205 research outputs found

    Application of a performance modeling technique to an airplane with variable sweep wings

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    A performance modeling concept previously applied to an F-104F G and a YF-12C airplane was applied to an F-111A airplane. This application extended the concept to an airplane with variable sweep wings. The performance model adequately matched flight test data for maneuvers flown at different wing sweep angles at maximum afterburning and intermediate power settings. For maneuvers flown at less than intermediate power, including dynamic maneuvers, the performance model was not validated because the method used to correlate model and in-flight power setting was not adequate. Individual dynamic maneuvers were matched sucessfully by using adjustments unique to each maneuver

    User's manual for EZPLOT version 5.5: A FORTRAN program for 2-dimensional graphic display of data

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    EZPLOT is a computer applications program that converts data resident on a file into a plot displayed on the screen of a graphics terminal. This program generates either time history or x-y plots in response to commands entered interactively from a terminal keyboard. Plot parameters consist of a single independent parameter and from one to eight dependent parameters. Various line patterns, symbol shapes, axis scales, text labels, and data modification techniques are available. This user's manual describes EZPLOT as it is implemented on the Ames Research Center, Dryden Research Facility ELXSI computer using DI-3000 graphics software tools


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    This paper proposes a methodology for the estimation of a disk brake’s thermal load based on its vehicle’s velocity, where this thermal load serves as an input for a numerical simulation. The load is estimated through a balance between variation in the mechanical energy of the vehicle and the energy dissipated via aerodynamic and rolling drag forces. The RS Racing UFRGS team provided the vehicle’s data and geometry, and the velocity data was taken from a real endurance competition. The thermal load thus calculated is then used as input for a 3D transient finite element model containing the disk and the wheel hub. The results are consistent with what is expected by the RS Racing UFRGS team. Based on the results of the 3D transient model, two more simplified analysis are viable: one in permanent regime, which achieves a temperature distribution within the oscillation presented on the transient model; and also a 2D analysis which can be made by the replacement of the wheel hub with an equivalent global heat transfer coefficient

    Mitochondrial DNA Repair in Neurodegenerative Diseases and Ageing

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    Mitochondria are the only organelles, along with the nucleus, that have their own DNA. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a double-stranded circular molecule of ~16.5 kbp that can exist in multiple copies within the organelle. Both strands are translated and encode for 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs, and 13 proteins. mtDNA molecules are anchored to the inner mitochondrial membrane and, in association with proteins, form a structure called nucleoid, which exerts a structural and protective function. Indeed, mitochondria have evolved mechanisms necessary to protect their DNA from chemical and physical lesions such as DNA repair pathways similar to those present in the nucleus. However, there are mitochondria-specific mechanisms such as rapid mtDNA turnover, fission, fusion, and mitophagy. Nevertheless, mtDNA mutations may be abundant in somatic tissue due mainly to the proximity of the mtDNA to the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system and, consequently, to the reactive oxygen species (ROS) formed during ATP production. In this review, we summarise the most common types of mtDNA lesions and mitochondria repair mechanisms. The second part of the review focuses on the physiological role of mtDNA damage in ageing and the effect of mtDNA mutations in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Considering the central role of mitochondria in maintaining cellular homeostasis, the analysis of mitochondrial function is a central point for developing personalised medicine

    Relações morfométricas para árvores dominantes de Pinus taeda no Estado do Paraná.

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    Este trabalho objetivou estudar as relações morfométricas de árvores dominantes de Pinus taeda no município de Ponta Grossa, Paraná. Em cada amostra a árvore de maior diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP) foi considerada dominante em relação às suas vizinhas. Destas foram mensuradas dap, altura total, altura da copa e oito raios de copa. As variáveis morfométricas analisadas foram: diâmetro de copa, altura da copa, proporção de copa, grau de esbeltez, índice de saliência, índice de abrangência e formal de copa. Estas foram correlacionadas com o dap e altura através de correlação de Pearson. De acordo com os índices, as árvores analisadas possuem média instabilidade, copas arredondadas e não há necessidade de desbaste na área. O diâmetro a altura do peito se correlacionou melhor com as variáveis morfométricas estudadas, indicando que estas sofrem alterações conforme as árvores incrementam em diâmetro

    Comparative analysis of MIS capacitance structures with high-k dielectrics under gamma, 16O and p Radiation

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    MIS capacitance structures, with Hafnium Oxide, Alumina and nanolaminate as dielectrics were studied under gamma photons Co, 25 MeV oxygen ions and 10 MeV protons radiation using capacitance-voltage (C-V) characterization. The main trend of the results shows that the nanolaminates stack presents the highest levels of hysteresis and stretch-out of the C-V curves, suggesting that interface layers between dielectrics could play a relevant role in the study of the radiation response.Fil: Quinteros, C. P.. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; ArgentinaFil: Sambuco Salomone, Lucas Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Redin, Eduardo Gabriel. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Rafí, J. M.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Zabala, M.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Faigón, A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Palumbo, Félix Roberto Mario. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Campabadal, F.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    Identification of a novel synthetic lethal vulnerability in non-small cell lung cancer by co-targeting TMPRSS4 and DDR1

