2,268 research outputs found

    Is there a link between previous exposure to sport injury psychology education and UK sport injury rehabilitation professionals' attitudes and behaviour towards sport psychology?

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    Objectives: The use of sport psychology strategies during sport injury rehabilitation can lead to several positive outcomes such as improved adherence and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to compare the sport psychology related attitudes and behaviours of UK sport injury rehabilitation professionals (SIRPs) who had studied the psychological aspects of sport injury to those who had not. Participants and design: Ninety-four SIRPs (54 physiotherapists and 40 sports therapists with a mean of 9.22 years' experience of working in sport) completed an online survey and were grouped according to their level of previous exposure to sport injury psychology education at an undergraduate/postgraduate level. Analyses were undertaken to establish whether there were any differences in sport psychology related attitude (MANOVA), usage (MANOVA), and referral behaviours (chi square) between the groups. Results: The MANOVA and chi square tests conducted revealed that those who had studied the psychological aspects of sport injury reported using significantly more sport psychology in their practice and making more referrals to sport psychologists. Conclusions: It was concluded that sport injury psychology education appears to be effective in increasing the sport psychology related behaviours (use of sport psychology and referral) of SIRPs and should be integrated into professional training

    The impact of a sport psychology education intervention on physiotherapists

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    The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of an online sport psychology education module on the attitudes and behaviours of qualified sports physiotherapists in the UK. Ninety-five sport physiotherapists studied either a sport psychology module or a control module, and their attitudes and behaviours towards sport psychology were measured prior to studying the module and at three points over a six-month period following its completion. It was found that those who had studied the sport psychology module demonstrated an improvement in their attitudes towards sport psychology immediately following its completion that was significantly higher than those who had studied the control module. Use of sport psychology also increased following the sport psychology module, with significant differences seen between the intervention and control group on the sport psychology subscale, indicating that those who had studied the sport psychology module were integrating more sport psychology techniques into their practice than those who had studied the control module. It was concluded that the online sport psychology module was effective in improving the attitudes and behaviours of UK physiotherapists and that more sport psychology education opportunities should be made available

    Effects of softwood biochar on the status of nitrogen species and elements of potential toxicity in soils

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    The effects of softwood-derived biochar materials on the chemical behaviour of environmental contaminants in soils were examined in two microcosm scenarios. Addition of the biochar materials into an alkaline sandy soil significantly reduced NH3 volatilization and made it available for conversion into NO3- via nitrification. This process could be enhanced by an increased application rate of biochar produced at a higher pyrolysis temperature. Under the alkaline conditions encountered in the experiment, the biochar surfaces tended to be negatively charged which disfavours the adsorption of NO3-. Therefore, in a fully open system, the addition of biochar materials was likely to contribute to nitrate leaching from the fertilized alkaline sandy soil. The effects of the biochar materials on the immobilization of Fe2+ generated via anaerobic iron reduction in the inundated contaminated soil were not observed, except for the treatment with a higher dose of biochar material produced under pyrolysis temperature at 700°C after the 240th h of incubation. Arsenic showed similar behaviour to Fe. Zn tended to have a higher affinity to the biochar, as compared to Mn. Immobilization of Pb occurred regardless of whether or not the biochar is present

    Solving the Discretised Boltzmann Transport Equations using Neural Networks: Applications in Neutron Transport

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    In this paper we solve the Boltzmann transport equation using AI libraries. The reason why this is attractive is because it enables one to use the highly optimised software within AI libraries, enabling one to run on different computer architectures and enables one to tap into the vast quantity of community based software that has been developed for AI and ML applications e.g. mixed arithmetic precision or model parallelism. Here we take the first steps towards developing this approach for the Boltzmann transport equation and develop the necessary methods in order to do that effectively. This includes: 1) A space-angle multigrid solution method that can extract the level of parallelism necessary to run efficiently on GPUs or new AI computers. 2) A new Convolutional Finite Element Method (ConvFEM) that greatly simplifies the implementation of high order finite elements (quadratic to quintic, say). 3) A new non-linear Petrov-Galerkin method that introduces dissipation anisotropically

    Teleportation of a quantum state of a spatial mode with a single massive particle

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    Mode entanglement exists naturally between regions of space in ultra-cold atomic gases. It has, however, been debated whether this type of entanglement is useful for quantum protocols. This is due to a particle number superselection rule that restricts the operations that can be performed on the modes. In this paper, we show how to exploit the mode entanglement of just a single particle for the teleportation of an unknown quantum state of a spatial mode. We detail how to overcome the superselection rule to create any initial quantum state and how to perform Bell state analysis on two of the modes. We show that two of the four Bell states can always be reliably distinguished, while the other two have to be grouped together due to an unsatisfied phase matching condition. The teleportation of an unknown state of a quantum mode thus only succeeds half of the time.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, this paper was presented at TQC 2010 and extends the work of Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 200502 (2009

    Extreme nonlocality with one photon

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    Quantum nonlocality is typically assigned to systems of two or more well separated particles, but nonlocality can also exist in systems consisting of just a single particle, when one considers the subsystems to be distant spatial field modes. Single particle nonlocality has been confirmed experimentally via a bipartite Bell inequality. In this paper, we introduce an N-party Hardy-like proof of impossibility of local elements of reality and a Bell inequality for local realistic theories for a single particle superposed symmetrical over N spatial field modes (i.e. a N qubit W state). We show that, in the limit of large N, the Hardy-like proof effectively becomes an all-versus nothing (or GHZ-like) proof, and the quantum-classical gap of the Bell inequality tends to be same of the one in a three-particle GHZ experiment. We detail how to test the nonlocality in realistic systems.Comment: 11 single column pages, 2 figures; v3 now includes a Bell inequality in addition to the results in the previous versio

    The Impact of a Graded Maximal Exercise Protocol on Exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds:A Pilot Study

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    Exhaled volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are of interest due to their minimally invasive sampling procedure. Previous studies have investigated the impact of exercise, with evidence suggesting that breath VOCs reflect exercise-induced metabolic activity. However, these studies have yet to investigate the impact of maximal exercise to exhaustion on breath VOCs, which was the main aim of this study. Two-litre breath samples were collected onto thermal desorption tubes using a portable breath collection unit. Samples were collected pre-exercise, and at 10 and 60 min following a maximal exercise test (VO2MAX). Breath VOCs were analysed by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a non-targeted approach. Data showed a tendency for reduced isoprene in samples at 10 min post-exercise, with a return to baseline by 60 min. However, inter-individual variation meant differences between baseline and 10 min could not be confirmed, although the 10 and 60 min timepoints were different (p = 0.041). In addition, baseline samples showed a tendency for both acetone and isoprene to be reduced in those with higher absolute VO2MAX scores (mL(O2)/min), although with restricted statistical power. Baseline samples could not differentiate between relative VO2MAX scores (mL(O2)/kg/min). In conclusion, these data support that isoprene levels are dynamic in response to exercise.</p

    The sound of violets: the ethnographic potency of poetry?

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    This paper takes the form of a dialogue between the two authors, and is in two halves, the first half discursive and propositional, and the second half exemplifying the rhetorical, epistemological and metaphysical affordances of poetry in critically scrutinising the rhetoric, epistemology and metaphysics of educational management discourse. Phipps and Saunders explore, through ideas and poems, how poetry can interrupt and/or illuminate dominant values in education and in educational research methods, such as: • alternatives to the military metaphors – targets, strategies and the like – that dominate the soundscape of education; • the kinds and qualities of the cognitive and feeling spaces that might be opened up by the shifting of methodological boundaries; • the considerable work done in ethnography on the use of the poetic: anthropologists have long used poetry as a medium for expressing their sense of empathic connection to their field and their subjects, particularly in considering the creativity and meaning-making that characterise all human societies in different ways; • the particular rhetorical affordances of poetry, as a discipline, as a practice, as an art, as patterned breath; its capacity to shift phonemic, and therewith methodological, authority; its offering of redress to linear and reductive attempts at scripting social life, as always already given and without alternative

    Tunneling-percolation origin of nonuniversality: theory and experiments

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    A vast class of disordered conducting-insulating compounds close to the percolation threshold is characterized by nonuniversal values of transport critical exponent t, in disagreement with the standard theory of percolation which predicts t = 2.0 for all three dimensional systems. Various models have been proposed in order to explain the origin of such universality breakdown. Among them, the tunneling-percolation model calls into play tunneling processes between conducting particles which, under some general circumstances, could lead to transport exponents dependent of the mean tunneling distance a. The validity of such theory could be tested by changing the parameter a by means of an applied mechanical strain. We have applied this idea to universal and nonuniversal RuO2-glass composites. We show that when t > 2 the measured piezoresistive response \Gamma, i. e., the relative change of resistivity under applied strain, diverges logarithmically at the percolation threshold, while for t = 2, \Gamma does not show an appreciable dependence upon the RuO2 volume fraction. These results are consistent with a mean tunneling dependence of the nonuniversal transport exponent as predicted by the tunneling-percolation model. The experimental results are compared with analytical and numerical calculations on a random-resistor network model of tunneling-percolation.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Solving the Discretised Multiphase Flow Equations with Interface Capturing on Structured Grids Using Machine Learning Libraries

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    This paper solves the discretised multiphase flow equations using tools and methods from machine-learning libraries. The idea comes from the observation that convolutional layers can be used to express a discretisation as a neural network whose weights are determined by the numerical method, rather than by training, and hence, we refer to this approach as Neural Networks for PDEs (NN4PDEs). To solve the discretised multiphase flow equations, a multigrid solver is implemented through a convolutional neural network with a U-Net architecture. Immiscible two-phase flow is modelled by the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with surface tension and advection of a volume fraction field, which describes the interface between the fluids. A new compressive algebraic volume-of-fluids method is introduced, based on a residual formulation using Petrov-Galerkin for accuracy and designed with NN4PDEs in mind. High-order finite-element based schemes are chosen to model a collapsing water column and a rising bubble. Results compare well with experimental data and other numerical results from the literature, demonstrating that, for the first time, finite element discretisations of multiphase flows can be solved using an approach based on (untrained) convolutional neural networks. A benefit of expressing numerical discretisations as neural networks is that the code can run, without modification, on CPUs, GPUs or the latest accelerators designed especially to run AI codes.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, 4 table