3,919 research outputs found

    New superintegrable models with position-dependent mass from Bertrand's Theorem on curved spaces

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    A generalized version of Bertrand's theorem on spherically symmetric curved spaces is presented. This result is based on the classification of (3+1)-dimensional (Lorentzian) Bertrand spacetimes, that gives rise to two families of Hamiltonian systems defined on certain 3-dimensional (Riemannian) spaces. These two systems are shown to be either the Kepler or the oscillator potentials on the corresponding Bertrand spaces, and both of them are maximally superintegrable. Afterwards, the relationship between such Bertrand Hamiltonians and position-dependent mass systems is explicitly established. These results are illustrated through the example of a superintegrable (nonlinear) oscillator on a Bertrand-Darboux space, whose quantization and physical features are also briefly addressed.Comment: 13 pages; based in the contribution to the 28th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Northumbria University (U.K.), 26-30th July 201

    Quantum two-photon algebra from non-standard U_z(sl(2,R)) and a discrete time Schr\"odinger equation

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    The non-standard quantum deformation of the (trivially) extended sl(2,R) algebra is used to construct a new quantum deformation of the two-photon algebra h_6 and its associated quantum universal R-matrix. A deformed one-boson representation for this algebra is deduced and applied to construct a first order deformation of the differential equation that generates the two-photon algebra eigenstates in Quantum Optics. On the other hand, the isomorphism between h_6 and the (1+1) Schr\"odinger algebra leads to a new quantum deformation for the latter for which a differential-difference realization is presented. From it, a time discretization of the heat-Schr\"odinger equation is obtained and the quantum Schr\"odinger generators are shown to be symmetry operators.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    (1+1) Schrodinger Lie bialgebras and their Poisson-Lie groups

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    All Lie bialgebra structures for the (1+1)-dimensional centrally extended Schrodinger algebra are explicitly derived and proved to be of the coboundary type. Therefore, since all of them come from a classical r-matrix, the complete family of Schrodinger Poisson-Lie groups can be deduced by means of the Sklyanin bracket. All possible embeddings of the harmonic oscillator, extended Galilei and gl(2) Lie bialgebras within the Schrodinger classification are studied. As an application, new quantum (Hopf algebra) deformations of the Schrodinger algebra, including their corresponding quantum universal R-matrices, are constructed.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX. Possible applications in relation with integrable systems are pointed; new references adde

    Universal integrals for superintegrable systems on N-dimensional spaces of constant curvature

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    An infinite family of classical superintegrable Hamiltonians defined on the N-dimensional spherical, Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces are shown to have a common set of (2N-3) functionally independent constants of the motion. Among them, two different subsets of N integrals in involution (including the Hamiltonian) can always be explicitly identified. As particular cases, we recover in a straightforward way most of the superintegrability properties of the Smorodinsky-Winternitz and generalized Kepler-Coulomb systems on spaces of constant curvature and we introduce as well new classes of (quasi-maximally) superintegrable potentials on these spaces. Results here presented are a consequence of the sl(2) Poisson coalgebra symmetry of all the Hamiltonians, together with an appropriate use of the phase spaces associated to Poincare and Beltrami coordinates.Comment: 12 page

    Multiparametric quantum gl(2): Lie bialgebras, quantum R-matrices and non-relativistic limits

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    Multiparametric quantum deformations of gl(2)gl(2) are studied through a complete classification of gl(2)gl(2) Lie bialgebra structures. From them, the non-relativistic limit leading to harmonic oscillator Lie bialgebras is implemented by means of a contraction procedure. New quantum deformations of gl(2)gl(2) together with their associated quantum RR-matrices are obtained and other known quantizations are recovered and classified. Several connections with integrable models are outlined.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX. To appear in J. Phys. A. New contents adde

    Universal RR--matrices for non-standard (1+1) quantum groups

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    A universal quasitriangular RR--matrix for the non-standard quantum (1+1) Poincar\'e algebra Uziso(1,1)U_ziso(1,1) is deduced by imposing analyticity in the deformation parameter zz. A family gμg_\mu of ``quantum graded contractions" of the algebra Uziso(1,1)Uziso(1,1)U_ziso(1,1)\oplus U_{-z}iso(1,1) is obtained; this set of quantum algebras contains as Hopf subalgebras with two primitive translations quantum analogues of the two dimensional Euclidean, Poincar\'e and Galilei algebras enlarged with dilations. Universal RR--matrices for these quantum Weyl algebras and their associated quantum groups are constructed.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX

    On the gravitational content of molecular clouds and their cores

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    (Abridged) The gravitational term for clouds and cores entering in the virial theorem is usually assumed to be equal to the gravitational energy, since the contribution to the gravitational force from the mass distribution outside the volume of integration is assumed to be negligible. Such approximation may not be valid in the presence of an important external net potential. In the present work we analyze the effect of an external gravitational field on the gravitational budget of a density structure. Our cases under analysis are (a) a giant molecular cloud (GMC) with different aspect ratios embedded within a galactic net potential, and (b) a molecular cloud core embedded within the gravitational potential of its parent molecular cloud. We find that for roundish GMCs, the tidal tearing due to the shear in the plane of the galaxy is compensated by the tidal compression in the z direction. The influence of the external effective potential on the total gravitational budget of these clouds is relatively small, although not necessarily negligible. However, for more filamentary GMCs, the external effective potential can be dominant and can even overwhelm self-gravity, regardless of whether its main effect on the cloud is to disrupt it or compress it. This may explain the presence of some GMCs with few or no signs of massive star formation, such as the Taurus or the Maddalena's clouds. In the case of dense cores embedded in their parent molecular cloud, we found that the gravitational content due to the external field may be more important than the gravitational energy of the cores themselves. This effect works in the same direction as the gravitational energy, i.e., favoring the collapse of cores. We speculate on the implications of these results for star formation models.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Integrable deformations of oscillator chains from quantum algebras

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    A family of completely integrable nonlinear deformations of systems of N harmonic oscillators are constructed from the non-standard quantum deformation of the sl(2,R) algebra. Explicit expressions for all the associated integrals of motion are given, and the long-range nature of the interactions introduced by the deformation is shown to be linked to the underlying coalgebra structure. Separability and superintegrability properties of such systems are analysed, and their connection with classical angular momentum chains is used to construct a non-standard integrable deformation of the XXX hyperbolic Gaudin system.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe