149 research outputs found

    On Waylen's regular axisymmetric similarity solutions

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    We review the similarity solutions proposed by Waylen for a regular time-dependent axisymmetric vacuum space-time, and show that the key equation introduced to solve the invariant surface conditions is related by a Baecklund transform to a restriction on the similarity variables. We further show that the vacuum space-times produced via this path automatically possess a (possibly homothetic) Killing vector, which may be time-like.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX2

    Properties of equations of the continuous Toda type

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    We study a modified version of an equation of the continuous Toda type in 1+1 dimensions. This equation contains a friction-like term which can be switched off by annihilating a free parameter \ep. We apply the prolongation method, the symmetry and the approximate symmetry approach. This strategy allows us to get insight into both the equations for \ep =0 and \ep \ne 0, whose properties arising in the above frameworks are mutually compared. For \ep =0, the related prolongation equations are solved by means of certain series expansions which lead to an infinite- dimensional Lie algebra. Furthermore, using a realization of the Lie algebra of the Euclidean group E2E_{2}, a connection is shown between the continuous Toda equation and a linear wave equation which resembles a special case of a three-dimensional wave equation that occurs in a generalized Gibbons-Hawking ansatz \cite{lebrun}. Nontrivial solutions to the wave equation expressed in terms of Bessel functions are determined. For \ep\,\ne\,0, we obtain a finite-dimensional Lie algebra with four elements. A matrix representation of this algebra yields solutions of the modified continuous Toda equation associated with a reduced form of a perturbative Liouville equation. This result coincides with that achieved in the context of the approximate symmetry approach. Example of exact solutions are also provided. In particular, the inverse of the exponential-integral function turns out to be defined by the reduced differential equation coming from a linear combination of the time and space translations. Finally, a Lie algebra characterizing the approximate symmetries is discussed.Comment: LaTex file, 27 page

    Slowly, rotating non-stationary, fluid solutions of Einstein's equations and their match to Kerr empty space-time

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    A general class of solutions of Einstein's equation for a slowly rotating fluid source, with supporting internal pressure, is matched using Lichnerowicz junction conditions, to the Kerr metric up to and including first order terms in angular speed parameter. It is shown that the match applies to any previously known non-rotating fluid source made to rotate slowly for which a zero pressure boundary surface exists. The method is applied to the dust source of Robertson-Walker and in outline to an interior solution due to McVittie describing gravitational collapse. The applicability of the method to additional examples is transparent. The differential angular velocity of the rotating systems is determined and the induced rotation of local inertial frame is exhibited

    Axistationary perfect fluids -- a tetrad approach

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    Stationary axisymmetric perfect fluid space-times are investigated using the curvature description of geometries. Attention is focused on space-times with a vanishing electric part of the Weyl tensor. It is shown that the only incompressible axistationary magnetic perfect fluid is the interior Schwarzschild solution. The existence of a rigidly rotating perfect fluid, generalizing the interior Schwarzschild metric is proven. Theorems are stated on Petrov types and electric/magnetic Weyl tensors.Comment: 12 page

    Phasing of gravitational waves from inspiralling eccentric binaries

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    We provide a method for analytically constructing high-accuracy templates for the gravitational wave signals emitted by compact binaries moving in inspiralling eccentric orbits. By contrast to the simpler problem of modeling the gravitational wave signals emitted by inspiralling {\it circular} orbits, which contain only two different time scales, namely those associated with the orbital motion and the radiation reaction, the case of {\it inspiralling eccentric} orbits involves {\it three different time scales}: orbital period, periastron precession and radiation-reaction time scales. By using an improved `method of variation of constants', we show how to combine these three time scales, without making the usual approximation of treating the radiative time scale as an adiabatic process. We explicitly implement our method at the 2.5PN post-Newtonian accuracy. Our final results can be viewed as computing new `post-adiabatic' short period contributions to the orbital phasing, or equivalently, new short-period contributions to the gravitational wave polarizations, h+,×h_{+,\times}, that should be explicitly added to the `post-Newtonian' expansion for h+,×h_{+,\times}, if one treats radiative effects on the orbital phasing of the latter in the usual adiabatic approximation. Our results should be of importance both for the LIGO/VIRGO/GEO network of ground based interferometric gravitational wave detectors (especially if Kozai oscillations turn out to be significant in globular cluster triplets), and for the future space-based interferometer LISA.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figures, high quality figures upon reques

    On application of Liouville type equations to constructing B\"acklund transformations

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    It is shown how pseudoconstants of the Liouville-type equations can be exploited as a tool for construction of the B\"acklund transformations. Several new examples of such transformations are found. In particular we obtained the B\"acklund transformations for a pair of three-component analogs of the dispersive water wave system, and auto-B\"acklund transformations for coupled three-component KdV-type systems.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    Zero curvature representation for a new fifth-order integrable system

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    In this brief note we present a zero-curvature representation for one of the new integrable system found by Mikhailov, Novikov and Wang in nlin.SI/0601046.Comment: 2 pages, LaTeX 2e, no figure

    The Robinson-Trautman Type III Prolongation Structure Contains K2_2

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    The minimal prolongation structure for the Robinson-Trautman equations of Petrov type III is shown to always include the infinite-dimensional, contragredient algebra, K2_2, which is of infinite growth. Knowledge of faithful representations of this algebra would allow the determination of B\"acklund transformations to evolve new solutions.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, no figures, submitted to Commun. Math. Phy

    Scaling and Duality in Semi-exclusive Processes

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    We discuss extending scaling and duality studies to semi-exclusive processes. We show that semi-exclusive hard pion photoproduction should exhibit scaling behavior in kinematic regions where the photon and pion both interact directly with the same quark. We show that such kinematic regions exist. We also show that the constancy with changing momentum transfer of the resonance peak/scaling curve ratio, familiar for many resonances in deep inelastic scattering, is also expected in the semi-exclusive case.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Solution generating with perfect fluids

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    We apply a technique, due to Stephani, for generating solutions of the Einstein-perfect fluid equations. This technique is similar to the vacuum solution generating techniques of Ehlers, Harrison, Geroch and others. We start with a ``seed'' solution of the Einstein-perfect fluid equations with a Killing vector. The seed solution must either have (i) a spacelike Killing vector and equation of state P=rho or (ii) a timelike Killing vector and equation of state rho+3P=0. The new solution generated by this technique then has the same Killing vector and the same equation of state. We choose several simple seed solutions with these equations of state and where the Killing vector has no twist. The new solutions are twisting versions of the seed solutions