783 research outputs found
Hidden musculoskeletal involvement in inflammatory bowel disease: a multicenter ultrasound study
Inflammatory bowel diseases are associated with a variety of extra-intestinal manifestations. The most frequent of these is joint involvement, which affects 16-33 % of IBD patients. Our aim was to evaluate the ultrasound prevalence of sub-clinical joint and entheseal involvement in patients with IBD without musculoskeletal symptoms, and to correlate the US findings with clinical and laboratory variables.
We recorded the clinical and laboratory data of 76 patients with IBD, 20 patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA) and 45 healthy controls at three rheumatology centers. All of the IBD patients and healthy controls were clinically examined by a rheumatologist in order to confirm the absence of musculoskeletal symptoms, and all of the subjects underwent grey-scale (GS) and power Doppler (PD) US examinations of the second and third metacarpophalangeal joints, knees and lower limbs in order to detect joint or entheseal abnormalities.
A total of 1410 entheseal sites and 1410 joints were evaluated by US. Of the 76 patients with IBD, 64 (84.1 %) had at least one GS entheseal abnormality, and 11 (13.9 %) had more than one PD-positive entheseal site; 32 (42.1 %) showed sub-clinical joint involvement. There was a significant difference between the IBD patients and healthy controls in terms of global entheseal, PD-positive entheseal, and joint involvement (p < 0.0001), but no difference between the IBD and SpA patients. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies predicted entheseal involvement in patients with IBD (OR 6.031; p = 0.015).
The prevalence of sub-clinical joint and entheseal involvement was higher in IBD patients than healthy controls, but there was no difference between the IBD and SpA patients
Evolutionary Dynamics of Multigene Families in Triportheus (Characiformes, Triportheidae): A Transposon Mediated Mechanism?
Triportheus (Characiformes, Triportheidae) is a freshwater fish genus with 18 valid species. These fishes are widely distributed in the major river drainages of South America, having commercial importance in the fishing market, mainly in the Amazon basin. This genus has diverged recently in a complex process of speciation carried out in different river basins. The use of repetitive sequences is suitable to trace the genomic reorganizations occured along the speciation process. In this work, the 5S rDNA multigene family has been characterized at molecular and phylogenetic level. The results showed that other multigene family has been found within the non-transcribed spacer (NTS): the U1 snRNA gene. Double-FISH with 5S and U1 probes were also performed, confirming the close linkage between these two multigene families. Moreover, evidences of different transposable elements (TE) were detected within the spacer, thus suggesting a transposon-mediated mechanism of 5S-U1 evolutionary pathway in this genus. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated a species-specific grouping, except for Triportheus pantanensis, Triportheus aff. rotundatus and Triportheus trifurcatus. The evolutionary model of the 5S rDNA in Triportheus species has been discussed. In addition, the results suggest new clues for the speciation and evolutionary trend in these species, which could be suitable to use in other Characiformes species
Endoscopic treatment of bleeding gastric varices with histoacryl (N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate): a South European single center experience
Endoscopic injection of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is the current recommended treatment for gastric variceal bleeding. Despite the extensive worldwide use, there are still differences related to the technique, safety, and long term-results. We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy and safety of cyanoacrylate in patients with gastric variceal bleeding.
Between January 1998 and January 2010, 97 patients with gastric variceal bleeding underwent endoscopic treatment with a mixture of N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate and Lipiodol(TM). Ninety-one patients had cirrhosis and 6 had non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. Child-Pugh score at presentation for cirrhotic patients was A-12.1 %; B-53.8 %; C-34.1 % and median MELD score at admission was 13 (3-26). Successful hemostasis, rebleeding rate and complications were reviewed. Median time of follow up was 19 months (0.5-126).
