2,412 research outputs found

    A highly efficient two level diamond based single photon source

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    An unexplored diamond defect centre which is found to emit stable single photons at a measured rate of 1.6 MHz at room temperature is reported. The novel centre, identified in chemical vapour deposition grown diamond crystals, exhibits a sharp zero phonon line at 734 nm with a full width at half maximum of ~ 4 nm. The photon statistics confirm the center is a single emitter and provides direct evidence of the first true two-level single quantum system in diamond.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    A Bright Spatially-Coherent Compact X-ray Synchrotron Source

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    Each successive generation of x-ray machines has opened up new frontiers in science, such as the first radiographs and the determination of the structure of DNA. State-of-the-art x-ray sources can now produce coherent high brightness keV x-rays and promise a new revolution in imaging complex systems on nanometre and femtosecond scales. Despite the demand, only a few dedicated synchrotron facilities exist worldwide, partially due the size and cost of conventional (accelerator) technology. Here we demonstrate the use of a recently developed compact laser-plasma accelerator to produce a well-collimated, spatially-coherent, intrinsically ultrafast source of hard x-rays. This method reduces the size of the synchrotron source from the tens of metres to centimetre scale, accelerating and wiggling a high electron charge simultaneously. This leads to a narrow-energy spread electron beam and x-ray source that is >1000 times brighter than previously reported plasma wiggler and thus has the potential to facilitate a myriad of uses across the whole spectrum of light-source applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum noise limits to simultaneous quadrature amplitude and phase stabilization of solid-state lasers

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    A quantum mechanical model is formulated to describe the coupling between pump intensity noise and laser frequency noise in a solid-state laser. The model allows us to investigate the limiting effects of closed-loop stabilization schemes that utilize this coupling. Two schemes are considered: active control of the quadrature phase noise of the laser and active control of the amplitude noise of the laser. We show that the noise of the laser in the actively stabilized quadrature is ultimately limited by the vacuum noise introduced by the feedback beamsplitter in both schemes. In the case of active control of the quadrature phase noise, the noise is also limited by the intensity noise floor of the detection scheme. We also show that some sources of noise in the passively stabilized quadrature can be suppressed and that it is possible to achieve simultaneous quadrature amplitude and phase stabilization of a solid-state laser. However, the quantum mechanically driven noise in the passively stabilized quadrature cannot be suppressed. While this poses the ultimate limit to the noise in the passively stabilized quadrature, we show that it is experimentally feasible to observe squeezing directly generated by a solid-state laser using this technique

    Unconditional Continuous Variable Dense Coding

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    We investigate the conditions under which unconditional dense coding can be achieved using continuous variable entanglement. We consider the effect of entanglement impurity and detector efficiency and discuss experimental verification. We conclude that the requirements for a strong demonstration are not as stringent as previously thought and are within the reach of present technology

    Generation of a frequency comb of squeezing in an optical parametric oscillator

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    The multimode operation of an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) operating below threshold is calculated. We predict that squeezing can be generated in a comb that is limited only by the phase matching bandwidth of the OPO. Effects of technical noise on the squeezing spectrum are investigated. It is shown that maximal squeezing can be obtained at high frequency even in the presence of seed laser noise and cavity length fluctuations. Furthermore the spectrum obtained by detuning the laser frequency off OPO cavity resonance is calculated

    Uncoupling of Genomic and Epigenetic Signals in the Maintenance and Inheritance of Heterochromatin Domains in Fission Yeast

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    Many essential aspects of genome function, including gene expression and chromosome segregation, are mediated throughout development and differentiation by changes in the chromatin state. Along with genomic signals encoded in the DNA, epigenetic processes regulate heritable gene expression patterns. Genomic signals such as enhancers, silencers, and repetitive DNA, while required for the establishment of alternative chromatin states, have an unclear role in epigenetic processes that underlie the persistence of chromatin states throughout development. Here, we demonstrate in fission yeast that the maintenance and inheritance of ectopic heterochromatin domains are independent of the genomic sequences necessary for their de novo establishment. We find that both structural heterochromatin and gene silencing can be stably maintained over an ∼10-kb domain for up to hundreds of cell divisions in the absence of genomic sequences required for heterochromatin establishment, demonstrating the long-term persistence and stability of this chromatin state. The de novo heterochromatin, despite the absence of nucleation sequences, is also stably inherited through meiosis. Together, these studies provide evidence for chromatin-dependent, epigenetic control of gene silencing that is heritable, stable, and self-sustaining, even in the absence of the originating genomic signals

    Development of an Interpretive Simulation Tool for the Proton Radiography Technique

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    Proton radiography is a useful diagnostic of high energy density (HED) plasmas under active theoretical and experimental development. In this paper we describe a new simulation tool that interacts realistic laser-driven point-like proton sources with three dimensional electromagnetic fields of arbitrary strength and structure and synthesizes the associated high resolution proton radiograph. The present tool's numerical approach captures all relevant physics effects, including effects related to the formation of caustics. Electromagnetic fields can be imported from PIC or hydrodynamic codes in a streamlined fashion, and a library of electromagnetic field `primitives' is also provided. This latter capability allows users to add a primitive, modify the field strength, rotate a primitive, and so on, while quickly generating a high resolution radiograph at each step. In this way, our tool enables the user to deconstruct features in a radiograph and interpret them in connection to specific underlying electromagnetic field elements. We show an example application of the tool in connection to experimental observations of the Weibel instability in counterstreaming plasmas, using 108\sim 10^8 particles generated from a realistic laser-driven point-like proton source, imaging fields which cover volumes of 10\sim10 mm3^3. Insights derived from this application show that the tool can support understanding of HED plasmas.Comment: Figures and tables related to the Appendix are included in the published journal articl

    Serpins in thrombosis, hemostasis and fibrinolysis

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    Hemostasis and fibrinolysis, the biological processes that maintain proper blood flow, are the consequence of a complex series of cascading enzymatic reactions. Serine proteases involved in these processes are regulated by feedback loops, local cofactor molecules, and serine protease inhibitors (serpins). The delicate balance between proteolytic and inhibitory reactions in hemostasis and fibrinolysis, described by the coagulation, protein C and fibrinolytic pathways, can be disrupted, resulting in the pathological conditions of thrombosis or abnormal bleeding. Medicine capitalizes on the importance of serpins, using therapeutics to manipulate the serpin-protease reactions for the treatment and prevention of thrombosis and hemorrhage. Therefore, investigation of serpins, their cofactors, and their structure-function relationships is imperative for the development of state-of-the-art pharmaceuticals for the selective fine-tuning of hemostasis and fibrinolysis. This review describes key serpins important in the regulation of these pathways: antithrombin, heparin cofactor II, protein Z-dependent protease inhibitor, alpha(1)-protease inhibitor, protein C inhibitor, alpha(2)-antiplasmin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. We focus on the biological function, the important structural elements, their known non-hemostatic roles, the pathologies related to deficiencies or dysfunction, and the therapeutic roles of specific serpins

    Arctic system on trajectory to new state

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    The Arctic system is moving toward a new state that falls outside the envelope of glacial-interglacial fluctuations that prevailed during recent Earth history. This future Arctic is likely to have dramatically less permanent ice than exists at present. At the present rate of change, a summer ice-free Arctic Ocean within a century is a real possibility, a state not witnessed for at least a million years. The change appears to be driven largely by feedback-enhanced global climate warming, and there seem to be few, if any processes or feedbacks within the Arctic system that are capable of altering the trajectory toward this “super interglacial” state