121 research outputs found

    A test and measurement technique for determining possible lightning-induced voltages in aircraft electrical circuits

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    Transient analyzer consists of four 0.5 microfarads capacitors chargeable by self-contained solid state 50 KV dc power supply operating from standard 110 Vac line voltage. Unit can circulate unidirectional current impulses of up to 500 amperes through aircraft at waveshapes similar to those of natural lightning strokes

    Preliminary tests of vulnerability of typical aircraft electronics to lightning-induced voltages

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    Tests made on two pieces of typical aircraft electronics equipment to ascertain their vulnerability to simulated lightning-induced transient voltages representative of those which might occur in flight when the aircraft is struck by lightning were conducted. The test results demonstrated that such equipment can be interfered with or damaged by transient voltages as low as 21 volts peak. Greater voltages can cause failure of semiconductor components within the equipment. The results emphasize a need for establishment of coordinated system susceptibility and component vulnerability criteria to achieve lightning protection of aerospace electrical and electronic systems

    Magnetic Phase Diagram of the Ferromagnetically Stacked Triangular XY Antiferromagnet: A Finite-Size Scaling Study

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    Histogram Monte-Carlo simulation results are presented for the magnetic-field -- temperature phase diagram of the XY model on a stacked triangular lattice with antiferromagnetic intraplane and ferromagnetic interplane interactions. Finite-size scaling results at the various transition boundaries are consistent with expectations based on symmetry arguments. Although a molecular-field treatment of the Hamiltonian fails to reproduce the correct structure for the phase diagram, it is demonstrated that a phenomenological Landau-type free-energy model contains all the esstential features. These results serve to complement and extend our earlier work [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 48}, 3840 (1993)].Comment: 5 pages (RevTex 3.0), 6 figures available upon request, CRPS 93-

    Prediction of the bias voltage dependent magnetic contrast in spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy

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    This work is concerned with the theoretical description of the contrast, i.e., the apparent height difference between two lateral surface positions on constant current spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM) images. We propose a method to predict the bias voltage dependent magnetic contrast from single point tunneling current or differential conductance measurements, without the need of scanning large areas of the surface. Depending on the number of single point measurements, the bias positions of magnetic contrast reversals and of the maximally achievable magnetic contrast can be determined. We validate this proposal by simulating SP-STM images on a complex magnetic surface employing a recently developed approach based on atomic superposition. Furthermore, we show evidence that the tip electronic structure and magnetic orientation have a major effect on the magnetic contrast. Our theoretical prediction is expected to inspire experimentalists to considerably reduce measurement efforts for determining the bias dependent magnetic contrast on magnetic surfaces.Comment: 28 pages manuscript, 1 table, 6 figure

    Nonlocal Landau theory of the magnetic phase diagram of highly frustrated magnetoelectric CuFeO2_2

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    A nonlocal Landau-type free energy functional of the spin density is developed to model the large variety of magnetic states which occur in the magnetic field-temperature phase diagram of magnetoelectric CuFeO2_2. Competition among long-range quadratic exchange, biquadratic anti-symmetric exchange, and trigonal anisotropy terms, consistent with the high-temperature rhombohedral R3ˉ\bar{3}m crystal symmetry, are shown to all play important roles in stabilizing the unusual combination of commensurate and incommensurate spin structures in this highly frustrated triangular antiferromagnet. It is argued that strong magnetoelastic coupling is largely responsible for the nonlocal nature of the free energy. A key feature of the analysis is that an electric polarization is induced by a canting of the non-collinear incommensurate spin structure. Application of the model to ordered spin states in the triangular antiferromagnets MnBr2_2 and NaFeO2_2 is also discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Lightning effects on the NASA F-8 digital-fly-by-wire airplane

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    The effects of lightning on a Digital Fly-By-Wire (DFBW)aircraft control system were investigated. The aircraft was a NASA operated F-8 fitted with a modified Apollo guidance computer. Current pulses similar in waveshape to natural lightning, but lower in amplitude, were injected into the aircraft. Measurements were made of the voltages induced on the DFBW circuits, the total current induced on the bundles of wires, the magnetic field intensity inside the aircraft, and the current density on the skin of the aircraft. Voltage measurements were made in both the line-to-ground and line-to-line modes. Voltages measured at the non-destructive test level were then scaled upward to determine how much would be produced by actual lightning. A 200,000 ampere severe lightning flash would produce between 40 and 2000 volts in DFBW circuits. Some system components are expected to be vulnerable to these voltages

    Surface spin dynamics of antiferromagnetically coupled frustrated triangular films

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    Results are presented for spin-wave dispersions in geometrically frustrated stacked triangular antiferromagnets with a thin film or semi-infinite geometry having either zero, easy-plane, or easy-axis anisotropy. Surface effects on the equilibrium spin configurations and excitation spectrum are investigated for the case of antiferromagnetically coupled films, serving to extend previous results on ferromagnetically coupled layers [E. Meloche et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, 094424 (2006)]. An operator equation of motion formalism is applied to systems which are quasi-one and quasi-two dimensional in character. In contrast to the case of ferromagnetically coupled films the new results show surface modes that are well separated in frequency from bulk excitations. Magnetic excitations in thin films with an even or an odd number of layers show qualitatively different behavior. These results are relevant for a wide variety of stacked triangular antiferromagnetics materials.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Magnetic-Field Induced First-Order Transition in the Frustrated XY Model on a Stacked Triangular Lattice

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    The results of extensive Monte Carlo simulations of magnetic-field induced transitions in the xy model on a stacked triangular lattice with antiferromagnetic intraplane and ferromagnetic interplane interactions are discussed. A low-field transition from the paramagnetic to a 3-state (Potts) phase is found to be very weakly first order with behavior suggesting tricriticality at zero field. In addition to clarifying some long-standing ambiguity concerning the nature of this Potts-like transition, the present work also serves to further our understanding of the critical behavior at TNT_N, about which there has been much controversy.Comment: 10 pages (RevTex 3.0), 4 figures available upon request, CRPS-93-0

    Tricritical behavior of the frustrated XY antiferromagnet

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    Extensive histogram Monte-Carlo simulations of the XY antiferromagnet on a stacked triangular lattice reveal exponent estimates which strongly favor a scenario of mean-field tricritical behavior for the spin-order transition. The corresponding chiral-order transition occurs at the same temperature but appears to be decoupled from the spin-order. These results are relevant to a wide class of frustrated systems with planar-type order and serve to resolve a long-standing controversy regarding their criticality.Comment: J1K 2R1 4 pages (RevTex 3.0), 4 figures available upon request, Report# CRPS-94-0