5 research outputs found


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    Nova Monocerotis 2012 is the third γ-ray transient identified with a thermonuclear runaway on a white dwarf, that is, a nova event. Swift monitoring has revealed the distinct evolution of the harder and super-soft X-ray spectral components, while Swift-UV and V- and I-band photometry show a gradual decline with subtle changes of slope. During the super-soft emission phase, a coherent 7.1 hr modulation was found in the soft X-ray, UV, optical, and near-IR data, varying in phase across all wavebands. Assuming this period to be orbital, the system has a near-main-sequence secondary, with little appreciable stellar wind. This distinguishes it from the first GeV nova, V407 Cyg, where the γ-rays were proposed to form through shock-accelerated particles as the ejecta interacted with the red giant wind. We favor a model in which the γ-rays arise from the shock of the ejecta with material close to the white dwarf in the orbital plane. This suggests that classical novae may commonly be GeV sources. We ascribe the orbital modulation to a raised section of an accretion disk passing through the line of sight, periodically blocking and reflecting much of the emission. The disk must therefore have reformed by day 150 after outburst

    The panchromatic spectroscopic evolution of the classical CO nova V339 Delphini (Nova Del 2013) until X-ray turnoff

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    Context. Classical novae are the product of thermonuclear runaway-initiated explosions occurring on accreting white dwarfs. Aims. V339 Del (Nova Delphinus 2013) was one of the brightest classical novae of the last hundred years. Spectroscopy and photometry are available from γ-rays through infrared at stages that have frequently not been observed well. The complete data set is intended to provide a benchmark for comparison with modeling and for understanding more sparsely monitored historical classical and recurrent novae. This paper is the first in the series of reports on the development of the nova. We report here on the early stages of the outburst, through the X-ray active stage. Methods. A time sequence of optical, flux calibrated high resolution spectra was obtained with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) using FIES simultaneously, or contemporaneously, with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope during the early stages of the outburst. These were supplemented with Mercator/HERMES optical spectra. High resolution IUE ultraviolet spectra of OS And 1986, taken during the Fe curtain phase, served as a template for the distance determination. We used standard plasma diagnostics (e.g., [O III] and [N II] line ratios, and the Hβ line flux) to constrain electron densities and temperatures of the ejecta. Using Monte Carlo modeling of the ejecta, we derived the structure, filling factor, and mass from comparisons of the optical and ultraviolet line profiles. Results. We derive an extinction of E(B - V) = 0.23 ± 0.05 from the spectral energy distribution, the interstellar absorption, and H I emission lines. The distance, about 4-4.5 kpc, is in agreement with the inferred distance from near infrared interferometry. The maximum velocity was about 2500 km s-1, measured from the UV resonance and optical profiles. The ejecta showed considerable fine structure in all transitions, much of which persisted as emission knots. The line profiles were modeled using a bipolar conical structure for the ejecta within a relatively restricted range of parameters. For V339 Del, we find that an inclination to the line of sight of about 35°-55°, an opening angle of 60°-80°, and an inner radius ΔR/R(t) ≈ 0.3 based on vrad,max matches the permitted and intercombination lines. The filling factor is f ≈ 0.1, and the derived range in the ejecta mass is (2-3) × 10-5M⊙

    Infrared observations of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis: ancient dust basks in the warm glow of the 2011 outburst

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope and Herschel Space Observatory infrared observations of the recurrent nova T Pyx during its 2011 eruption, complemented by ground-base optical-infrared photometry. We find that the eruption has heated dust in the pre-existing nebulosity associated with T Pyx. This is most likely interstellar dust swept up by T Pyx — either during previous eruptions or by a wind — rather than the accumulation of dust produced during eruptions

    The Temporal Development of Dust Formation and Destruction in Nova Sagittarii 2015#2 (V5668 SGR): A Panchromatic Study

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    We present 5–28 μm SOFIA FORECAST spectroscopy complemented by panchromatic X-ray through infrared observations of the CO nova V5668 Sgr documenting the formation and destruction of dust during ∼500 days following outburst. Dust condensation commenced by 82 days after outburst at a temperature of ∼1090 K. The condensation temperature indicates that the condensate was amorphous carbon. There was a gradual decrease of the grain size and dust mass during the recovery phase. Absolute parameter values given here are for an assumed distance of 1.2 kpc. We conclude that the maximum mass of dust produced was 1.2 × 10−7 Me if the dust was amorphous carbon. The average grain radius grew to a maximum of ∼2.9 μm at a temperature of ∼720 K around day 113 when the shell visual optical depth was τv ∼ 5.4. Maximum grain growth was followed by a period of grain destruction. X-rays were detected with Swift from day 95 to beyond day 500. The Swift X-ray count rate due to the hot white dwarf peaked around day 220, when its spectrum was that of a kT = 35 eV blackbody. The temperature, together with the supersoft X-ray turn-on and turn-off times, suggests a white dwarf mass of ∼1.1 Me. We show that the X-ray fluence was sufficient to destroy the dust. Our data show that the post-dust event X-ray brightening is not due to dust destruction, which certainly occurred, as the dust is optically thin to X-rays

    Infrared observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: The early phase

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    We present infrared spectroscopy of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi, obtained 11.81, 20.75 and 55.71 d following its 2006 eruption. The spectra are dominated by hydrogen recombination lines, together with He i, O i and O ii lines; the electron temperature of ∼104 K implied by the recombination spectrum suggests that we are seeing primarily the wind of the red giant, ionized by the ultraviolet flash when RS Oph erupted. However, strong coronal emission lines (i.e. emission from fine structure transitions in ions having high ionization potential) are present in the last spectrum. These imply a temperature of 930 000 K for the coronal gas; this is in line with X-ray observations of the 2006 eruption. The emission linewidths decrease with time in a way that is consistent with the shock model for the X-ray emission