation method for solving multiscale problems in continuum mechanics

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    Computational multiscale methods are highly sophisticated numerical approaches to predict the constitutive response of heterogeneous materials from their underlying microstructures. However, the quality of the prediction intrinsically relies on an accurate representation of the microscale morphology and its individual constituents, which makes these formulations computationally demanding. Against this background, the applicability of an adaptive wavelet-based collocation approach is studied in this contribution. It is shown that the Hill–Mandel energy equivalence condition can naturally be accounted for in the wavelet basis, (discrete) wavelet-based scale-bridging relations are derived, and a wavelet-based mapping algorithm for internal variables is proposed. The characteristic properties of the formulation are then discussed by an in-depth analysis of elementary one-dimensional problems in multiscale mechanics. In particular, the microscale fields and their macroscopic analogues are studied for microstructures that feature material interfaces and material interphases. Analytical solutions are provided to assess the accuracy of the simulation results

    Spatially extended PAHs in circumstellar disks around T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars

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    Our aim is to determine the presence and location of the emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) towards low and intermediate mass young stars with disks using large aperture telescopes. VLT-VISIR N-band spectra and VLT-ISAAC and VLT-NACO L-band spectra of 29 sources are presented, spectrally resolving the 3.3, 8.6, 11.2, and 12.6 micron PAH features. Spatial-extent profiles of the features and the continuum emission are derived and used to associate the PAH emission with the disks. The results are discussed in the context of recent PAH-emission disk models. The 3.3, 8.6, and 11.2 micron PAH features are detected toward a small fraction of the T Tauri stars, with typical upper limits between 1E-15 and 5E-17 W/m^2. All 11.2 micron detections from a previous Spitzer survey are confirmed with (tentative) 3.3 micron detections, and both the 8.6 and the 11.2 micron features are detected in all PAH sources. For 6 detections, the spatial extent of the PAH features is confined to scales typically smaller than 0.12-0.34'', consistent with the radii of 12-60 AU disks at their distances (typically 150 pc). For 3 additional sources, WL 16, HD 100546, and TY CrA, one or more of the PAH features are more extended than the hot dust continuum of the disk, whereas for Oph IRS 48, the size of the resolved PAH emission is confirmed as smaller than for the large grains. For HD 100546, the 3.3 micron emission is confined to a small radial extent of 12 +- 3 AU, most likely associated with the outer rim of the gap in this disk. Gaps with radii out to 10-30 AU may also affect the observed PAH extent for other sources. For both Herbig Ae and T Tauri stars, the small measured extents of the 8.6 and 11.2 micron features are consistent with larger (>= 100 carbon atoms) PAHs.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    C2D Spitzer-IRS spectra of disks around T Tauri stars: IV. Crystalline silicates

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    Aims. Dust grains in the planet-forming regions around young stars are expected to be heavily processed due to coagulation, fragmentation, and crystallization. This paper focuses on the crystalline silicate dust grains in protoplanetary disks for a statistically significant number of TTauri stars (96). Methods. As part of the cores to disks (c2d) legacy program, we obtained more than a hundred Spitzer/IRS spectra of TTauri stars, over a spectral range of 5-35 ΞΌm where many silicate amorphous and crystalline solid-state features are present. At these wavelengths, observations probe the upper layers of accretion disks up to distances of a dozen AU from the central object. Results. More than 3/4 of our objects show at least one crystalline silicate emission feature that can be essentially attributed to Mg-rich silicates. The Fe-rich crystalline silicates are largely absent in the c2d IRS spectra. The strength and detection frequency of the crystalline features seen at Ξ» > 20 ΞΌm correlate with each other, while they are largely uncorrelated with the observational properties of the amorphous silicate 10 ΞΌm feature. This supports the idea that the IRS spectra essentially probe two independent disk regions: a warm zone (≀1 AU) emitting at ~ 10 ΞΌm and a much colder region emitting at Ξ» > 20 ΞΌm (≀10 AU). We identify a crystallinity paradox, as the long-wavelength (Ξ» > 20 m) crystalline silicate features are detected 3.5 times more frequently (~55% vs. ~15%) than the crystalline features arising from much warmer disk regions (Ξ» ~ 10 ΞΌm). This suggests that the disk has an inhomogeneous dust composition within ~10 AU. The analysis of the shape and strength of both the amorphous 10 ΞΌm feature and the crystalline feature around 23 ΞΌm provides evidence for the prevalence of ΞΌm-sized (amorphous and crystalline) grains in upper layers of disks. Conclusions. The abundant crystalline silicates found far from their presumed formation regions suggest efficient outward radial transport mechanisms in the disks around TTauri stars. The presence of ΞΌm-sized grains in disk atmospheres, despite the short timescales for settling to the midplane, suggests efficient (turbulent) vertical diffusion, probably accompanied by grain-grain fragmentation to balance the expected efficient growth. In this scenario, the depletion of submicron-sized grains in the upper layers of the disks points toward removal mechanisms such as stellar winds or radiation pressure
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