1,520 research outputs found

    Evaluation Competencies, Instruction, and Academic Leadership

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    Background and Context My primary research interests center on evaluation theory, methodology, practice, and capacity building. In particular, my current research focuses on evaluation competencies among public and nonprofit sector employees. In light of the 2018-2019 Academic Leadership Academy and Instructional Development grant, this poster revisits findings from a federal evaluator survey and examines: What evaluation and leadership competencies should be emphasized in the developments of public administrators

    Sea Urchin Recruitment: Effect of Substrate Selection on Juvenile Distribution

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    Intertidal field observations have shown that juvenile purple sea urchins Strongylocentwtus purpuratus are found in higher densities near adults . The same is true for subtidal populations of juvenile red sea urchins 5. franciscanus. These distribution patterns could be influenced by any of three elements: substrate selection, early juvenile mortality or juvenile migration. Using laboratory-reared larvae, we conducted experiments designed to gauge the effect of substrate selection on juvenile distributions of these two sea urchin species. In both laboratory and field experiments, larval sea urchins showed no enhanced settlement in the presence of adults or adult-associated substrates. These results imply that early juvenile mortality or migration provide the greater influence on juvenile distributions

    Impacts of Climate Change on Livestock Systems: What We Know and What We Don’t Know

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    Climate changes and the associated increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are just two of many possible future drivers of change in grassland systems and whilst there are significant uncertainties around these, they are probably more effectively characterised than many other drivers. The challenge for grasslands systems research is not so much trying to precisely predict future climate in the face of unresolvable uncertainty but rather to work with decision-makers to enhance their decisions for a range of possible climates, build their capacity to make sound risk-based and informed decisions and increase the array of options available for adaptation. There are many adaptations possible to address key climate impacts such as increased heat stress, altered pests and disease risk, vegetation change, increased risk of soil degradation and changes in forage quantity, quality and the variability of these. Many of these adaptations are extensions of existing best management practice. However, it is important to explore adaptations that are beyond incremental change to existing systems to be inclusive of more substantial systems change and even transformational changes. There is a need also to consider adaptations beyond the farm scale including in relation to value chains, institutional change and policy development. It is these areas in particular where there are likely to be increasing demands for research

    First Energy and Angle differential Measurements of e^+e^- -pairs emitted by Internal Pair Conversion of excited Heavy Nuclei

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    We present the first energy and angle resolved measurements of e+e- pairs emitted from heavy nuclei (Z>=40) at rest by internal pair conversion (IPC) of transitions with energies of less than 2MeV as well as recent theoretical results using the DWBA method, which takes full account of relativistic effects, magnetic substates and finite size of the nucleus. The 1.76MeV E0 transition in Zr90 (Sr source) and the 1.77MeV M1 transition in Pb207 (Bi source) have been investigated experimentally using the essentially improved set-up at the double-ORANGE beta-spectrometer of GSI. The measurements prove the capability of the setup to cleanly identify the IPC pairs in the presence of five orders of magnitude higher beta- and gamma background from the same source and to yield essentially background-free sum spectra despite the large background. Using the ability of the ORANGE setup to directly determine the opening angle of the e+e- pairs, the angular correlation of the emitted pairs was measured. In the Zr90 case the correlation could be deduced for a wide range of energy differences of the pairs. The Zr90 results are in good agreement with recent theory. The angular correlation deduced for the M1 transition in Pb207 is in strong disagreement with theoretical predictions derived within the Born approximation and shows almost isotropic character. This is again in agreement with the new theoretical results.Comment: LaTeX, 28 pages incl. 10 PS figures; Accepted by Z.Phys.

    Simulated Altitude Performance of Combustors for the 24C Jet Engine

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    The performance of a 24C-4 combustor was investigated with three different combustor baskets and five modifications of these baskets at conditions simulating static (zero-ram) operation of the 24C jet engine over ranges of altitude and engine speed to determine and improve the altitude operational limits of the 24C combustor. Information was also obtained regarding combustion characteristics, the fuel-flow characteristics of the fuel manifolds, and the combustor total-pressure drop. NACA modifications, which consisted of blocking rows of holes on the baskets, increased the minimum point on the altitude-operational-limit curve, which occurs at low engine speeds, for a narrow-upstream-end basket by 8000 feet (from 23, 000 to 31,000 ft_ and for a wide-upstream-end basket by 21,000 feet (from 12, 000 to 34,000 ft). These improvements were approximately maintained over the entire range of engine speeds investigated

    Between images and built form: Automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning

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    Building on the richness of recent contributions in the field, this paper presents a state-of-the-art CNN analysis method for automatingthe recognition of standardised building components in modern heritage buildings. At the turn of the twentieth century manufacturedbuilding components became widely advertised for specification by architects. Consequently, a form of standardisation across varioustypologies began to take place. During this era of rapid economic and industrialised growth, many forms of public building wereerected. This paper seeks to demonstrate a method for informing the recognition of such elements using deep learning to recognise'families' of elements across a range of buildings in order to retrieve and recognise their technical specifications from the contemporarytrade literature. The method is illustrated through the case of Carnegie Public Libraries in the UK, which provides a unique butubiquitous platform from which to explore the potential for the automated recognition of manufactured standard architecturalcomponents. The aim of enhancing this knowledge base is to use the degree to which these were standardised originally as a means toinform and so support their ongoing care but also that of many other contemporary buildings. Although these libraries are numerous,they are maintained at a local level and as such, their shared challenges for maintenance remain unknown to one another. Additionally,this paper presents a methodology to indirectly retrieve useful indicators and semantics, relating to emerging HBIM families, byapplying deep learning to a varied range of architectural imagery

    Molecular mimicry of NMDA receptors may contribute to neuropsychiatric symptoms in severe COVID-19 cases

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    Approximately 30% of individuals with severe SARS-CoV-2 infections also develop neurological and psychiatric complaints. In rare cases, the occurrence of autoimmune encephalitis has been reported after SARS-CoV-2 infection. In this systematic review, we have identified eight SARS-CoV-2-associated cases of anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. All had cerebrospinal fluid antibodies against the NMDA receptor and a recent onset of working memory deficits, altered mental status, or psychiatric symptoms, such as confusion, agitation, auditory hallucination, catatonia and speech dysfunction. All patients received high-dose steroid and immunoglobulin therapeutics and conditions improved in each case. These findings suggest that clinical attention should be paid to warning signs of autoimmune encephalitis in severe COVID-19 cases. If characteristic features of autoimmune encephalitis are present, autoantibody diagnostics should be performed and confirmed cases should be treated with immunotherapy to minimize neurological impairments
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