5 research outputs found
Can a multidisciplinary approach improve the care of patients with benign biliary strictures?
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
Human-Implantable Microchips: Location-Awareness and the Dawn of an “Internet of Persons”
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Big data, privacy and COVID-19 – learning from humanitarian expertise in data protection
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Citizens' Internet: The Many Threats to Neutrality
- Author
- Adam
- Andrei
- B Traven
- Benkler
- Benkler
- Brett M Frischmann
- Brett M Frischmann
- Brett M Frischmann
- C D Marsan
- Clyde Crews
- Dennis Friess
- Douglas Walton
- Douglas Walton
- Edward N Zalta
- Emily Bell
- European Comission
- Evgeny Morozov
- Felix Stalder
- For
- Gaus
- H Hege
- Herman See Also Tavani
- J Cannataci
- J Li
- J Li
- J P Albrecht
- J Quong
- J Rest
- J Zittrain
- James
- Jonathan Zittrain
- Judith
- Jurgen See Also Habermas
- L Jaume-Palasi
- Leon Siciliano
- M Anderson
- N Grove
- N Wadhwa
- P Popovski
- Paul Starr
- Pilar Del
- R Gr�tker
- Ralf Groetker
- Ralf Gr�tker
- Robert M Bond
- Rosen
- Sasha Issenberg
- See Albrecht
- See Floridi
- See Gr�tker
- See Gr�tker
- See Kosinski
- See Kr�mer
- Starr
- Starr
- Susan Crawford
- V Mayer-Schonberger
- Van Mill
- Yochai Benkler
- Yochai Benkler
- Z Tufekci
- Zeynep Tufekci
- Zittrain
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
The Evaluation of Medical Decision Support and Expert Systems: Reflections on the Literature
- Author
- A Bonnet
- A Rossi-Mori
- A Shamsolmaali
- C Michel
- C Rovani
- C Whitebeck
- Cannataci J.A. Liability and responsibility for expert systems. Complex No. 588. Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law. Univ
- CJ Green
- CJ Mcdonald
- CMedicalexpertsystems Kulikowski
- D Fontaine
- DH Hickham
- E Arborelius
- F Barachini
- G Botti
- G Botti
- G Soula
- G Tusch
- G Tusch
- GA Diamond
- GA Gorry
- Gissi
- GO Barnett
- Gremy E Persons and computers in medicine and health. Meth
- HP Lundsgaarde
- HW Gottinger
- ID Adams
- J Brender
- J Fox
- J Gashnig
- J Liebowitz
- J Nolan
- J Schneider
- J Wyatt
- J Wyatt
- JA Campbell
- JD Myers
- JP Nakache
- JR Hammersley
- JRLaboratoryDecisionScienceappliedtoChemometrics Beck
- JS Aitkins
- KA Butler
- KA Spackman
- Kilian W. Liability for deficient medical expert systems-keynote address. Expert systems and decision support in Medicine
- KP Adlassnig
- KP Adlassnig
- M Akhavan-Hedari
- M Fieschi
- M Lavril
- MA Rothschild
- MA Shwe
- Melhorn J.M. Current attitudes of medical personnel towards computers. Comp
- N Indurkhya
- NJ Mars
- OB Wigertz
- O’Moore R.R. Decision support based on laboratory data. Meth
- P Lemonnier
- P Potthof
- PL Miller
- PLGoaldirectedcritiquingbycomputer Miller
- R Bliek
- R Engelbrecht
- R Engelbrecht
- RA Miller
- RI Kendall
- RL Spitzer
- RL Teach
- S Quaglini
- S Schewe
- Shortliffe E.H. Testing reality - the introduction of decision support technologies for physicians. Meth
- SJ Nelson
- SM Weiss
- Sorgaard
- T Bowen
- T Gjorup
- T Richardson
- TA Pryor
- V Brannigan
- Van Bemmel
- VL Yu
- WM Tierney
- Young F.E. Validation of medical software
- Yu V.L. Evaluating the performance of a computer based consultant. Comp
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1991
- Field of study