71 research outputs found

    Exclusive Measurements of pp -> dpi+pi0: Double-Pionic Fusion without ABC Effect

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    Exclusive measurements of the reaction pp -> dpi+pi0 have been carried out at T_p = 1.1 GeV at the CELSIUS storage ring using the WASA detector. The isovector pi+pi0 channel exhibits no enhancement at low invariant pipi masses, i. e. no ABC effect. The differential distributions are in agreement with the conventional t-channel Delta-Delta excitation process, which also accounts for the observed energy dependence of the total cross section. This is an update of a previously published version -- see important note at the end of the article

    Exclusive measurement of two-pion production in the dd --> 4Hepipi reaction

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    The results from the first kinematically complete measurement of the dd --> 4Hepipi reaction are reported. The aim was to investigate a long standing puzzle regarding the origin of the peculiar pipi-invariant mass distributions appearing in double pion production in light ion collisions, the so-called ABC effect. The measurements were performed at the incident deuteron energies of 712 MeV and 1029 MeV, with the WASA detector assembly at CELSIUS in Uppsala, Sweden. We report the observation of a characteristic enhancement at low pipi-invariant mass at 712 MeV, the lowest energy yet. At the higher energy, in addition to confirming previous experimental observations, our results reveal a strong angular dependence of the pions in the overall centre of mass system. The results are qualitatively reproduced by a theoretical model, according to which the ABC effect is described as resulting from a kinematical enhancement in the production of the pion pairs from two parallel and independent NN--> dpi sub-processes.Comment: 20 pages including 18 figure

    Leveraging Rural Energy Investment for Parasitic Disease Control: Schistosome Ova Inactivation and Energy Co-Benefits of Anaerobic Digesters in Rural China

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    Cooking and heating remain the most energy intensive activities among the world's poor, and thus improved access to clean energies for these tasks has been highlighted as a key requirement of attaining the major objectives of the UN Millennium Development Goals. A move towards clean energy technologies such as biogas systems (which produce methane from human and animal waste) has the potential to provide immediate benefits for the control of neglected tropical diseases. Here, an assessment of the parasitic disease and energy benefits of biogas systems in Sichuan Province, China, is presented, highlighting how the public health sector can leverage the proliferation of rural energy projects for infectious disease control. ova) counted at the influent of two biogas systems were removed in the systems when adjusted for system residence time, an approximate 1-log removal attributable to sedimentation. Combined, these inactivation/removal processes underscore the promise of biogas infrastructure for reducing parasite contamination resulting from nightsoil use. When interviewed an average of 4 years after construction, villagers attributed large changes in fuel usage to the installation of biogas systems. Household coal usage decreased by 68%, wood by 74%, and crop waste by 6%. With reported energy savings valued at roughly 600 CNY per year, 2–3 years were required to recoup the capital costs of biogas systems. In villages without subsidies, no new biogas systems were implemented.Sustainable strategies that integrate rural energy needs and sanitation offer tremendous promise for long-term control of parasitic diseases, while simultaneously reducing energy costs and improving quality of life. Government policies can enhance the financial viability of such strategies by introducing fiscal incentives for joint sanitation/sustainable energy projects, along with their associated public outreach and education programs

    Light isovector resonances in π-p →π-π-π+p at 190 GeV/c

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    We have performed the most comprehensive resonance-model fit of π-π-π+ states using the results of our previously published partial-wave analysis (PWA) of a large data set of diffractive-dissociation events from the reaction π-+p→π-π-π++precoil with a 190 GeV/c pion beam. The PWA results, which were obtained in 100 bins of three-pion mass, 0.5<2.5 GeV/c2, and simultaneously in 11 bins of the reduced four-momentum transfer squared, 0.1<1.0 (GeV/c)2, are subjected to a resonance-model fit using Breit-Wigner amplitudes to simultaneously describe a subset of 14 selected waves using 11 isovector light-meson states with JPC=0-+, 1++, 2++, 2-+, 4++, and spin-exotic 1-+ quantum numbers. The model contains the well-known resonances π(1800), a1(1260), a2(1320), π2(1670), π2(1880), and a4(2040). In addition, it includes the disputed π1(1600), the excited states a1(1640), a2(1700), and π2(2005), as well as the resonancelike a1(1420). We measure the resonance parameters mass and width of these objects by combining the information from the PWA results obtained in the 11 t′ bins. We extract the relative branching fractions of the ρ(770)π and f2(1270)π decays of a2(1320) and a4(2040), where the former one is measured for the first time. In a novel approach, we extract the t′ dependence of the intensity of the resonances and of their phases. The t′ dependence of the intensities of most resonances differs distinctly from the t′ dependence of the nonresonant components. For the first time, we determine the t′ dependence of the phases of the production amplitudes and confirm that the production mechanism of the Pomeron exchange is common to all resonances. We have performed extensive systematic studies on the model dependence and correlations of the measured physical parameters

    Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from p¯ p→ μ+μ- at P ¯ ANDA at FAIR

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    This paper reports on Monte Carlo simulation results for future measurements of the moduli of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors, | GE| and | GM| , using the p¯ p→ μ+μ- reaction at P ¯ ANDA (FAIR). The electromagnetic form factors are fundamental quantities parameterizing the electric and magnetic structure of hadrons. This work estimates the statistical and total accuracy with which the form factors can be measured at P ¯ ANDA , using an analysis of simulated data within the PandaRoot software framework. The most crucial background channel is p¯ p→ π+π-, due to the very similar behavior of muons and pions in the detector. The suppression factors are evaluated for this and all other relevant background channels at different values of antiproton beam momentum. The signal/background separation is based on a multivariate analysis, using the Boosted Decision Trees method. An expected background subtraction is included in this study, based on realistic angular distributions of the background contribution. Systematic uncertainties are considered and the relative total uncertainties of the form factor measurements are presented

    Conserved, N-Linked Carbohydrates of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 gp41 Are Largely Dispensable for Viral Replication

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    The transmembrane subunit (TM) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope protein contains four well-conserved sites for the attachment of N-linked carbohydrates. To study the contribution of these N-glycans to the function of TM, we systematically mutated the sites individually and in all combinations and measured the effects of each on viral replication in culture. The mutants were derived from SHIV-KB9, a simian immunodeficiency virus/HIV chimera with an envelope sequence that originated from a primary HIV-1 isolate. The attachment site mutants were generated by replacing the asparagine codon of each N-X-S/T motif with a glutamine codon. The mobilities of the variant transmembrane proteins in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggested that all four sites are utilized for carbohydrate attachment. Transfection of various cell lines with the resulting panel of mutant viral constructs revealed that the N-glycan attachment sites are largely dispensable for viral replication. Fourteen of the 15 mutants were replication competent, although the kinetics of replication varied depending on the mutant and the cell type. The four single mutants (g1, g2, g3, and g4) and all six double mutants (g12, g13, g14, g23, g24, and g34) replicated in both human and rhesus monkey T-cell lines, as well as in primary rhesus peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Three of the four triple mutants (g124, g134, and g234) replicated in all cell types tested. The triple mutant g123 replicated poorly in immortalized rhesus monkey T cells (221 cells) and did not replicate detectably in CEMx174 cells. However, at 3 weeks posttransfection of 221 cells, a variant of g123 emerged with a new N-glycan attachment site which compensated for the loss of sites 1, 2, and 3 and resulted in replication kinetics similar to those of the parental virus. The quadruple mutant (g1234) did not replicate in any cell line tested, and the g1234 envelope protein was nonfunctional in a quantitative cell-cell fusion assay. The synthesis and processing of the quadruple mutant envelope protein appeared similar in transient assays to those of the parental SHIV-KB9 envelope. Given their high degree of conservation, the four N-linked carbohydrate attachment sites on the external domain of gp41 are surprisingly dispensable for viral replication. The viral variants described in this report should prove useful for investigation of the contribution of carbohydrate moieties on gp41 to recognition by antibodies, shielding from antibody-mediated neutralization, and structure-function relationships

    Winner and Loser Effects in Collegiate Baseball and Softball Doubleheaders

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    Past experiences have a considerable impact on the success of future interactions across the animal kingdom. Known as winner and loser effects, victors of prior contests tend to have an increased chance of future success while losers are likely to experience additional failure. These effects are in part due to differential endocrine responses among competitors following initial bouts, with winners benefiting from subsequent increases in testosterone (T) and losers being disadvantaged by reductions in T and heightened stress hormones. Now well documented across a range of human competitions, sporting events provide an ideal setting to explore this biological phenomenon. This study uses the perspective of winner and loser effects to study the pattern of outcomes observed in consecutive baseball and softball games played in the same day (i.e., doubleheaders) at the collegiate level. Using archival data from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), we show that the distribution of winning and losing within these contests is not random. Consistent with a previous report on Major League Baseball (MLB), collegiate baseball and softball doubleheaders are more likely to be swept (i.e., one team winning both games) than split (i.e., each team winning and losing once), and the margin of victory in the first game was positive predictor of this outcome. While there were no differences between the strength of these effects between baseball and softball, both collegiate sports resulted in greater proportion of sweeps than in MLB. A residency effect was also observed, whereby victors of sweeps were more often the home team. This home field advantage was stronger for collegiate baseball compared to softball and the MLB. This report adds to a large comparative literature on winner and loser effects, and provides insight into the dynamics that modulate human performance in high-level athletic competition