18 research outputs found

    Two cases of parathyroid adenocarcinoma - difficulties in diagnosis and therapeutic options

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    Secția de Chirurgie Generală, Secția de Endocrinologie, Spitalul Județean de Urgență Vîlcea, Râmnicu-Vâlcea, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Adenocarcinoamele paratiroidiene constituie o patologie rară, majoritatea studiilor prezentând serii extrem de limitate de cazuri. Material și metode: Lucrarea noastră propune un “update” asupra acestui tip de patologie și prezintă două cazuri operate în serviciul nostru în decurs de o lună. Rezultate: Sunt prezentate metodele de diagnostic, tratamentul hiperparatiroidismului, opțiunile de tratament chirurgical, rezultatele și evoluția postoperatorie. Diagnosticul diferențial între adenoamele și adenocarcinoamele paratiroidiene ramâne dificil chiar și din punct de vedere anatomopatologic. Concluzii: Tratamentul chirurgical este singura opțiune de tratament cu rezultate dovedite clinic, realizarea unui control local optim fiind un factor de prognostic important pentru acești pacienți.Introduction: Parathyroid adenocarcinomas are a rare pathology, most studies presenting extremely limited series of cases. Material and methods: Our work proposes an update on this type of pathology and presents two cases operated in our service within one month. Results: Diagnostic methods, treatment of hyperparathyroidism, surgical treatment options, results and postoperative evolution are presented. Differential diagnosis between adenomas and parathyroid adenocarcinomas remains difficult even from anatomopathological point of view. Conclusions: Surgical treatment is the only treatment option with clinically proven results, an important prognostic factor for these patients being the optimal local control

    Prevalence of anaemia in older persons: systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ageing populations will impact on healthcare provision, especially since extra years are not necessarily spent in good health. It is important to identify and understand the significance of common medical problems in older people. Anaemia may be one such problem. We report on the prevalence of anaemia in cohorts of elderly people in the general population. The presence of anaemia is associated with a worse prognosis for both morbidity and mortality.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Electronic searching and reference lists of published reports were used to identify studies that reported on prevalence of anaemia in cohorts of at least 100 individuals predominantly aged 65 years and over living in developed countries, together with criteria used to define anaemia. Studies of anaemia prevalence in specific disease groups or published before 1980 were excluded. Prevalence data for the entire cohort, for men and women separately and for different age bands were extracted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Forty-five studies contributed data. Thirty-four studies (n = 85,409) used WHO criteria to define anaemia. The weighted mean prevalence was 17% (3–50%) overall, and 12% (3–25%) in studies based in the community (27, n = 69,975), 47% (31–50%) in nursing homes (3, n = 1481), and 40% (40–72%) in hospital admissions (4, n = 13,953). Anaemia prevalence increased with age, was slightly higher in men than women, and was higher in black people than white. Most individuals classified as anaemic using WHO criteria were only mildly anaemic.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Anaemia, as defined by WHO criteria, is common in older people living in the community and particularly common in nursing home residents and hospital admissions. Predicted demographic changes underline the need to understand more about anaemia in older people.</p

    Apolipoprotein E genotypes and cognitive functions in healthy elderly persons

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    Objectives- We investigated whether apoE genotypes correlate with cognitive functions in clinically healthy persons. Methods - In 1993 and 1995, we measured information processing speed, delayed free recall and semantic aspects of long-term memory in 227 men and 105 women aged 65 and over, a randomly selected subsample of the prospective Basel Study. Cardiovascular risk factors and education were assessed. Results -E2 were more prevalent in old-old (>75 years, 23.5% vs 15%) compared to E4 than in young-old (<75 years, 19.3% vs 23.5%). Taking into account age and education, subjects with ɛ3/ɛ4 or ɛ4/ɛ4 alleles (E4) performed lowest in all 3 tests compared to those homozygous for ɛ3 (E3) or carriers of one or two ɛ2 alleles (E2) (reaction time P=0.009, free recall P=0.05, WAIS-R vocabulary P<0.05). In old-old there was a significant difference between E2 and E4 for reaction time (P=0.02) and free recall (P<0.02) but not for vocabulary (P=0.086). In all 3 groups there were no significant changes after 2 years. The subgroup with the genotype ɛ2/ɛ4 performed consistently best in the cognitive tests. Cholesterol was significantly increased in the E4 and E3 group compared to the E2 group. Conclusion - ApoE genotype correlates with cognitive performance. The increased prevalence of E2 in the old-old and the significantly lower plasma cholesterol levels suggest differential morbidity and mortality as important factors influencing the prevalence of cognitive disorders in late life

