739 research outputs found

    Two phase choke flow in tubes with very large L/D

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    Data were obtained for two phase and gaseous choked flow nitrogen in a long constant area duct of 16200 L/D with a diverging diffuser attached to the exit. Flow rate data were taken along five isotherms (reduced temperature of 0.81, 0.96, 1.06, 1.12, and 2.34) for reduced pressures to 3. The flow rate data were mapped in the usual manner using stagnation conditions at the inlet mixing chamber upstream of the entrance length. The results are predictable by a two phase homogeneous equilibrium choking flow model which includes wall friction. A simplified theory which in essence decouples the long tube region from the high acceleration choking region also appears to predict the data resonably well, but about 15 percent low

    Two-phase choked flow of cryogenic fluids in converging-diverging nozzles

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    Data are presented for the two phase choked flow of three cryogenic fluids - nitrogen, methane, and hydrogen - in four converging-diverging nozzles. The data cover a range of inlet stagnation conditions, all single phase, from well below to well above the thermodynamic critical conditions. In almost all cases the nozzle throat conditions were two phase. The results indicate that the choked flow rates were not very sensitive to nozzle geometry. However, the axial pressure profiles, especially the throat pressure and the point of vaporization, were very sensitive to both nozzle geometry and operating conditions. A modified Henry-Fauske model correlated all the choked flow rate data to within + or - 10 percent. Neither the equilibrium model nor the Henry-Fauske model predicted throat pressures well over the whole range of data. Above the thermodynamic critical temperature the homogeneous equilibrium model was preferred for both flow rate and pressure ratio. The data of the three fluids could be normalized by the principle of corresponding states

    Some flow phenomena in a constant area duct with a Borda type inlet including the critical region

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    Mass limiting flow characteristics for a 55 L/D tube with a Borda type inlet were assessed over large ranges of temperature and pressure, using fluid nitrogen. Under certain conditions, separation and pressure drop at the inlet was sufficiently strong to permit partial vaporization and the remaining fluid flowed through the tube as if it were a free jet. An empirical relation was determined which defines conditions under which this type of flow can occur. A flow coefficient is presented which enables estimations of flow rates over the experimental range. A flow rate stagnation pressure map for selected stagnation isotherms and pressure profiles document these flow phenomena

    Survey of heat transfer to near critical fluids

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    Survey topics include - heat transfer boundaries of near critical region, free, natural, and forced convection experiments, oscillations, geometric effects, parameters which appear to be significant to heat transfer in critical region, and theories which have been proposed for region

    Choked flow of fluid nitrogen with emphasis on the thermodynamic critical region

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    Experimental measurements of critical flow rate and pressure ratio for nitrogen flowing through a nozzle are presented. Data for selected stagnation isotherms from 87.5 to 234 K with pressures to 9.3 MN/m2 are compared to an equilibrium model with real fluid properties and also a nonequilibrium model. Critical flow pressure ratio along an isotherm tends to peak while the flow rate indicates an inflection. The point is closely associated with the transposed critical temperature and represents a change in the fluid structure

    Two-phase choked flow of subcooled oxygen and nitrogen

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    Data are presented for two-phase critical flow through nozzles. Test results from two converging-diverging nozzles and two separate test facilities are in excellent agreement. The critical flow rate and critical flow pressure ratio data conclusively demonstrate that the principle of corresponding states can be applied to two-phase choked flow through nozzles. Normalizing parameters were developed to correlate these data, and current theories can provide an adequate means for extrapolating to other fluids. Such information can be useful for cryogenic fluid storage applications

    Toward the use of similarity theory in two-phase choked flows

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    Comparison of two phase choked flows in normalized coordinates were made between pure components and available data using a reference fluid to compute the thermophysical properties. The results are favorable. Solution of the governing equations for two LNG mixtures show some possible similarities between the normalized choked flows of the two mixtures, but the departures from the pure component loci are significant

    Critical flow and pressure ratio data for LOX flowing through nozzles

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    LOX and LN2 data for two-phase critical flow through nozzles were acquired with precision control. The principal measured parameters were inlet conditions, critical flow rate and critical flow pressure ratio. It is conclusively demonstrated that the principle of corresponding states can be applied to two-phase choked flow through nozzles. It is also shown that the proper normalizing parameters are developed, and that current theories can provide an adequate means for extrapolating data to other fluids

    Heat transfer in aerospace propulsion

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    Presented is an overview of heat transfer related research in support of aerospace propulsion, particularly as seen from the perspective of the NASA Lewis Research Center. Aerospace propulsion is defined to cover the full spectrum from conventional aircraft power plants through the Aerospace Plane to space propulsion. The conventional subsonic/supersonic aircraft arena, whether commercial or military, relies on the turbine engine. A key characteristic of turbine engines is that they involve fundamentally unsteady flows which must be properly treated. Space propulsion is characterized by very demanding performance requirements which frequently push systems to their limits and demand tailored designs. The hypersonic flight propulsion systems are subject to severe heat loads and the engine and airframe are truly one entity. The impact of the special demands of each of these aerospace propulsion systems on heat transfer is explored

    NTWO - A nitrogen properties package

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    FORTRAN 4 subroutines to calculate thermodynamic and transport properties of molecular nitroge