2,667 research outputs found

    Kernel regression estimates of time delays between gravitationally lensed fluxes

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    Strongly lensed variable quasars can serve as precise cosmological probes, provided that time delays between the image fluxes can be accurately measured. A number of methods have been proposed to address this problem. In this paper, we explore in detail a new approach based on kernel regression estimates, which is able to estimate a single time delay given several datasets for the same quasar. We develop realistic artificial data sets in order to carry out controlled experiments to test of performance of this new approach. We also test our method on real data from strongly lensed quasar Q0957+561 and compare our estimates against existing results.Comment: Updated to match published versio

    Physical Properties, Star Formation, and Active Galactic Nucleus Activity in Balmer Break Galaxies at 0 < z < 1

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    We present a spectroscopic study with the derivation of the physical properties of 37 Balmer break galaxies, which have the necessary lines to locate them in star-forming-AGN diagnostic diagrams. These galaxies span a redshift range from 0.045 to 0.93 and are somewhat less massive than similar samples of previous works. The studied sample has multiwavelength photometric data coverage from the ultraviolet to MIR Spitzer bands. We investigate the connection between star formation and AGN activity via optical, mass-excitation (MEx) and MIR diagnostic diagrams. Through optical diagrams, 31 (84%) star-forming galaxies, 2 (5%) composite galaxies and 3 (8%) AGNs were classified, whereas from the MEx diagram only one galaxy was classified as AGN. A total of 19 galaxies have photometry available in all the IRAC/Spitzer bands. Of these, 3 AGN candidates were not classified as AGN in the optical diagrams, suggesting they are dusty/obscured AGNs, or that nuclear star formation has diluted their contributions. Furthermore, the relationship between SFR surface density (\Sigma_{SFR}) and stellar mass surface density per time unit (\Sigma_{M_{\ast}/\tau}) as a function of redshift was investigated using the [OII] \lambda3727, 3729, H\alpha \lambda6563 luminosities, which revealed that both quantities are larger for higher redshift galaxies. We also studied the SFR and SSFR versus stellar mass and color relations, with the more massive galaxies having higher SFR values but lower SSFR values than less massive galaxies. These results are consistent with previous ones showing that, at a given mass, high-redshift galaxies have on average larger SFR and SSFR values than low-redshift galaxies. Finally, bluer galaxies have larger SSFR values than redder galaxies and for a given color the SSFR is larger for higher redshift galaxies.Comment: preprint version, 36 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Spillover and diffraction sidelobe contamination in a double-shielded experiment for mapping Galactic synchrotron emission

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    We have analyzed observations from a radioastronomical experiment to survey the sky at decimetric wavelengths along with feed pattern measurements in order to account for the level of ground contamination entering the sidelobes. A major asset of the experiment is the use of a wire mesh fence around the rim-halo shielded antenna with the purpose of levelling out and reducing this source of stray radiation for zenith-centered 1-rpm circular scans. We investigate the shielding performance of the experiment by means of a geometric diffraction model in order to predict the level of the spillover and diffraction sidelobes in the direction of the ground. Using 408 MHz and 1465 MHz feed measurements, the model shows how a weakly-diffracting and unshielded antenna configuration becomes strongly-diffracting and double-shielded as far-field diffraction effects give way to near-field ones. Due to the asymmetric response of the feeds, the orientation of their radiation fields with respect to the secondary must be known a priori before comparing model predictions with observational data. By adjusting the attenuation coefficient of the wire mesh the model is able to reproduce the amount of differential ground pick-up observed during test measurements at 1465 MHz.Comment: 14 pages, 17 eps + 1 gif figures and 4 Tables. Accepted for publication in A&AS. Fig.7 available at full resolution from http://www.das.inpe.br/~tello/publications.ht

    Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of a Vehicle Cabin Using a Dynamic Thermal Model

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    This work analyzes the thermal behavior of a vehicle cabin by using a dynamic thermal model, which allows to accurately reproduce the vehicle interior temperature under different external environmental conditions. The thermal model considers heat transfer through the glazed and opaque surfaces of the vehicle using the energy balance method. It considers changes in weather conditions, vehicle geometry, body construction characteristics, types of opaque and glazed surfaces, and existing thermal loads. Experimental tests (with and without solar radiation) were carried out to validate the dynamic thermal model. The model predicts the temperature variations of the air inside the vehicle cabin. The results showed a maximum variation of 1.38 K without solar incidence and 3.78 K with solar radiation. Keywords: dynamic thermal model, vehicle, heat balance, thermal load. Resumen El objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento térmico de la cabina de un vehículo utilizando un modelo térmico dinåmico, que permite reproducir de manera precisa el comportamiento de la temperatura interior del vehículo bajo distintas condiciones ambientales externas. El modelo térmico considera la transferencia de calor a través de las superficies acristaladas y opacas del vehículo utilizando el método de balance de energía, para lo cual se toman en cuenta los cambios en las condiciones climatológicas, la geometría del vehículo, las características constructivas de la carrocería, tipos de superficies opacas y acristaladas y las cargas térmicas existentes. Se realizaron ensayos experimentales (con y sin radiación solar) para validar el modelo térmico dinåmico. El modelo permite reproducir las variaciones de la temperatura del aire interior de la cabina del vehículo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una variación måxima de 1.38 K, sin incidencia solar y 3.78 K con radiación solar. Palabras Clave: modelo térmico dinåmico, vehículo, balance de calor, carga térmica

    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases-producing <i>Escherichia coli</i> in common vampire bats <i>Desmodus rotundus</i> and livestock in Peru

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    Antibiotic resistance mediated by bacterial production of extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase (ESBL) is a global threat to public health. ESBL resistance is most commonly hospital‐acquired; however, infections acquired outside of hospital settings have raised concerns over the role of livestock and wildlife in the zoonotic spread of ESBL‐producing bacteria. Only limited data are available on the circulation of ESBL‐producing bacteria in animals. Here, we report ESBL‐producing Escherichia coli in wild common vampire bats Desmodus rotundus and livestock near Lima, Peru. Molecular analyses revealed that most of this resistance resulted from the expression of blaCTX‐M‐15 genes carried by plasmids, which are disseminating worldwide in hospital settings and have also been observed in healthy children of Peru. Multilocus sequence typing showed a diverse pool of E. coli strains carrying this resistance that were not always host species‐specific, suggesting sharing of strains between species or infection from a common source. This study shows widespread ESBL resistance in wild and domestic animals, supporting animal communities as a potential source of resistance. Future work is needed to elucidate the role of bats in the dissemination of antibiotic‐resistant strains of public health importance and to understand the origin of the observed resistance
