648 research outputs found

    Influence of vulnerability factors in panic disorder severity

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    Background: We studied herein the predictive value for panic severity of three well-based vulnerability factors: personality traits (neuroticism and extraversion; NEO-PI-R), anxiety sensitivity (ASI), and perceived control (ACQ-R). Method: The sample was composed of 52 participants diagnosed with panic disorder, with or without agoraphobia, according to DSM-IV-TR criteria. Results: Our results revealed that the anxiety facet is a better predictor of panic severity than neuroticism. Anxiety sensitivity increases the predictive value for panic severity and, finally, perception of control of emotions is the only perception control subscale that increases the predictive value for panic severity more than the anxiety facet and anxiety sensitivity. Conclusions: This finding supports the assumption of the importance of taking into account the assessment of the lower order dimensions of the vulnerability factors in the field of psychopathology studies. Furthermore, the predictive value of perception of control of emotions indicates the importance of this specific vulnerability factor in the etiology of panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia) and, thus, shows the necessity to include emotion regulation strategies in the psychological treatments

    Development Cooperation and Dependency: An Analysis of Brazilian-Spanish Cooperation in Latin America Between 2010 and 2018

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    Based on analysis of Brazilian-Spanish cooperation in Latin America, this article aims to contribute to the discussion on whether South-South Cooperation (SSC) represents an alternative model with specific and differentiated objectives, or if it largely reproduces the constraints and interests traditionally associated with the North-South model, but with new institutions and actors. We start by analysing the main criticisms levelled at cooperation in the literature, emphasising the identification, review and comparison of the mechanisms of domination and dependency that derive from the bilateral and multilateral practices of traditional development cooperation. We then construct a synthetic dependency index to measure the ability of Spain and Brazil - as representative cases of North-South Cooperation (NSC) and SSC with Latin America - to influence the foreign trade, investment and foreign policy decisions of aid recipients, and to empirically contrast the lower level of verticality that much of the available literature assumes about SSC schemes. The empirical analysis suggests significant differences between NSC and SSC in terms of their ability to reproduce dependency patterns and validate the discourse that tends to identify the latter as an alternative cooperation model

    HH 223: a parsec-scale H2 outflow in the star-forming region L723

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    The dark cloud Lynds 723 (L723) is a low-mass star-forming region where one of the few known cases of a quadrupolar CO outflow has been reported. Two recent works have found that the radio continuum source VLA 2, towards the centre of the CO outflow, is actually a multiple system of young stellar objects (YSOs). Several line-emission nebulae that lie projected on the east-west CO outflow were detected in narrow-band Halpha and [SII] images. The spectra of the knots are characteristic of shock-excited gas (Herbig-Haro spectra), with supersonic blueshifted velocities, which suggests an optical outflow also powered by the VLA 2 YSO system of L723. We imaged a field of ~5' X 5' centred on HH 223, which includes the whole region of the quadrupolar CO outflow with nir narrow-band filters . The H2 line-emission structures appear distributed over a region of 5.5' (0.5 pc for a distance of 300 pc) at both sides of the VLA 2 YSO system, with an S-shape morphology, and are projected onto the east-west CO outflow. Most of them were resolved in smaller knotty substructures. The [FeII] emission only appears associated with HH 223. An additional nebular emission from the continuum in Hc and Kc appears associated with HH 223-K1, the structure closest to the VLA 2 YSO system, and could be tracing the cavity walls. We propose that the H2 structures form part of a large-scale near-infrared outflow, which is also associated with the VLA 2 YSO system. The current data do not allow us to discern which of the YSOs of VLA 2 is powering this large scale optical/near-infrared outflow.Comment: Accepted for A&A http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201015125 12 pages, 9 figure

    Blended transdiagnostic group CBT for emotional disorders: A feasibility trial protocol

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    Introduction: Emotional disorders (anxiety and depressive disorders) are a relevant public health concern associated with high prevalence, high costs, and important disability. Therefore, research priorities include designing and testing cost-effective interventions to reach everyone in need. Internet-delivered interventions for emotional disorders are effective and can help to disseminate and implement evidence-based treatments. However, although these treatments are generally effective, not all patients benefit from this treatment format equally. Blended treatments are a new form of intervention that combines the strengths of face-to-face and Internet approaches. Nevertheless, research on blended interventions has focused primarily on individual therapy, and less attention has been paid to the potential of using this format in group psychotherapy. This study aims to analyze the feasibility of blended transdiagnostic group CBT for emotional disorders. The current article describes the study protocol for this trial. Method and analysis: A one-armed pilot trial will be conducted. Participants will be 30 adults suffering from DSM-5 anxiety and/or depressive disorders. The treatment consists of a blended transdiagnostic group intervention delivered during a period of 24 weeks. Groups of 6 to 10 patients will attend a total of eight 2-hour, face-to-face sessions, alternated with the use of an online platform where they will find the contents of the treatment protocol. The intervention has four core components: present-focused awareness, cognitive flexibility, identification and modification of behavioral and cognitive patterns of emotional avoidance, and interoceptive and situational exposure. These components are delivered in 16 modules. Assessments will be performed at baseline, during the treatment, at post-treatment, and at 3-month follow-up. Clinical and treatment acceptability outcomes will be included. Quantitative and qualitative data (participants’ views about blended group psychotherapy) will be analyzed. Ethics and dissemination: The trial has received ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of Universitat Jaume I (September 2019) and will be conducted in accordance with the study protocol, the Declaration of Helsinki, and good clinical practice. The results of this study will be disseminated by presentation at conferences and will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04008576. Registered 05 July 2019, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT0400857

    Estudio de aleaciones cobre-arsénico

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    Durante mucho tiempo la posición dominante en las investigaciones arqueometalúrgicas consideró como bronces sólo a las aleaciones de cobre y estaño, este último elemento en proporciones significativas. Sin embargo, las evidencias acumuladas fueron indicando que, además de esa combinación, en la antigüedad fue importante la aleación de cobre con arsénico, a la que algunos autores llamaron cobre arsenical y otros bronce arsenical. En Asia Occidental y Europa esta aleación fue regularmente producida entre aproximadamente el 3500 y el 1600 a. C., hasta ser reemplazada por el bronce estañifero (Lechtman, 1991)

    Plant by-product antioxidants: control of protein-lipid oxidation in meat and meat products

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGProtein-lipid oxidation is one of the main causes of quality deterioration in meat and meat products during processing and storage. The application of natural antioxidants in muscle food appears a sustainable option for reducing the consumption of synthetic antioxidants with confirmed carcinogenic and toxicological effects. Hence, the food industry today prefers low-cost natural additives instead of synthetic ones. Agro-food industry generates a large quantity of plant by-products annually during the cultivation and processing of agricultural products. There is a wide variety of natural antioxidants in plant by-products. Several parts of plant (seeds, peels, leaves, husks, stems, and roots) as unexploited novel sources of natural antioxidant can be applied either through technological strategies to control oxidative process in meat and meat products. This paper provides an overview of the current trends in the use of natural antioxidants from plant by-products for potential applications against protein–lipid oxidation in muscle food. In addition, the effect of encapsulation of plant by-product antioxidants on the protein–lipid oxidation of meat and meat products is reviewed.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. IN607A2019/0

    Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), a review

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    Complex regional pain syndrome is a chronic and painful condition that affects the quality of life of patients. It is usually triggered by a traumatic event of the soft tissues involving the nervous tissue. Although the factors that cause the syndrome are varied and not well known, different etiopathologic concepts have been proposed to explain the presence of this syndrome, such as autonomic dysfunction and changes in CNS plasticity, among others. The patient characteristically presents pain, sensory abnormalities, vasomotor disturbances in the skin, edema, changes in sweating, and motor alterations. The pain is associated with changes in the autonomic nervous system and has a distal predominance. Since there is no definitive diagnostic test, diagnosis is mainly based on a complete medical history and physical examination. Treatment is multidisciplinary and based on pain relief. Although in most cases evolution is favorable, rapid diagnosis and treatment are recommended to avoid dystrophic stage as much as possibl

    Spectroscopic investigations of iron(II) and iron(III) oxalates

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    In an attempt to contribute to a better characterization of FeII and FeIII oxalate complexes, an investigation of their vibrational (infrared and Raman) and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectra was performed. It is shown that the two polymorphs, α and β, of FeC2O4.2H2O cannot be accurately differentiated with any of these spectroscopic methods, demonstrating the high structural similarity of these two crystalline forms. Partially deuterated samples of β-FeC2O4·2H2O were also investigated to improve the vibrational-spectroscopic analysis. In the case of Fe2(C2O4)3·4H2O, a structural model, derived from results of combined vibrational and Mössbauer data, could be proposed. The 298 K Mössbauer spectrum for this complex is discussed in detail for the first time.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasCentro de Química Inorgánic