233 research outputs found

    Inverse Modeling for MEG/EEG data

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    We provide an overview of the state-of-the-art for mathematical methods that are used to reconstruct brain activity from neurophysiological data. After a brief introduction on the mathematics of the forward problem, we discuss standard and recently proposed regularization methods, as well as Monte Carlo techniques for Bayesian inference. We classify the inverse methods based on the underlying source model, and discuss advantages and disadvantages. Finally we describe an application to the pre-surgical evaluation of epileptic patients.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    SN 2023emq: a flash-ionised Ibn supernova with possible CIII emissio

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    SN 2023emq is a fast-evolving transient initially classified as a rare Type Icn supernova (SN), interacting with a H- and He-free circumstellar medium (CSM) around maximum light. Subsequent spectroscopy revealed the unambiguous emergence of narrow He lines, confidently placing SN 2023emq in the more common Type Ibn class. Photometrically SN 2023emq has several uncommon properties regardless of its class, including its extreme initial decay (faster than > 90% of Ibn/Icn SNe) and sharp transition in the decline rate from 0.20 mag/d to 0.07 mag/d at +20 d. The bolometric light curve can be modelled as CSM interaction with 0.32M_Sun of ejecta and 0.12M_Sun of CSM, with 0.006M_Sun of nickel, as expected of fast interacting SNe. Furthermore, broad-band polarimetry at +8.7 days (P = 0.55 +/- 0.30%) is consistent with spherical symmetry. A discovery of a transitional Icn/Ibn SN would be unprecedented and would give valuable insights into the nature of mass loss suffered by the progenitor just before death, but we favour an interpretation that SN 2023emq is a type Ibn SN that exhibited flash-ionised features in the earliest spectrum, as the features are not an exact match with other SNe Icn to date. However, the feature at 5700{\AA}, in the region of C III and N II emission, is significantly stronger in SN 2023emq than in the few other flash-ionised Type Ibn SNe, and if it is related to C III, it possibly implies a continuum of properties between the two classes.Comment: Accepted to ApJL on 22/11/202

    Delayed appearance and evolution of coronal lines in the TDE AT2019qiz

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    Tidal disruption events (TDEs) occur when a star gets torn apart by a supermassive black hole as it crosses its tidal radius. We present late-time optical and X-ray observations of the nuclear transient AT2019qiz, which showed the typical signs of an optical-UV transient class commonly believed to be TDEs. Optical spectra were obtained 428, 481, and 828 rest-frame days after optical light-curve peak, and a UV/X-ray observation coincided with the later spectrum. The optical spectra show strong coronal emission lines, including [Fe VII], [Fe X], [Fe XI], and [Fe XIV]. The Fe lines rise and then fall, except [Fe XIV] that appears late and rises. We observe increasing flux of narrow H α and H β and a decrease in broad H α flux. The coronal lines have full width at half-maximum ranging from ∼150−300 km s−1, suggesting they originate from a region between the broad- and narrow-line emitting gas. Between the optical flare and late-time observation, the X-ray spectrum softens dramatically. The 0.3–1 keV X-ray flux increases by a factor of ∼50, while the hard X-ray flux decreases by a factor of ∼6. Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer fluxes also rose over the same period, indicating the presence of an infrared echo. With AT2017gge, AT2019qiz is one of two examples of a spectroscopically confirmed optical-UV TDE showing delayed coronal line emission, supporting speculations that Extreme Coronal Line Emitters in quiescent galaxies can be echos of unobserved past TDEs. We argue that the coronal lines, narrow lines, and infrared emission arise from the illumination of pre-existing material likely related to either a previous TDE or active galactic nucleus activity

    The rise and fall of an extraordinary Ca-rich transient: The discovery of ATLAS19dqr/SN 2019bkc

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    This work presents the observations and analysis of ATLAS19dqr/SN 2019bkc, an extraordinary rapidly evolving transient event located in an isolated environment, tens of kiloparsecs from any likely host. Its light curves rise to maximum light in 5-6 d and then display a decline of Δm15 ∼ 5 mag. With such a pronounced decay, it has one of the most rapidly evolving light curves known for a stellar explosion. The early spectra show similarities to normal and "ultra-stripped" type Ic SNe, but the early nebular phase spectra, which were reached just over two weeks after explosion, display prominent calcium lines, marking SN 2019bkc as a Ca-rich transient. The Ca emission lines at this phase show an unprecedented and unexplained blueshift of 10 000-12 000 km s-1. Modelling of the light curve and the early spectra suggests that the transient had a low ejecta mass of 0.2-0.4 M⊙ and a low kinetic energy of (2-4) × 1050 erg, giving a specific kinetic energy Ek/Mej ∼ 1 [1051 erg]/M⊙. The origin of this event cannot be unambiguously defined. While the abundance distribution used to model the spectra marginally favours a progenitor of white dwarf origin through the tentative identification of Ar II, the specific kinetic energy, which is defined by the explosion mechanism, is found to be more similar to an ultra-stripped core-collapse events. SN 2019bkc adds to the diverse range of physical properties shown by Ca-rich events. © ESO 2020

    SN 2020zbf: A fast-rising hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova with strong carbon lines

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    SN 2020zbf is a hydrogen-poor superluminous supernova at z=0.1947z = 0.1947 that shows conspicuous C II features at early times, in contrast to the majority of H-poor SLSNe. Its peak magnitude is MgM_{\rm g} = −21.2-21.2 mag and its rise time (≲24\lesssim 24 days from first light) place SN 2020zbf among the fastest rising SLSNe-I. Spectra taken from ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared wavelengths are used for the identification of spectral features. We pay particular attention to the C II lines as they present distinctive characteristics when compared to other events. We also analyze UV and optical photometric data, and model the light curves considering three different powering mechanisms: radioactive decay of Ni, magnetar spin-down and circumstellar material interaction (CSM). The spectra of SN 2020zbf match well with the model spectra of a C-rich low-mass magnetar model. This is consistent with our light curve modelling which supports a magnetar-powered explosion with a MejM_{\rm ej} = 1.5 M⊙M_\odot. However, we cannot discard the CSM-interaction model as it also may reproduce the observed features. The interaction with H-poor, carbon-oxygen CSM near peak could explain the presence of C II emission lines. A short plateau in the light curve, around 30 - 40 days after peak, in combination with the presence of an emission line at 6580 \r{A} can also be interpreted as late interaction with an extended H-rich CSM. Both the magnetar and CSM interaction models of SN 2020zbf indicate that the progenitor mass at the time of explosion is between 2 - 5 M⊙M_\odot. Modelling the spectral energy distribution of the host reveals a host mass of 108.7^{8.7} M⊙M_\odot, a star-formation rate of 0.24−0.12+0.41^{+0.41}_{-0.12} M⊙M_\odot yr−1^{-1} and a metallicity of ∼\sim 0.4 Z⊙Z_\odot.Comment: 26 pages, 22 figures, submitted to A&
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