170 research outputs found

    3-D multiobservable probabilistic inversion for the compositional and thermal structure of the lithosphere and upper mantle: III. Thermochemical tomography in the Western-Central U.S.

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    Acknowledgments We are indebted to F. Darbyshire and J. von Hunen for useful comments on earlier versions of this work. This manuscript benefited from thorough and constructive reviews by W. Levandowski and an anonymous reviewer. We also thank J. Connolly, M. Sambridge, B. Kennett, S. Lebedev, B. Shan, U. Faul, and M. Qashqai for insightful discussions about, and contributions to, some of the concepts presented in this paper. The work of J.C.A. has been supported by two Australian Research Council Discovery grants (DP120102372 and DP110104145). Seismic data are from the IRIS DMS. D.L.S. acknowledges support from NSF grant EAR-135866. This is contribution 848 from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Core to Crust Fluid Systems (http://www.ccfs.mq.edu.au) and 1106 in the GEMOC Key Centre (http://www.gemoc.mq.edu.au).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Loss of Nrf2 abrogates the protective effect of Keap1 down regulation in a preclinical model of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

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    Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas (cSCC) are the most common and highly mutated human malignancies, challenging identification of driver mutations and targeted therapies. Transcription factor NF-E2 p45-related factor 2 (Nrf2) orchestrates a cytoprotective inducible program, which counteracts the damaging effects of solar UV radiation, the main etiological factor in cSCC development. Downregulation of Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1), a Cullin-3/Rbx1 ubiquitin ligase substrate adaptor protein, which mediates the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of Nrf2, has a strong protective effect in a preclinical model of cSCC. However, in addition to Nrf2, Keap1 affects ubiquitination of other proteins in the carcinogenesis process, including proteins involved in inflammation and DNA damage repair. Here, we generated Keap1(flox/flox) SKH-1 hairless mice in which Nrf2 is disrupted (Keap1(flox/flox)/Nrf2(−/−)) and subjected them chronically to solar-simulated UV radiation. We found that the incidence, multiplicity and burden of cSCC that form in Keap1(flox/flox)/Nrf2(−/−) mice are much greater than in their Keap1(flox/flox)/Nrf2(+/+) counterparts, establishing Nrf2 activation as the protection mediator. Our findings further imply that inhibition of Nrf2 globally, a strategy proposed for cancer treatment, is unlikely to be beneficial

    Volcanic impacts on the Holocene vegetation history of Britain and Ireland? A review and meta-analysis of the pollen evidence

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    Volcanic ash layers show that the products of Icelandic volcanism reached Britain and Ireland many times during the Holocene. Historical records suggest that at least one eruption, that of Laki in a.d. 1783, was associated with impacts on vegetation. These results raise the question: did Icelandic volcanism affect the Holocene vegetation history of Britain and Ireland? Several studies have used pollen data to address this issue but no clear consensus has been reached. We re-analyse the palynological data using constrained ordination with various representations of potential volcanic impacts. We find that the palynological evidence for volcanic impacts on vegetation is weak but suggest that this is a case of absence of evidence and is not necessarily evidence of absence of impact. To increase the chances of identifying volcanic impacts, future studies need to maximise temporal resolution, replicate results, and investigate a greater number of tephras in a broader range of locations, including more studies from lake sediments

    Modelling the long-term dynamics of the energy transition accounting for socioeconomic behaviour and biophysical constraints: overview of the Wiliam Energy Module

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    WILIAM (Within Limit Integrated Assessment Model) is a global multiregional IAM that combines economic, social, demographic, environmental, energy and material related aspects into one system dynamics model. It aims to provide stakeholders with an open source, welldocumented model to assess the feasibility, effectiveness, costs and impacts of different sustainability policy options. The adequate representation of energy production is key to assess future sustainability pathways. The main function of the developed energy module is to estimate the primary energy requirements and related GHG emissions for satisfying the economic demand. This goal was achieved by 7 major sub-modules: (1) End-use: translates the economic demand into final energy demand through a hybrid approach combining bottom-up with energy intensities for different sectors. (2) Energy transformation: maps the entire energy conversion chain from final to primary energy, including intermediary energy commodities and an allocation function for power plant utilization. (3) Energy capacity: keeps track of the current power plant capacity stock, decommissioning of expired capacities, as well as the build-up of new capacities. An allocation function for choosing the suitable technology types for new capacities stands at the core of this sub-module. (4) Computation of the EROI of green technologies (5) Variability and storage: keeps track of sub-annual time scale effects on annual energy balances depending on the current power system setup (DSM, Storage, sector coupling). (6) Consideration of techno-sustainable potentials of RES considering geographical, resource and Energy Return on Energy Investment (EROI) constraints. (7) Computation of the energy-related GHG emissions