    Methylation in benign prostate and risk of disease progression in men subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer

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    In DNA from prostate tumors, methylation patterns in gene promoter regions can be a biomarker for disease progression. It remains unclear whether methylation patterns in benign prostate tissue--prior to malignant transformation--may provide similar prognostic information. To determine whether early methylation events predict prostate cancer outcomes, we evaluated histologically benign prostate specimens from 353 men who eventually developed prostate cancer and received definitive treatment [radical prostatectomy (58%) or radiation therapy (42%)]. Cases were drawn from a large hospital-based cohort of men with benign prostate biopsy specimens collected between 1990 and 2002. Risk of disease progression associated with methylation was estimated using time-to-event analyses. Average follow-up was over 5 years; biochemical recurrence (BCR) occurred in 91 cases (26%). In White men, methylation of the APC gene was associated with increased risk of BCR, even after adjusting for standard clinical risk factors for prostate cancer progression (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 2.26; 95%CI 1.23-4.16). APC methylation was most strongly associated with a significant increased risk of BCR in White men with low prostate specific antigen at cohort entry (HR = 3.66; 95%CI 1.51-8.85). In additional stratified analyses, we found that methylation of the RARB gene significantly increased risk of BCR in African American cases who demonstrated methylation of at least one of the other four genes under study (HR = 3.80; 95%CI 1.07-13.53). These findings may have implications in the early identification of aggressive prostate cancer as well as reducing unnecessary medical procedures and emotional distress for men who present with markers of indolent disease

    Methylation in Benign Prostate and Risk of Disease Progression in Men Subsequently Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer

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    In DNA from prostate tumors, methylation patterns in gene promoter regions can be a biomarker for disease progression. It remains unclear whether methylation patterns in benign prostate tissue--prior to malignant transformation--may provide similar prognostic information. To determine whether early methylation events predict prostate cancer outcomes, we evaluated histologically benign prostate specimens from 353 men who eventually developed prostate cancer and received definitive treatment [radical prostatectomy (58%) or radiation therapy (42%)]. Cases were drawn from a large hospital-based cohort of men with benign prostate biopsy specimens collected between 1990 and 2002. Risk of disease progression associated with methylation was estimated using time-to-event analyses. Average follow-up was over 5 years; biochemical recurrence (BCR) occurred in 91 cases (26%). In White men, methylation of the APC gene was associated with increased risk of BCR, even after adjusting for standard clinical risk factors for prostate cancer progression (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) = 2.26; 95%CI 1.23-4.16). APC methylation was most strongly associated with a significant increased risk of BCR in White men with low prostate specific antigen at cohort entry (HR = 3.66; 95%CI 1.51-8.85). In additional stratified analyses, we found that methylation of the RARB gene significantly increased risk of BCR in African American cases who demonstrated methylation of at least one of the other four genes under study (HR = 3.80; 95%CI 1.07-13.53). These findings may have implications in the early identification of aggressive prostate cancer as well as reducing unnecessary medical procedures and emotional distress for men who present with markers of indolent disease

    Age-related changes in hookworm infection, anaemia and iron deficiency in an area of high Necator americanus hookworm transmission in south-eastern Brazil.

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    Surprisingly few detailed age-stratified data exist on the epidemiology of hookworm and iron status, especially in Latin America. We present data from a cross-sectional survey examining 1332 individuals aged 0-86 years from a community in south-east Brazil for hookworm, anaemia and iron deficiency. Sixty-eight percent of individuals were infected with the human hookworm Necator americanus. The force of infection (lambda=0.354) was similar to estimates from other areas of high hookworm transmission. Individuals from poorer households had significantly higher prevalence and intensity of infection than individuals from better-off households. The prevalence of anaemia, iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anaemia was 11.8%, 12.7% and 4.3%, respectively. Anaemia was most prevalent among young children and the elderly. Univariate analysis showed that haemoglobin and serum ferritin were both significantly negatively associated with hookworm intensity among both school-aged children and adults. Multivariate analysis showed that, after controlling for socio-economic status, iron indicators were significantly associated with heavy hookworm infection. Our results indicate that, even in areas where there is a low overall prevalence of anaemia, hookworm can still have an important impact on host iron status, especially in school-aged children and the elderly