1,570 research outputs found

    Administering Health Insurance Mandates

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    Provides an overview of health insurance mandates and administrative considerations. Based on a review of existing and proposed employer and individual mandates, outlines ways to structure them to be administered fairly and effectively

    Taste violations in the scalar correlator in mixed action simulations

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    We study the behavior of the isovector scalar correlator, which is particularly sensitive to lattice artifacts, using domain-wall valence quarks on a staggered sea (generated by the MILC collaboration). We analyze this according to the prediction from chiral perturbation theory determined by Prelovsek, which indicates that the leading unitarity violations come from taste breaking effects. We show that our data behaves in the way predicted by Prelovsek, thus verifying that the largest contribution to the violations of unitarity which arise at finite lattice spacing can be described by the mixed-action chiral perturbation theory

    The neutral kaon mixing parameter B_K from unquenched mixed-action lattice QCD

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    We calculate the neutral kaon mixing parameter B_K in unquenched lattice QCD using asqtad-improved staggered sea quarks and domain-wall valence quarks. We use the "2+1" flavor gauge configurations generated by the MILC Collaboration, and simulate with multiple valence and sea quark masses at two lattice spacings of a ~ 0.12 fm and a ~ 0.09 fm. We match the lattice determination of B_K to the continuum value using the nonperturbative method of Rome-Southampton, and extrapolate B_K to the continuum and physical quark masses using mixed action chiral perturbation theory. The "mixed-action" method enables us to control all sources of systematic uncertainty and therefore to precisely determine B_K; we find a value of B_K^{MSbar, NDR}(2 GeV) = 0.527(6)(20), where the first error is statistical and the second is systematic.Comment: 72 pages, 26 figures, 6 tables, uses RevTeX. Discussion about chiral/continuum extrapolation expanded for clarification, references added, conclusions remain unchanged, version published in Phys. Rev.

    The hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to aμa_{\mu} from full lattice QCD

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    We determine the contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from the αQED2\alpha^2_{\mathrm{QED}} hadronic vacuum polarization diagram using full lattice QCD and including u/du/d quarks with physical masses for the first time. We use gluon field configurations that include uu, dd, ss and cc quarks in the sea at multiple values of the lattice spacing, multiple u/du/d masses and multiple volumes that allow us to include an analysis of finite-volume effects. We obtain a result for aμHVP,LOa_{\mu}^{\mathrm{HVP,LO}} of 667(6)(12)667(6)(12), where the first error is from the lattice calculation and the second includes systematic errors from missing QED and isospin-breaking effects and from quark-line disconnected diagrams. Our result implies a discrepancy between the experimental determination of aμa_{\mu} and the Standard Model of 3σ\sigma.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures. Discussion of method extended with additional tests and figures added. Typographical errors correcte

    The Kaon B-parameter in Mixed Action Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We calculate the kaon B-parameter, B_K, in chiral perturbation theory for a partially quenched, mixed action theory with Ginsparg-Wilson valence quarks and staggered sea quarks. We find that the resulting expression is similar to that in the continuum, and in fact has only two additional unknown parameters. At one-loop order, taste-symmetry violations in the staggered sea sector only contribute to flavor-disconnected diagrams by generating an O(a^2) shift to the masses of taste-singlet sea-sea mesons. Lattice discretization errors also give rise to an analytic term which shifts the tree-level value of B_K by an amount of O(a^2). This term, however, is not strictly due to taste-breaking, and is therefore also present in the expression for B_K for pure G-W lattice fermions. We also present a numerical study of the mixed B_K expression in order to demonstrate that both discretization errors and finite volume effects are small and under control on the MILC improved staggered lattices.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; Expanded spurion discussion, other discussions clarified, version to appear in PR

    The BBπB^*B\pi coupling with relativistic heavy quarks

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    We report on a calculation of the BBπB^*B\pi coupling in lattice QCD. The strong matrix element BπB\langle B \pi | B^*\rangle is directly related to the leading order low-energy constant in heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMχ\chiPT) for BB-mesons. We carry out our calculation directly at the bb-quark mass using a non-perturbatively tuned clover action that controls discretisation effects of order pa|\vec{p}a| and (ma)n(ma)^n for all nn. Our analysis is performed on RBC/UKQCD gauge configurations using domain wall fermions and the Iwasaki gauge action at two lattice spacings of a1=1.73(3)a^{-1}=1.73(3) GeV, a1=2.28(3)a^{-1}=2.28(3) GeV, and unitary pion masses down to 290 MeV. We achieve good statistical precision and control all systematic uncertainties, giving a final result for the HMχ\chiPT coupling gb=0.569(48)stat(59)sysg_b = 0.569(48)_{stat}(59)_{sys} in the continuum and at the physical light-quark masses. This is the first calculation performed directly at the physical bb-quark mass and lies in the region one would expect from carrying out an interpolation between previous results at the charm mass and at the static point.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, presented at the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), 29 July - 3 August 2013, Mainz, German

    B Mixing in the Standard Model and Beyond: Lattice QCD

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    We give a brief overview and progress report on our lattice QCD calculation of neutral B mixing hadronic matrix elements needed for Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model physics. Reference [1] contains more details and results.Comment: 3 pages, 0 figures, Proceedings of the 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC11), Cambridge, MA, U.S.A., July 201