267 research outputs found

    Soil science challenges in a new era: A transdisciplinary overview of relevant topics

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    Concise ReviewTransdisciplinary approaches that provide holistic views are essential to properly understand soil processes and the importance of soil to society and will be crucial in the future to integrate distinct disciplines into soil studies. A myriad of challenges faces soil science at the beginning of the 2020s. The main aim of this overview is to assess past achievements and current challenges regarding soil threats such as erosion and soil contamination related to different United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) including (1) sustainable food production, (2) ensure healthy lives and reduce environmental risks (SDG3), (3) ensure water availability (SDG6), and (4) enhanced soil carbon sequestration because of climate change (SDG13). Twenty experts from different disciplines related to soil sciences offer perspectives on important research directions. Special attention must be paid to some concerns such as (1) effective soil conservation strategies; (2) new computational technologies, models, and in situ measurements that will bring new insights to in-soil process at spatiotemporal scales, their relationships, dynamics, and thresholds; (3) impacts of human activities, wildfires, and climate change on soil microorganisms and thereby on biogeochemical cycles and water relationships; (4) microplastics as a new potential pollutant; (5) the development of green technologies for soil rehabilitation; and (6) the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by simultaneous soil carbon sequestration and reduction in nitrous oxide emission. Manuscripts on topics such as these are particularly welcomed in Air, Soil and Water Researchinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How the EU Soil Observatory contributes to a stronger soil erosion community

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    New policy developments have emerged in relation to soil conservation after 2020. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023–2027, the proposal for a Soil Monitoring Law and the mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ have shaped a new policy framework at EU level, which requires updated assessments on soil erosion and land degradation. The EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) successfully organised a scientific workshop on ‘Soil erosion for the EU’ in June 2022. The event has seen the participation of more than 330 people from 63 countries, addressing important topics such as (i) management practices, (ii) large scale modelling, (iii) the importance of sediments in nutrient cycle, (vi) the role of landslides and (v) laying the foundations for early career scientists. As a follow up, among the 120 abstracts submitted in the workshop, we received fifteen manuscripts, out of which nine were selected for publication in the present special issue. In this editorial, we summarize the major challenges that the soil erosion research community faces in relation to supporting the increasing role of soils in the EU Green Deal

    Static Magnetic Field Therapy: A Critical Review of Treatment Parameters

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    Static magnetic field (SMF) therapy, applied via a permanent magnet attached to the skin, is used by people worldwide for self-care. Despite a lack of established SMF dosage and treatment regimens, multiple studies are conducted to evaluate SMF therapy effectiveness. Our objectives in conducting this review are to:(i) summarize SMF research conducted in humans; (ii) critically evaluate reporting quality of SMF dosages and treatment parameters and (iii) propose a set of criteria for reporting SMF treatment parameters in future clinical trials. We searched 27 electronic databases and reference lists. Only English language human studies were included. Excluded were studies of electromagnetic fields, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnets placed on acupuncture points, animal studies, abstracts, posters and editorials. Data were extracted on clinical indication, study design and 10 essential SMF parameters. Three reviewers assessed quality of reporting and calculated a quality assessment score for each of the 10 treatment parameters. Fifty-six studies were reviewed, 42 conducted in patient populations and 14 in healthy volunteers. The SMF treatment parameters most often and most completely described were site of application, magnet support device and frequency and duration of application. Least often and least completely described were characteristics of the SMF: magnet dimensions, measured field strength and estimated distance of the magnet from the target tissue. Thirty-four (61%) of studies failed to provide enough detail about SMF dosage to permit protocol replication by other investigators. Our findings highlight the need to optimize SMF dosing parameters for individual clinical conditions before proceeding to a full-scale clinical trial

    EUSEDcollab: a network of data from European catchments to monitor net soil erosion by water

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    As a network of researchers we release an open-access database (EUSEDcollab) of water discharge and suspended sediment yield time series records collected in small to medium sized catchments in Europe. EUSEDcollab is compiled to overcome the scarcity of open-access data at relevant spatial scales for studies on runoff, soil loss by water erosion and sediment delivery. Multi-source measurement data from numerous researchers and institutions were harmonised into a common time series and metadata structure. Data reuse is facilitated through accompanying metadata descriptors providing background technical information for each monitoring station setup. Across ten European countries, EUSEDcollab covers over 1600 catchment years of data from 245 catchments at event (11 catchments), daily (22 catchments) and monthly (212 catchments) temporal resolution, and is unique in its focus on small to medium catchment drainage areas (median = 43 km(2), min = 0.04 km(2), max = 817 km(2)) with applicability for soil erosion research. We release this database with the aim of uniting people, knowledge and data through the European Union Soil Observatory (EUSO)

    NMR and in silico studies of fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (fCS) and its interactions with selectins

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    This thesis describes structural studies on the interactions between the fucosylated chondroitin sulfate (fCS) oligosaccharides and human proteins known as selectins. fCS is a carbohydrate obtained from sea cucumbers, that can be classified as a branched glycosaminoglycan (GAG). It has attracted much attention due to its anti-coagulant, anti-inflammatory, antimetastatic and anti-HIV properties and its structure was previously determined by NMR. Selectins constitute a family of proteins involved in cell adhesion processes, such as inflammation, attachment of viral particles and migration of tumour cells. fCS oligosaccharides have been shown to bind to selectins, which is likely a reason behind their biological activity. However, the mechanism of this interaction is currently unknown. The initial part of the thesis describes the experimental work on expression and purification of the recombinant L- and P-selectin constructs in Pichia pastoris, Escherichia coli and HEK 293 cells. The aim of these experiments was to produce two constructs for each selectin, a single domain construct, consisting of the C-type lectin domain only, and a double domain construct, consisting of both the C-type lectin and the EGF-like domains. The intention was that the recombinant proteins would be labelled with 13C and 15N to allow for the in-depth structural NMR studies on the fCS-selectin interaction. Various experimental approaches have been explored, including the use of different cell lines, modifications to construct design, as well as alterations to expression and purification conditions. Although it was not possible to produce soluble selectin constructs in either bacterial or yeast cells, protein expression tests in HEK293 cells, performed in collaboration with the Oxford Protein Production facility (OPPF), led to production of a soluble L-selectin construct, consisting of the L-selectin C-type lectin domain. The produced L-selectin construct, as well as two commercially available constructs of the Land P-selectin extracellular domains, were used in the Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR experiments to provide new information about the nature of the fCS-selectin binding. The STD experiments allowed to identify the regions within the fCS oligosaccharides that are in direct contact with the protein and likely play an important role in this interaction. Experiments on different protein constructs allowed the comparison of fCS binding to P-selectin and to two different recombinant constructs of L-selectin. Results of these studies suggest that the binding occurs via a similar mechanism for both L- and P-selectins and that the fCS oligosaccharides bind to one-domain L-selectin construct with similar affinity as to a larger construct, consisting of the entire extracellular region of the protein. Alongside the experimental work, theoretical in silico studies on the fCS-selectin binding were undertaken as part of this project. The existing X-ray structures of selectin complexes were subjected to Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, which allowed to explore the dynamic behaviour of E-selectin upon binding to sialyl Lewis x (sLex). It was found that sLex forms a more favourable interaction with the extended conformation of E-selectin and that the protein in this conformation is characterised by a high degree of interdomain flexibility, with a new type of interdomain movement observed in the MD studies on this complex. In further in silico studies, the fCS oligosaccharides were docked to the existing P-selectin structures. The docking tests were performed on the computationally produced fCS trisaccharides with fucose branches either 2,4 or 3,4-sulfated. Results were evaluated with MD simulations and analysed in the light of current knowledge of selectin-ligand binding and the STD NMR experimental results. The in silico studies allowed to identify a subset of P-selectin residues that are likely involved in the interaction with fCS oligosaccharides in vivo. The conformational behaviour of P-selectin upon binding to fCS was also explored and it was found that the interdomain hinge is flexible during this interaction and allows transition from bent to extended conformational state. Finally, a new NMR method was developed to facilitate the studies of complex carbohydrates, incorporating the concepts of G-matrix Fourier Transform (GFT) NMR into 2D HSQC and 2D HSQC-TOCSY experiments. The method allows to separate peaks in the regions of high spectral overlap, providing information that can simplify the assignment process. The new experiments facilitated the structural evaluation of a sample containing a mixture of oligosaccharides resulting from the depolymerisation of fCS polysaccharide

    Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis

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    To gain a better understanding of the global application of soil erosion prediction models, we comprehensivelyreviewed relevant peer-reviewed research literature on soil-erosion modelling published between 1994 and2017. We aimed to identify (i) the processes and models most frequently addressed in the literature, (ii) the re-gions within which models are primarily applied, (iii) the regions which remain unaddressed and why, and (iv)how frequently studies are conducted to validate/evaluate model outcomes relative to measured data. To per-form this task, we combined the collective knowledge of 67 soil-erosion scientists from 25 countries. Theresulting database, named‘Global Applications of Soil Erosion Modelling Tracker (GASEMT)’, includes 3030 indi-vidual modelling records from 126 countries, encompassing all continents (except Antarctica). Out of the 8471articles identified as potentially relevant, we reviewed 1697 appropriate articles and systematically evaluatedand transferred 42 relevant attributes into the database. This GASEMT database provides comprehensive insightsinto the state-of-the-art of soil- erosion models and model applications worldwide. This database intends to sup-port the upcoming country-based United Nations global soil-erosion assessment in addition to helping to informsoil erosion research priorities by building a foundation for future targeted, in-depth analyses. GASEMT is anopen-source database available to the entire user-community to develop research, rectify errors, andmakefutureexpansion