20 research outputs found

    Water productivity mapping using Landsat 8 satellite together with weather stations.

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    The main goal of this research was to determine the spatial-temporal agro-ecological indicators of water productivity in watersheds with diferent types of land use and occupation, using Landsat 8 images, agro-meteorological stations and application of Monteithand SAFER (Simple Algorithm for Retrieving Evapotranspiration) models to estimate the production biomass (BIO) and the actual evapotranspiration (ET), respectively. Incident global solar radiation (RS↓) is observed seasonality of radiation during the year

    Poster display IV experimental and instrumentation

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    Poster display II clinical general

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    Estacionalidade da evapotranspiração e produtividade da água na microbacia do córrego da mula em Santa Fé do Sul.

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    A microbacia do córrego da Mula se apresenta como um sócio-ecossistema sensível, com talvegues assoreados, ausência de matas ciliares e nascentes desprotegidas. A capacidade de gerar e armazenar água pela microbacia é excedida pela demanda em períodos de seca, agravando-se em secas prolongadas. Sendo assim necessário avaliar o comportamento da água acima do solo na microbacia, realizado nas épocas seca e úmida dos anos 2013 e 2014. Foram adquiridas imagens do Landsat-8 (OLI e TIRS) para os meses com menor e maior precipitação dos dois anos. Com o modelo Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving (SAFER) foram calculadas a evapotranspiração atual (ET), biomassa (BIO) e produtividade da agua (WP), apresentando valores médios na microbacia de 0,39 mm dia-1, 9,17 kg ha-1 dia-1 e 1,73 kg m-3 respectivamente, para o período seco do ano 2013 e de 0,40 mm dia-1, 10,98 kg ha-1 dia-1 e 1,92 kg m-3 no período seco do ano 2014. No período úmido em 2014 os valores médios de ET, BIO e WP foram de 1,35 mm dia-1, 52,19 kg ha-1 dia-1 e 3,39 kg m-3, respectivamente. No ano 2014 pela restrição hídrica no período seco inerente à época, a ET representa o 29,63% da capacidade evapotranspirativa quando comparado com a época úmida do mesmo ano. Da mesma forma a BIO representa o 21,04% do potencial da microbacia e uma WP com 57,23% de eficiência na época seca. A microbacia do córrego da Mula, em época seca, opera à metade da sua capacidade conhecida para o ano 2014

    Annual variability of water productivity components in the watershedof Cabeceira Comprida stream, Santa Fé do Sul, Brazil.

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    this study aimed to evaluate the actual evapotranspiration, biomass, and water productivity using the SAFER model by using images from do Landsat8, in the watershed of Cabeceira Comprida stream, Santa Fé do Sul, SP, Brazil.201

    Experimental vaccination against Aeromonas hydrophila in Colossoma macropomum: Bacterial characterization, lethal doses, and mortality

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    Aeromonas hydrophila is one of the most important pathogens affecting Amazonian fish. In recent years, outbreaks in native aquaculture species displaying hemorrhages, epithelial ulcers, and damaged fins, which often lead to fatalities, have been reported. In the current study, we characterized A. hydrophila isolated from an outbreak on a commercial farm of Colossoma macropomum (gamitana), one of the main native species farmed in Peru and South America. Gram-negative, motile, oxidase-, and catalase-positive bacteria were retrieved from diseased C. macropomum. Aeromonas hydrophila was confirmed by biochemical and molecular characterization. Virulence genes detection showed that A. hydrophila (FO129–26) harbors cytotoxic enterotoxin (act), hemolysin (hly), serine protease (ser), lipase (lip), flagellin (fla), and elastase (ahyB) virulence genes. Then, lethal dose tests (LD10, 50, 90, 99) were performed and stablished at 4.6 × 106; 6.4 × 106; 8.9 × 106; and 1.11 × 107 CFU mL−1 confirming the virulence of the bacterial isolate. Finally, there were used three methods of bacteria inactivation to vaccine gamitanas against this bacterium. 180 gamitanas (C: control; FO: formaldehyde-inactivated group; PH: peroxide-inactivated group; CF: chloroform-inactivated group) were challenged with the pathogen. FO and PH groups had better survival rates (∼ 40 %) than the control group. There were no significant differences (p ≥ 0.05) between the FO and PH groups. Fish from CF presented early mortality after vaccination, probably due to irritation caused by chloroform residues. Finally, this study shows the virulence characteristics of A. hydrophila FO129–26 in an important farmed native fish in Peru and broadens the geographic range of the presence of this pathogen worldwide. Vaccines are a good strategy to improve the resistance of C. macropomum against A. hydrophila. However, further research is necessary to expand our comprehension of the efficacy of this protective technique in Amazonian fish

    Water productivity using SAFER - Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving in watershed

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    ABSTRACT The Cabeceira Comprida stream’s watershed, located in Santa Fé do Sul, São Paulo state, has great environmental importance. It is essential for supplying water to the population and generating surpluses for sewage dilution. This study aimed to evaluate the annual performance of the components of water productivity from Landsat-8 images of 2015, using the Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving (SAFER), calculating the actual evapotranspiration (ETa), biomass (BIO) and water productivity (WP). The annual averages of ETa, BIO and WP were 1.03 mm day-1, 36.04 kg ha-1 day-1 and 3.19 kg m-3, respectively. The average annual values of ETa for land use and occupation were 1.40, 1.23, 1.05, 0.97 and 1.08 mm day-1 for the remaining forest (RF), invasive species (IS), pasture (Pa), annual crop (AC) and perennial crop (PC), respectively, with BIO of 57.64, 46.10, 36.78, 32.69, 40.03 kg ha-1 day-1 for RF, IS, Pa, AC and PC, respectively, resulting in WP of 3.94, 3.59, 3.25, 3.09, 3.35 kg m-3 for RF, IS, Pa, AC and PC, respectively. The ETa, BIO and WP adjust to the seasonality of the region, and RF and IS stood out with the highest values