24 research outputs found

    A new segmented-beat modulation algorithm for maternal ECG estimation from abdominal recordings

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    The noninvasive fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) provides precious information about the physiological fetus state. It is extracted from abdominal recordings, obtained positioning surface electrodes on the maternal abdomen, by subtraction of the maternal ECG (mECG), often roughly estimated by simply concatenating a maternal-beat template. Aim of the present study is to propose a new algorithm for the mECG estimation based on a segmented-beat modulation method (SBMM) that adjusts the template length to the maternal physiological heart-rate variability (HRV) and reduces the level of noise. According to the SBMM, each maternal cardiac cycle (CC) is segmented into two segments, QRS and TUP, respectively independent and proportional to preceding RR interval. The estimated mECG is the concatenation of the template-beat, obtained as the median of the maternal beat after modulation and demodulation of TUP segment. The algorithm was applied to two (ARec1 and ARec2) 4-channel abdominal recordings obtained from pregnant women. ARec1 and ARec2 were both 60 s long and characterized by similar heart rate (HR: 80 bpm and 82 bpm) but different HRV (42 ms vs. 139 ms). Results indicate that the error in the mECG estimation is always small (<2.5 μV) but increases with HRV (ARec1: 0.87–1.65 μV; ARec2: 1.98–2.37 μV). In conclusion, the proposed algorithm based on the SBMM allows a clean mECG estimation from abdominal recordings thanks to a modulation procedure introduced to track physiological variation in the maternal heart rhythm

    A feasibility study on handmade paper boxes

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    This study consensus the manufacturing, selling, and feasibility of handmade paper boxes where the main objective and focus is its feasibility. Thus, this study provides an analysis on the five different functional areas: Marketing, Technical, Management and Legal, Financial, and Socio-Economic. The Marketing study concerns determining the demand for the proposed product. The market, which are primary and secondary, will also be defined. The proponets illustrate and describe in the following text the promotional tools and strategies made, with pricing analysis, properties of the handmade paper boxes, logo, brand name and packaging. The monthly demand will also be computed as basis for the sales forecast. This study will also discuss the technical aspect. This includes the technical description of the product---its features, characteristics, and specifications. It would consist of the series of steps of the manufacturing process as well as a flow chart and the PERT diagram to illustrate the process. A brief description of the raw materials, suppliers, tools, machines and equipments that the proponents will be using are included. The proponents will also illustrate the map of their plant location and plant layout. The proponents will also determine their production schedules as well as compute for plant capacity and production costs of the proposed product. The scope of the management and legal aspect of the feasibility study include the form of ownership of the business. In this case, the proponents will be establishing a corporation. The form of organizational structure will be discussed together with the different positions in the organization. The functions of each position will be defined thoroughly together with the qualifications. An organizational chart will be made to illustrate the hierarchy of the different positions. A Gantt chart is made to show the outline of the activities that will be done for the next three trimesters. Rules and regulations will be organized by the proponents to ensure peace and order in the organization. The financial study contains the financial assumptions, the financial statements and the financial analysis. The final assumptions is comprised of the general assumptions as well as the statement of Cost of Goods Sold assumptions, the balance sheet assumptions and the income statement assumptions. It is followed by the projected financial statements of the corporation for a period of nine months. The financial analysis of the corporation through Return on Investment, Return on Equity, Total Asset Turnover, Fixed turnover and Gross profit Margin ratio which will then be compared with the current financial analysis of the handmade paper industry. The socio-economic aspect is about the social desirability of the product. Here, factors contributing to its desirability will be looked into and discussed. Based from all three aspects, it has been found out that there is a demand for the product of 71.08% and based from the hypothesis testing, the demand is acceptable. There is available resources in manufacturing the product and the skills required can be done by the proponents. An organizational can be formed to implement activities/operations of the business. The business venture is profitable since there\u27s a return on investment of 38.85%, and it has been found out that the earnings are higher than that of investing the money in the bank. In terms of socio-economic, the product helps promote environmental awareness through the use of earth-friendly products and simple designs. The proponents, in turn, contribute social desirability by providing employment to their suppliers of local materials