12,787 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization study of a dynamic Hubbard model

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    A one-dimensional model of electrons locally coupled to spin-1/2 degrees of freedom is studied by numerical techniques. The model is one in the class of dynamicdynamic HubbardHubbard modelsmodels that describe the relaxation of an atomic orbital upon double electron occupancy due to electron-electron interactions. We study the parameter regime where pairing occurs in this model by exact diagonalization of small clusters. World line quantum Monte Carlo simulations support the results of exact diagonalization for larger systems and show that kinetic energy is lowered when pairing occurs. The qualitative physics of this model and others in its class, obtained through approximate analytic calculations, is that superconductivity occurs through hole undressing even in parameter regimes where the effective on-site interaction is strongly repulsive. Our numerical results confirm the expected qualitative behavior, and show that pairing will occur in a substantially larger parameter regime than predicted by the approximate low energy effective Hamiltonian.Comment: Some changes made in response to referees comments. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    Charge Breaking Minima in the Broken R-parity Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We reconsider the possible presence of charge and colour breaking minima in the scalar potential of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) and its minimal generalization with R-parity explicitly broken by bilinear terms (RMSSM). First we generalize some results previously derived for the MSSM case. Next we investigate how robust is the MSSM against its RMSSM extension. We examine the constraints on the RMSSM parameter space that follow from the required absence of charge breaking minima in the scalar potential. We point out the possibility of generating non--zero vacuum expectation values for the charged Higgs field which is not present in the MSSM. However, given the smallness of neutrino masses indicated by neutrino oscillation data, we show that the RMSSM represents only a slight perturbation of the MSSM and is thus as safe (or unsafe) as the MSSM itself from unwanted minima in the scalar potential.Comment: Latex 16 pages, 2 figure

    Superconductivity from Undressing. II. Single Particle Green's Function and Photoemission in Cuprates

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    Experimental evidence indicates that the superconducting transition in high TcT_c cuprates is an 'undressing' transition. Microscopic mechanisms giving rise to this physics were discussed in the first paper of this series. Here we discuss the calculation of the single particle Green's function and spectral function for Hamiltonians describing undressing transitions in the normal and superconducting states. A single parameter, ÎĄ\Upsilon, describes the strength of the undressing process and drives the transition to superconductivity. In the normal state, the spectral function evolves from predominantly incoherent to partly coherent as the hole concentration increases. In the superconducting state, the 'normal' Green's function acquires a contribution from the anomalous Green's function when ÎĄ \Upsilon is non-zero; the resulting contribution to the spectral function is positivepositive for hole extraction and negativenegative for hole injection. It is proposed that these results explain the observation of sharp quasiparticle states in the superconducting state of cuprates along the (Ď€,0)(\pi,0) direction and their absence along the (Ď€,Ď€)(\pi,\pi) direction.Comment: figures have been condensed in fewer pages for easier readin

    Invisible Higgs Boson Decays in Spontaneously Broken R-Parity

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    The Higgs boson may decay mainly to an invisible mode characterized by missing energy, instead of the Standard Model channels. This is a generic feature of many models where neutrino masses arise from the spontaneous breaking of ungauged lepton number at relatively low scales, such as spontaneously broken R-parity models. Taking these models as framework, we reanalyze this striking suggestion in view of the recent data on neutrino oscillations that indicate non-zero neutrino masses. We show that, despite the smallness of neutrino masses, the Higgs boson can decay mainly to the invisible Goldstone boson associated to the spontaneous breaking of lepton number. This requires a gauge singlet superfield coupling to the electroweak doublet Higgses, as in the Next to Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) scenario for solving the ÎĽ\mu-problem. The search for invisibly decaying Higgs bosons should be taken into account in the planning of future accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider and the Next Linear Collider.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures; typos corrected, published versio

    Supersymmetric type-III seesaw: lepton flavour violating decays and dark matter

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    We study a supersymmetric version of the seesaw mechanism type-III. The model consists of the MSSM particle content plus three copies of 24 superfields. The fermionic part of the SU(2) triplet contained in the 24 is responsible for the type-III seesaw, which is used to explain the observed neutrino masses and mixings. Complete copies of 24 are introduced to maintain gauge coupling unification. These additional states change the beta functions of the gauge couplings above the seesaw scale. Using mSUGRA boundary conditions we calculate the resulting supersymmetric mass spectra at the electro-weak scale using full 2-loop renormalization group equations. We show that the resulting spectrum can be quite different compared to the usual mSUGRA spectrum. We discuss how this might be used to obtain information on the seesaw scale from mass measurements. Constraints on the model space due to limits on lepton flavour violating decays are discussed. The main constraints come from the bounds on the decay mu to e and gamma but there are also regions where the decay tau to mu and gamma gives stronger constraints. We also calculate the regions allowed by the dark matter constraint. For the sake of completeness, we compare our results with those for the supersymmetric seesaw type-II and, to some extent, with type-I.Comment: 32 pages, 16 eps figures. One ref. added; small changes in tex

