13 research outputs found

    Learning and Developing Individual Exercise Skills (L.A.D.I.E.S.) for a Better Life: A Church-Based Physical Activity Intervention - Baseline Participant Characteristics

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    Objective: Physical activity (PA) is beneficial for health, yet most African American women do not achieve recommended levels. Successful, sustainable strategies could help to address disparities in health outcomes associated with low levels of PA. The Learning and Developing Individual Exercise Skills (L.A.D.I.E.S.) for a Better Life study compared a faith-based and a secular intervention for increasing PA with a selfguided control group. Design Setting Participants: This cluster randomized, controlled trial was conducted from 2010 – 2011 in African American churches (n=31) in suburban North Carolina. Participants were 469 self-identified low active African American women. Measures: Baseline data were collected on participant demographics, objective and self-reported PA, and constructs related to social ecological theory and social cognitive theory. Results: Complete baseline data were available for 417 participants who were aged 51.4 ± 12.9 years, with average BMI (kg/ m2) 35.8 ± 9.9; 73% of participants were obese (BMI &gt;30). Participants averaged 3,990 ± 1,828 pedometer-assessed daily steps and 23.9 ± 37.7 accelerometer-assessed minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous PA, and self-reported 25.4 ± 45.4 minutes of weekly walking and moderate- and vigorous-intensity PA. Baseline self-reported religiosity and social support were high. Conclusions: L.A.D.I.E.S. is one of the largest PA trials focused on individual behavior change in African American women. Baseline characteristics suggest participants are representative of the general population. Findings from the study will contribute toward understanding appropriate strategies for increasing PA in high-risk populations.Ethn Dis. 2017;27(3):257-264; doi:10.18865/ed.27.3.257 </p

    Learning and Developing Individual Exercise Skills (L.A.D.I.E.S.) for a Better Life: A physical activity intervention for black women

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    Physical activity (PA) is low among African American women despite awareness of its positive impact on health. Learning and Developing Individual Exercise Skills for a Better Life (L.A.D.I.E.S.) compares three strategies for increasing PA among African American women using a cluster randomized, controlled trial. Underactive adult women from 30 churches (n=15 participants/church) were recruited. Churches were randomized to a faith-based intervention, a non-faith based intervention, or an information only control group. Intervention groups will meet 25 times in group sessions with other women from their church over a 10-month period. Control group participants will receive standard educational material promoting PA. All participants will be followed for an additional 12 months to assess PA maintenance. Data will be collected at baseline, 10, and 22 months. The primary outcome is PA (steps/day, daily moderate-to-vigorous PA). We expect treatment effects indicating that assignment to either of the active interventions is associated with greater magnitude of change in PA compared to the control group. In exploratory analyses, we will test whether changes in the faith-based intervention group are greater than changes in the non-faith-based intervention group. L.A.D.I.E.S. focuses on a significant issue—increasing PA levels—in a segment of the population most in need of successful strategies for improving health. If successful, L.A.D.I.E.S. will advance the field by providing an approach that is successful for initiating and sustaining change in physical activity, which has been shown to be a primary risk factor for a variety of health outcomes, using churches as the point of delivery

    Communication, Decision Making, and Cancer: What African Americans Want Physicians to Know

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    To explore and identify communication and decision making with health care providers for African Americans living with cancer and for their families

    Carrying the Burden: Perspectives of African American Pastors on Peer Support for People with Cancer

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    For African Americans facing advanced cancer, churches are trusted sources of support and ideal settings to improve access to supportive care. The Support Team model enhances community support for practical, emotional, and spiritual caregiving. We report on focus groups with pastors of 23 Black Churches and explore their perspective on the Support Team model for church members with cancer. Pastors describe the needs of church members facing cancer from a holistic perspective and recognize opportunities for synergistic faith-health collaboration. The results of this study indicate potential benefits of the Support Team model in Black Churches to reduce silent suffering among individuals facing cancer

    Circles of Care: Development and Initial Evaluation of a Peer Support Model for African Americans With Advanced Cancer

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    Peer support interventions extend care and health information to underserved populations yet rarely address serious illness. Investigators from a well-defined academic–community partnership developed and evaluated a peer support intervention for African Americans facing advanced cancer. Evaluation methods used the Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance (RE-AIM) framework. Investigators initially recruited and trained 24 lay health advisors who shared information or support with 210 individuals. However, lay advisors reported barriers of medical privacy and lack of confidence working alone with people with cancer. Training was modified to match the support team model for peer support; training reached 193 volunteers, 104 of whom formed support teams for 47 persons with serious illness. Support teams were adopted by 23 community organizations, including 11 African American churches. Volunteers in teams felt prepared to implement many aspects of supportive care such as practical support (32%) or help with cancer or palliative care resources (43%). People with serious illness requested help with practical, emotional, spiritual, and quality of life needs; however, they rarely wanted advocacy (3%) or cancer or palliative care resources (5%) from support teams. Volunteers had difficulty limiting outreach to people with advanced cancer due to medical privacy concerns and awareness that others could benefit. Support teams are a promising model of peer support for African Americans facing advanced cancer and serious illness, with reach, adoption, and implementation superior to the lay advisor model. This formative initial evaluation provides evidence for feasibility and acceptance. Further research should examine the efficacy and potential for maintenance of this intervention

    Hierarchical organization of eglin c native state dynamics is shaped by competing direct and water-mediated interactions

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    The native state dynamics of the small globular serine protease inhibitor eglin c has been studied in a long 336 ns computer simulation in explicit solvent. We have elucidated the energy landscape explored during the course of the simulation by using Principal Component Analysis. We observe several basins in the energy landscape in which the system lingers for extended periods. Through an iterative process we have generated a tree-like hierarchy of states describing the observed dynamics. We observe a range of divergent contact types including salt bridges, hydrogen bonds, hydrophilic interactions, and hydrophobic interactions, pointing to the frustration between competing interactions. Additionally, we find evidence of competing water-mediated interactions. Divergence in water-mediated interactions may be found to supplement existing direct contacts, but they are also found to be independent of such changes. Water-mediated contacts facilitate interactions between residues of like charge as observed in the simulation. Our results provide insight into the complexity of the dynamic native state of a globular protein and directly probe the residual frustration in the native state