557 research outputs found

    Carcinoma of the cervix complicating a genital prolapse.

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    Although uterine prolapse and carcinoma of the uterine cervix are not rare events, their association is very uncommon. The treatment of cervical cancer has been protocolled, but the management of uterovaginal prolapse associated with carcinoma of the cervix is not standardised and therapy strategies vary considerably among authors. Our case reports a 74-year-old patient, admitted to the emergency department with an ulcerated prolapsed uterus. Biopsy of the cervical lesion confirmed a squamous-cell carcinoma. The patient underwent vaginal hysterectomy plus open bilateral iliopelvic lymphadenectomy complemented with radiotherapy with quimiosensibilisation. With this aggressive treatment approach, there was progression of the disease. The authors believe that this case typiaddition to the few published reports

    Management of pregnancy after augmentation cystoplasty.

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    We report a case of successful pregnancy following augmentation ileocystoplasty in a patient with a neurogenic bladder dysfunction. A review of the literature reveals incidences of premature delivery and renal dysfunction. Careful urological monitoring of such patients should result in a successful pregnancy. Nevertheless, the unique clinical challenges and management options published to date are limited

    Giant congenital melanocytic nevi and neurocutaneous melanosis

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    Introduction. The major medical concern with giant congenital melanocytic nevi CMN is high risk of developing cutaneous melanoma, leptomeningeal melanoma, and neurocutaneous melanocytosis. Case Report. A 30-year-old woman with a giant congenital melanocytic nevus covering nearly the entire right thoracodorsal region and multiple disseminated melanocytic nevi presented with neurological symptoms. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging revealed a large expansive lesion in the left frontal region. Postsurgically pathological diagnosis revealed characteristics of melanoma. Immunohistochemical examination showed S100(+), HMB45(+), MelanA(+), and MiTF(+). She received radiotherapy with temozolomide followed by two more chemotherapy cycles with temozolomide. She followed a rapidly progressive course, reflecting widespread leptomeningeal infiltration, and she died of multiorgan failure seven months after diagnosis of cerebral melanoma. Discussion. This patient was diagnosed as having a neurocutaneous melanosis with malignant widespread leptomeningeal infiltration. Diffuse spinal involvement is unusual and is described in only another patient

    Cigarros eletrónicos e indução do tabagismo

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    Spermatocytic Seminoma: Clinical Case and Review

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    Introdução: O seminoma espermatocítico é um diagnóstico incomum de tumores do testículo, frequentemente exuberantes na sua dimensão, mas com bom prognóstico. Apesar da designação errónea, trata-se de tumores de células germinativas do tipo não-seminoma. Caso Clínico: Descreve-se o caso clínico de um homem de 49 anos de idade, com exuberante aumento de volume escrotal de agravamento recente, à custa de massa indolor do testículo direito. Foi feita ecografia escrotal que mostrou hidrocelo e imagem sugestiva de massa atípica do epidídimo direito. TC torácica, abdominal e pélvica não mostrou adenomegalias retroperitoneais ou outra alteração; os valores de LDH, αFP e βHCG eram normais. Foi feita orquidectomia por via escrotal à direita, com excisão de uma ampla área do escroto. Identificou-se na peça operatória, com 1375g, seminoma espermatocítico com invasão vascular da túnica albugínea (pT2). O doente iniciou quimioterapia com BEP (dois ciclos). Discussão: O seminoma espermatocítico é raro, com cerca de 2% de incidência, o diagnóstico faz-se habitualmente na 6ª década de vida, e tem localização exclusivamente testicular. A orquidectomia é frequentemente curativa. Apesar de estarem descritos tumores de maior volume do que o seminoma clássico, destaca-se neste caso a exuberância clínica incomum pela dimensão do testículo, bem como do hidrocelo que o acompanhava

    Topical Imiquimod Treatment of Lentigo Maligna

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    Lentigo maligna (LM) is the in situ phase of lentigo maligna melanoma, which may progress to invasive melanoma if left untreated. It mainly occurs on sun-exposed areas of elderly patients. The lesions can be large and conventional surgery can be difficult, particularly on the face. Recent reports indicate that topical imiquimod 5% cream is effective in the treatment of LM. It may be an alternative when surgery or other classical treatments are not possible in elderly patients. We describe an 80-year-old Caucasian woman with a 10-year history of a histologically verified extensive LM of the face. She was treated with imiquimod 5% cream once daily. After four months it showed complete clinical response. One year after the treatment the patient was still free from recurrence

    Modified electrodes for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide

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    The efforts to constrain greenhouse gas emissions and concerns over security of fossil fuels have led to increased attention for renewable energy for the past decade. Renewable energy is one of the key solutions to the actual energy challenges. Omnidea in collaboration with Research Institutes is developing a technology based upon a regenerative energy storage cycle that could be a contribution to a low-carbon energy future. In this cycle the recharge system, which is composed of an electrochemical cell, converts CO2 into fuel (hydrocarbons and hydrogen) using an external source of power (e.g. solar power). The discharge system produces electric energy when hydrocarbons and oxygen from the recharge system are directly supplied to a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). Currently state of the art systems for direct electrochemical reduction of CO2 exhibit low current densities and or low Faradaic efficiencies. Thus considerable research activity is still needed to develop electrodes with a performance suitable for an industrial application. This paper describes the progress to date and the work carried out with the aim of achieving this goal. It addresses particularly the modification of electrodes for electrochemical conversion of CO2 and reports voltammetric studies as a tool for screening and optimizing electrodes for CO2 conversio

    Conversion of carbon dioxide into fuel by electrochemical reduction in aqueous solvents

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    he mission of Omnidea, a Portuguese SME is to perform leading edge R&D in innovative energy concepts. In collaboration with Research Institutes Omnidea is developing a technology based upon a regenerative energy storage cycle. In this cycle the recharge system converts CO2 into hydrocarbons using a renewable source of power. The discharge system produces electrical energy when hydrocarbons and oxygen from the recharge system are directly supplied to a device such as a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). This work focuses on the challenges involved in the task of bringing this technology closer to the market. A key feature of this technology is the use of copper which is known to have unique properties for converting CO2 electrochemically into hydrocarbons. The modification of copper electrodes with copper deposits to improve the catalytic activity and selectivity of the cathodes in the production of hydrocarbons in aqueous solvents is also described