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    Finding novel targets in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is highly needed and identification of synthetic lethality between two genes is a new approach to target NSCLC. We previously found that TMPRSS4 promotes NSCLC growth and constitutes a prognostic biomarker. Here, through large-scale analyses across 5 public databases we identified consistent co-expression between TMPRSS4 and DDR1. Similar to TMPRSS4, DDR1 promoter was hypomethylated in NSCLC in 3 independent cohorts and hypomethylation was an independent prognostic factor of disease-free survival. Treatment with 5-azacitidine increased DDR1 levels in cell lines, suggesting an epigenetic regulation. Cells lacking TMPRSS4 were highly sensitive to the cytotoxic effect of the DDR1 inhibitor dasatinib. TMPRSS4/DDR1 double knock-down (KD) cells, but not single KD cells suffered a G0/G1 cell cycle arrest with loss of E2F1 and cyclins A and B, increased p21 levels and a larger number of cells in apoptosis. Moreover, double KD cells were highly sensitized to cisplatin, which caused massive apoptosis (~40%). In vivo studies demonstrated tumor regression in double KD-injected mice. In conclusion, we have identified a novel vulnerability in NSCLC resulting from a synthetic lethal interaction between DDR1 and TMPRSS4

    REDIENTE: historia clínica odontológica ubicua con indicadores de calidad de servicios y evaluación epidemiológica

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    REDIENTE es un registro clínico en una base de datos accesible en internet, con vocación nacional y manejo local por parte de los odontólogos en sus consultorios individuales o en instituciones. Un carnet REDIENTE con copia de la historia clínica queda en poder del paciente que une todos los eventos en un hilo documental coherente. Las variables de la Historia Clínica Odontológica (HCO) son las indispensables para certificar una buena atención. Los indicadores de REDIENTE sobre poblaciones permiten describir situaciones de salud bucal, evaluar calidad de atención y hacer el seguimiento docente. REDIENTE respeta la legislación sobre protección de datos personales del paciente.REDIENTE is an interdisciplinary solution for a multifaceted problem: standardization of dental care documentation, creation of a teaching supervision tool and designing a management application for dental care quality assurance. Distribution of data and information are addressed by giving the patient a copy of the basic record, the Dental Clinical Record (HCO for the Spanish “Historia Clínica Odontológica”) and by designing a web application. HCO contains the skeleton of dental care record including items of procedures performed, complications, office dates and periodic odontogram. REDIENTE displays quality of care and learning indicators as selective queries to the database. www.rediente.org.uy.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    REDIENTE: historia clínica odontológica ubicua con indicadores de calidad de servicios y evaluación epidemiológica

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    REDIENTE es un registro clínico en una base de datos accesible en internet, con vocación nacional y manejo local por parte de los odontólogos en sus consultorios individuales o en instituciones. Un carnet REDIENTE con copia de la historia clínica queda en poder del paciente que une todos los eventos en un hilo documental coherente. Las variables de la Historia Clínica Odontológica (HCO) son las indispensables para certificar una buena atención. Los indicadores de REDIENTE sobre poblaciones permiten describir situaciones de salud bucal, evaluar calidad de atención y hacer el seguimiento docente. REDIENTE respeta la legislación sobre protección de datos personales del paciente.REDIENTE is an interdisciplinary solution for a multifaceted problem: standardization of dental care documentation, creation of a teaching supervision tool and designing a management application for dental care quality assurance. Distribution of data and information are addressed by giving the patient a copy of the basic record, the Dental Clinical Record (HCO for the Spanish “Historia Clínica Odontológica”) and by designing a web application. HCO contains the skeleton of dental care record including items of procedures performed, complications, office dates and periodic odontogram. REDIENTE displays quality of care and learning indicators as selective queries to the database. www.rediente.org.uy.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    REDIENTE: historia clínica odontológica ubicua con indicadores de calidad de servicios y evaluación epidemiológica

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    REDIENTE es un registro clínico en una base de datos accesible en internet, con vocación nacional y manejo local por parte de los odontólogos en sus consultorios individuales o en instituciones. Un carnet REDIENTE con copia de la historia clínica queda en poder del paciente que une todos los eventos en un hilo documental coherente. Las variables de la Historia Clínica Odontológica (HCO) son las indispensables para certificar una buena atención. Los indicadores de REDIENTE sobre poblaciones permiten describir situaciones de salud bucal, evaluar calidad de atención y hacer el seguimiento docente. REDIENTE respeta la legislación sobre protección de datos personales del paciente.REDIENTE is an interdisciplinary solution for a multifaceted problem: standardization of dental care documentation, creation of a teaching supervision tool and designing a management application for dental care quality assurance. Distribution of data and information are addressed by giving the patient a copy of the basic record, the Dental Clinical Record (HCO for the Spanish “Historia Clínica Odontológica”) and by designing a web application. HCO contains the skeleton of dental care record including items of procedures performed, complications, office dates and periodic odontogram. REDIENTE displays quality of care and learning indicators as selective queries to the database. www.rediente.org.uy.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