    Optical sum rule violation, superfluid weight and condensation energy in the cuprates

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    The model of hole superconductivity predicts that the superfluid weight in the zero-frequency δ\delta-function in the optical conductivity has an anomalous contribution from high frequencies, due to lowering of the system's kinetic energy upon entering the superconducting state. The lowering of kinetic energy, mainly in-plane in origin, accounts for both the condensation energy of the superconductor as well as an increased potential energy due to larger Coulomb repulsion in the paired state. It leads to an apparent violation of the conductivity sum rule, which in the clean limit we predict to be substantially larger for in-plane than for c-axis conductivity. However, because cuprates are in the dirty limit for c-axis transport, the sum rule violation is found to be greatly enhanced in the c-direction. The model predicts the sum rule violation to be largest in the underdoped regime and to decrease with doping, more rapidly in the c-direction that in the plane. So far, experiments have detected sum rule violation in c-axis transport in several cuprates, as well as a decrease and disappearance of this violation for increasing doping, but no violation in-plane. We explore the predictions of the model for a wide range of parameters, both in the absence and in the presence of disorder, and the relation with current experimental knowledge.Comment: submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Superconductivity from Undressing

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    Photoemission experiments in high TcT_c cuprates indicate that quasiparticles are heavily 'dressed' in the normal state, particularly in the low doping regime. Furthermore these experiments show that a gradual undressing occurs both in the normal state as the system is doped and the carrier concentration increases, as well as at fixed carrier concentration as the temperature is lowered and the system becomes superconducting. A similar picture can be inferred from optical experiments. It is argued that these experiments can be simply understood with the single assumption that the quasiparticle dressing is a function of the local carrier concentration. Microscopic Hamiltonians describing this physics are discussed. The undressing process manifests itself in both the one-particle and two-particle Green's functions, hence leads to observable consequences in photoemission and optical experiments respectively. An essential consequence of this phenomenology is that the microscopic Hamiltonians describing it break electron-hole symmetry: these Hamiltonians predict that superconductivity will only occur for carriers with hole-like character, as proposed in the theory of hole superconductivity

    Determining R-parity violating parameters from neutrino and LHC data

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    In supersymmetric models neutrino data can be explained by R-parity violating operators which violate lepton number by one unit. The so called bilinear model can account for the observed neutrino data and predicts at the same time several decay properties of the lightest supersymmetric particle. In this paper we discuss the expected precision to determine these parameters by combining neutrino and LHC data and discuss the most important observables. We show that one can expect a rather accurate determination of the underlying R-parity parameters assuming mSUGRA relations between the R-parity conserving ones and discuss briefly also the general MSSM as well as the expected accuracies in case of a prospective e+ e- linear collider. An important observation is that several parameters can only be determined up to relative signs or more generally relative phases.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Clinical potential of necitumumab in non-small cell lung carcinoma

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    Despite significant progress, new therapeutic approaches for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are highly needed, particularly for the treatment of patients with squamous cell carcinoma. The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is often overexpressed in NSCLC and represents a relevant target for specific treatments. Although EGFR mutations are more frequent in non-squamous histology, the receptor itself is more often overexpressed in squamous NSCLC. Necitumumab is a human monoclonal antibody that is able to inhibit the EGFR pathway and cause antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity. This drug has been studied in combination with first-line chemotherapy for advanced NSCLC in two Phase III trials, and a significant survival benefit was reported in squamous NSCLC (SQUIRE trial); by contrast, necitumumab did not prove itself beneficial in non-squamous histotype (INSPIRE trial). On the basis of the SQUIRE results, necitumumab was approved in combination with cisplatin and gemcitabine as a first-line treatment for advanced squamous NSCLC, both in the US and Europe, where its availability is limited to patients with EGFRexpressing tumors. The aim of this review is to describe the tolerability and the efficacy of necitumumab by searching the available published data and define its potential role in the current landscape of NSCLC treatment

    Production and decays of supersymmetric Higgs bosons in spontaneously broken R-parity

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    We study the mass spectra, production and decay properties of the lightest supersymmetric CP-even and CP-odd Higgs bosons in models with spontaneously broken R-parity (SBRP). We compare the resulting mass spectra with expectations of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), stressing that the model obeys the upper bound on the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass. We discuss how the presence of the additional scalar singlet states affects the Higgs production cross sections, both for the Bjorken process and the "associated production". The main phenomenological novelty with respect to the MSSM comes from the fact that the spontaneous breaking of lepton number leads to the existence of the majoron, denoted J, which opens new decay channels for supersymmetric Higgs bosons. We find that the invisible decays of CP-even Higgses can be dominant, while those of the CP-odd bosons may also be sizeable.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures; minor changes, final version for publicatio
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