A median mixture volume of 1.5 mL (0.6 to 5 mL), in 1 to 8 injections, was used, with immediate hemostasis rate of 95.9 % and early rebleeding rate of 14.4 %. One or more complications occurred in 17.5 % and were associated with the use of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube before cyanoacrylate and very early rebleeding (p < 0.05). Hospital mortality rate during initial bleeding episode was 9.3 %. Very early rebleeding was a strong and independent predictor for in-hospital mortality (p < 0.001). Long-term mortality rate was 58.8 %, in most of the cases secondary to hepatic failure.
N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate is a rapid, easy and highly effective modality for immediate hemostasis of gastric variceal bleeding with an acceptable rebleeding rate. Patients with very early rebleeding are at higher risk of death
Presence of antibody anti-Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in sheep in Dormentes state fo Pernambuco, Brazil.
The Northeast has the largest Brazilian herd of goat sand sheep. Approximately 60% of these animais are located on small farms, on this fact, are the major health problems of which still exist in this region
Avaliation of antibody anti-Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in goats milking of Sisal area in state of Bahia.
To evaluate the presence of antibodies of these bacteria,we used 305 animais of both sexes, various breeds, older than sixmonts from 25 dairy herds located in different municipalities of the Territory of Sisal,State of Bahia
Judul penelitian ini adalah pengaruh media pembelajaran mind
mapping terhadap minat belajar peserta didik pada pelajaran ekonomi kelas
XI IPS 1 di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung tahun ajaran 2016-2017. Berdasarkan
tinjauan langsung di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung kelas XI IPS 1, Pembelajaran
konvensional (ceramah) hanya membuat peserta didik kurang aktif dan malas
dalam menerima materi yang ada, karena pembelajaran hanya terpusat pada apa
yang disampaikan sehingga tidak dapat dimengerti secara maksimal. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mengetahui penggunaan media mind mapping pada mata
pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS 1 di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung. (2) Mengetahui
minat belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas XI IPS 1 di SMA
Negeri 27 Bandung. (3) Mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh media mind
mapping terhadap minat belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas
XI IPS 1 di SMA Negeri 27 Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini adalah survei. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi dan
angket dengan teknik pengolahan data uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas
data, analisis regresi linier sederhana dan koefisien determinasi, Hipotesis
penelitian berbunyi “Terdapat pengaruh antara media pembelajaran mind mapping
(X) terhadap minat belajar peserta didik (Y) pada mata pelajaran ekonomi. Hasil
penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh antara variabel X dan Variabel Y sebesar
0,336 atau 33,60%. Untuk mengetahui hubungan fungsional antara variabel X dan
variabel Y maka digunakan analisis regresi linier sederhana dengan hasil
perhitungan sebagai berikut : Y = 9.915 + 0.537 X artinya bahwa setiap media
pembelajaran mind mapping bertambah 9,915 maka minat belajar meningkat
sebesar 0,537. Untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh variabel X (media
pembelajaran mind mapping) terhadap variabel Y (minat belajar), maka
digunakan koefisien determinasi dengan hasil perhitungan sebesar 33,60% maka
sebagian lainnya ditentukan oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. Kesimpulan
hipotesis penelitian dapat diterima, sebagai akhir penelitian penulis
menyampaikan saran kepada guru agar sebaiknya guru menggunakan variasi
media pembelajaran yang menarik berkaitan dengan materi pelajaran yang akan
disampaikan, karena cara ini dapat membuat peserta didik aktif dan kreatif untuk
belajar. Kepada para praktisi atau peneliti lain di bidang pendidikan dapat
melakukan penelitian serupa dengan media pembelajaran dan metode yang
berbeda agar diperoleh berbagai alternatif untuk peningkatan pemahaman
pembelajaran pada pokok bahasan selanjutnya dan kepada pihak sekolah sebagai
bahan kajian bagi sekolah dan menyarankan guru untuk menggunakan media
pembelajaran yang mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik untuk
mendukung pendekatan saintifik dan media pembelajaran yang baik.
Kata Kunci : media pembelajaran mind mapping, minat Belajar
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