    Mantle Pb paradoxes : the sulfide solution

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    Author Posting. © Springer, 2006. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 152 (2006): 295-308, doi:10.1007/s00410-006-0108-1.There is growing evidence that the budget of Pb in mantle peridotites is largely contained in sulfide, and that Pb partitions strongly into sulfide relative to silicate melt. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that diffusion rates of Pb in sulfide (solid or melt) are very fast. Given the possibility that sulfide melt ‘wets’ sub-solidus mantle silicates, and has very low viscosity, the implications for Pb behavior during mantle melting are profound. There is only sparse experimental data relating to Pb partitioning between sulfide and silicate, and no data on Pb diffusion rates in sulfides. A full understanding of Pb behavior in sulfide may hold the key to several long-standing and important Pb paradoxes and enigmas. The classical Pb isotope paradox arises from the fact that all known mantle reservoirs lie to the right of the Geochron, with no consensus as to the identity of the “balancing” reservoir. We propose that long-term segregation of sulfide (containing Pb) to the core may resolve this paradox. Another Pb paradox arises from the fact that the Ce/Pb ratio of both OIB and MORB is greater than bulk earth, and constant at a value of 25. The constancy of this “canonical ratio” implies similar partition coefficients for Ce and Pb during magmatic processes (Hofmann et al. 1986), whereas most experimental studies show that Pb is more incompatible in silicates than Ce. Retention of Pb in residual mantle sulfide during melting has the potential to bring the bulk partitioning of Ce into equality with Pb if the sulfide melt/silicate melt partition coefficient for Pb has a value of ~ 14. Modeling shows that the Ce/Pb (or Nd/Pb) of such melts will still accurately reflect that of the source, thus enforcing the paradox that OIB and MORB mantles have markedly higher Ce/Pb (and Nd/Pb) than the bulk silicate earth. This implies large deficiencies of Pb in the mantle sources for these basalts. Sulfide may play other important roles during magmagenesis: 1). advective/diffusive sulfide networks may form potent metasomatic agents (in both introducing and obliterating Pb isotopic heterogeneities in the mantle); 2). silicate melt networks may easily exchange Pb with ambient mantle sulfides (by diffusion or assimilation), thus ‘sampling’ Pb in isotopically heterogeneous mantle domains differently from the silicate-controlled isotope tracer systems (Sr, Nd, Hf), with an apparent ‘de-coupling’ of these systems.Our intemperance should not be blamed on the support we gratefully acknowledge from NSF: EAR- 0125917 to SRH and OCE-0118198 to GAG

    Differential Requirements of Two recA Mutants for Constitutive SOS Expression in Escherichia coli K-12

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    Background Repairing DNA damage begins with its detection and is often followed by elicitation of a cellular response. In E. coli, RecA polymerizes on ssDNA produced after DNA damage and induces the SOS Response. The RecA-DNA filament is an allosteric effector of LexA auto-proteolysis. LexA is the repressor of the SOS Response. Not all RecA-DNA filaments, however, lead to an SOS Response. Certain recA mutants express the SOS Response (recAC) in the absence of external DNA damage in log phase cells. Methodology/Principal Findings Genetic analysis of two recAC mutants was used to determine the mechanism of constitutive SOS (SOSC) expression in a population of log phase cells using fluorescence of single cells carrying an SOS reporter system (sulAp-gfp). SOSC expression in recA4142 mutants was dependent on its initial level of transcription, recBCD, recFOR, recX, dinI, xthA and the type of medium in which the cells were grown. SOSC expression in recA730 mutants was affected by none of the mutations or conditions tested above. Conclusions/Significance It is concluded that not all recAC alleles cause SOSC expression by the same mechanism. It is hypothesized that RecA4142 is loaded on to a double-strand end of DNA and that the RecA filament is stabilized by the presence of DinI and destabilized by RecX. RecFOR regulate the activity of RecX to destabilize the RecA filament. RecA730 causes SOSC expression by binding to ssDNA in a mechanism yet to be determined

    Active acoustic cloaking and illusions of sound-hard bodies using the boundary element method

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    Acoustic cloaking has received significant interest due to the appealing ability to render an object acoustically invisible. In a similar concept to acoustic cloaking, acoustic illusions provide the capability to misrepresent the acoustic field of an object. Combining acoustic cloaking and illusions with numerical discretization methods allow objects of greater complexity to be considered. This work presents active acoustic cloaking and illusions of three-dimensional rigid objects. The boundary element method is utilized to efficiently predict the exterior acoustic domain. A multi-input/multi-output control system comprising monopole control sources, error sensors, and a controller based on a feedforward linear-quadratic regulator algorithm is employed. Active acoustic cloaking of a simple object corresponding to a sphere is demonstrated for both non-decaying and decaying incident fields. For the same control configuration but minimizing a cost function based on different error signals, acoustic illusions are generated to mimic the presence of a sphere within a free field. Illusional fields are also generated for a cube and a bird to misrepresent their size or orientation


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