488 research outputs found

    On the Observability of Meso- and Macro-scopic Quantum Coherence of Domain Walls in Magnetic Insulators

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    Results are presented of a numerical calculation of the tunneling gap for a domain wall moving in the double well potential of a pair of voids in a magnetic insulator. Both symmetric and asymmetric double well potentials are considered. It is found that, even in the absence of dissipation, the prospects for observing quantum coherence on a meso- or macro-scopic scale appears unlikely.Comment: 15 pages, Plain LaTex, UBC TP-93-1

    Low-Temperature Quantum Relaxation in a System of Magnetic Nanomolecules

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    We argue that to explain recent resonant tunneling experiments on crystals of Mn12_{12} and Fe8_8, particularly in the low-T limit, one must invoke dynamic nuclear spin and dipolar interactions. We show the low-TT, short-time relaxation will then have a t/τ\sqrt{t/\tau} form, where τ\tau depends on the nuclear T2T_2, on the tunneling matrix element Δ10\Delta_{10} between the two lowest levels, and on the initial distribution of internal fields in the sample, which depends very strongly on sample shape. The results are directly applicable to the Fe8Fe_8 system. We also give some results for the long-time relaxation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 PostScript figures, LaTe

    Ward identity and optical-conductivity sum rule in the d-density wave state

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    We consider the role of the Ward identity in dealing with the transport properties of an interacting system forming a d-wave modulated charge-density wave or staggered flux phase. In particular, we address this issue from the point of view of the restricted optical-conductivity sum rule. Our aim is to provide a controlled approximation for the current-current correlation function which allows us also to determine analytically the corresponding sum rule. By analyzing the role of the vertex functions in both the microscopic interacting model and in the effective mean-field Hamiltonian, we propose a non-standard low-energy sum-rule for this system. We also discuss the possible applicability of these results for the description of cuprate superconductors in the pseudogap regime.Comment: Revised version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Dicke-Type Energy Level Crossings in Cavity-Induced Atom Cooling: Another Superradiant Cooling

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    This paper is devoted to energy-spectral analysis for the system of a two-level atom coupled with photons in a cavity. It is shown that the Dicke-type energy level crossings take place when the atom-cavity interaction of the system undergoes changes between the weak coupling regime and the strong one. Using the phenomenon of the crossings we develop the idea of cavity-induced atom cooling proposed by the group of Ritsch, and we lay mathematical foundations of a possible mechanism for another superradiant cooling in addition to that proposed by Domokos and Ritsch. The process of our superradiant cooling can function well by cavity decay and by control of the position of the atom, at least in (mathematical) theory, even if there is neither atomic absorption nor atomic emission of photons.Comment: 15 pages; 8 figure

    Phase-coherence time saturation in mesoscopic systems: wave function collapse

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    A finite phase-coherence time τϕmeas\tau_{\phi}^{meas} emerges from iterative measurement onto a quantum system. For a rapid sequence, the phase-coherence time is found explicitly. For the stationary charge conduction problem, it is bounded. At all order, in the time-interval of measurements, we propose a general expression for τϕmeas\tau_{\phi}^{meas}.Comment: 8 pages, 0 figures, Late

    Nonadiabatic Pauli susceptibility in fullerene compounds

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    Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility χ\chi is unaffected by the electron-phonon interaction in the Migdal-Eliashberg context. Fullerene compounds however do not fulfill the adiabatic assumption of Migdal's theorem and nonadiabatic effects are expected to be relevant in these materials. In this paper we investigate the Pauli spin susceptibility in nonadiabatic regime by following a conserving approach based on Ward's identity. We find that a sizable renormalization of χ\chi due to electron-phonon coupling appears when nonadiabatic effects are taken into account. The intrinsic dependence of χ\chi on the electron-phonon interaction gives rise to a finite and negative isotope effect which could be experimentally detected in fullerides. In addition, we find an enhancement of the spin susceptibility with temperature increasing, in agreement with the temperature dependence of χ\chi observed in fullerene compounds. The role of electronic correlation is also discussed.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages, 8 figures include

    Crossover from thermal hopping to quantum tunneling in Mn_{12}Ac

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    The crossover from thermal hopping to quantum tunneling is studied. We show that the decay rate Γ\Gamma with dissipation can accurately be determined near the crossover temperature. Besides considering the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) exponent, we also calculate contribution of the fluctuation modes around the saddle point and give an extended account of a previous study of crossover region. We deal with two dangerous fluctuation modes whose contribution can't be calculated by the steepest descent method and show that higher order couplings between the two dangerous modes need to be taken into considerations. At last the crossover from thermal hopping to quantum tunneling in the molecular magnet Mn_{12}Ac is studied.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Relaxation of Magnetisation in Magnetic Particles

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    At temperatures below the magnetic anisotropy energy, monodomain magnetic systems (small particles, nanomagnetic devices, etc.) must relax quantum mechanically. This quantum relaxation must be mediated by the coupling to both nuclear spins and phonons (and electrons if either particle or substrate is conducting. We analyze the effect of each of these couplings, and then combine them. Conducting systems can be modelled by a "giant Kondo" Hamiltonian, with nuclear spins added in as well. At low temperatures, even microscopic particles on a conducting substrate (containing only 105010-50 spins) will have their magnetisation frozen over millenia by a combination of electronic dissipation and the "degeneracy blocking" caused by nuclear spins. Raising the temperature leads to a sudden unblocking of the spin dynamics at a well defined temperature. Insulating systems are quite different. The relaxation is strongly enhanced by the coupling to nuclear spins. At short times the magnetisation of an ensemble of particles relaxes logarithmically in time, after an initial very fast decay; this relaxation proceeds entirely via the nuclear spins. At longer times phonons take over, but the decay rate is still governed by the temperature-dependent nuclear bias field acting on the particles - decay may be exponential or power-law depending on the temperature. The most surprising feature of the results is the pivotal role played by the nuclear spins. The results are relevant to any experiments on magnetic particles in which interparticle dipolar interactions are unimportant. They are also relevant to future magnetic device technology.Comment: 30 pages, RevTex, e:mail , Submitted to J.Low Temp.Phys. on 1 Nov. 199

    Quantum Phase Interference for Quantum Tunneling in Spin Systems

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    The point-particle-like Hamiltonian of a biaxial spin particle with external magnetic field along the hard axis is obtained in terms of the potential field description of spin systems with exact spin-coordinate correspondence. The Zeeman energy term turns out to be an effective gauge potential which leads to a nonintegrable pha se of the Euclidean Feynman propagator. The phase interference between clockwise and anticlockwise under barrier propagations is recognized explicitly as the Aharonov-Bohm effect. An additional phase which is significant for quantum phase interference is discovered with the quantum theory of spin systems besides the known phase obtained with the semiclassical treatment of spin. We also show the energ y dependence of the effect and obtain the tunneling splitting at excited states with the help of periodic instantons.Comment: 19 pages, no figure, to appear in PR

    Quantum-Classical Phase Transition of Escape rate in Biaxial Spin Particles

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    The escape rates of the biaxial single domain spin particles with and without an applied magnetic field are investigated. Using the strict potential field description of spin systems developed by Ulyanov and Zaslavskii we obtain new effective Hamiltonians which are considered to be in exact spin-coordinate correspondence unlike the well studied effective Hamiltonians with the approximate correspondence. The sharp first-order transition is found in both cases. The phase diagram of the transitions depending on the anisotropy constant and the external field is also given.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure