11 research outputs found

    Separation of Oligosaccharides from Lotus Seeds via Medium-pressure Liquid Chromatography Coupled with ELSD and DAD

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    peer-reviewedLotus seeds were identified by the Ministry of Public Health of China as both food and medicine. One general function of lotus seeds is to improve intestinal health. However, to date, studies evaluating the relationship between bioactive compounds in lotus seeds and the physiological activity of the intestine are limited. In the present study, by using medium pressure liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light-scattering detector and diode-array detector, five oligosaccharides were isolated and their structures were further characterized by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In vitro testing determined that LOS3-1 and LOS4 elicited relatively good proliferative effects on Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. These results indicated a structure-function relationship between the physiological activity of oligosaccharides in lotus seeds and the number of probiotics applied, thus providing room for improvement of this particular feature. Intestinal probiotics may potentially become a new effective drug target for the regulation of immunity

    Evaluación del efecto del Pectimorf en el establecimiento in vitro de yemas axilares de boniato clon CEMSA 78-354

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    With the purpose of studying the effect of different Pectimorf dose in the establishment and budding of axillary buds of sweet potato starting from buds, tuberous roots belonging to the clone CEMSA 78-354 were collected and placed in flasks with water in the laboratory under semicontrolled conditions to induce the sprouting of the buds. Later on, axillary buds of the buds of the tubers (establishment) and axillary buds coming from in vitro plants (multiplication)were selected as sowing material (explants), which were sowed in the Murashige and Skoog culture medium containing the MS salts, thiamin (1 mg.l-1), myoinositol (100 mg.l-1), sucrose (3%), gelryte (2 g.l-1), giberelic acid (10.0 mg.l-1) and indol-3-acetic acid (0.05 mg.l-1) and the already mentioned culture medium without the previously refered regulators of the growth with different Pectimorf concentration: 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 mg.l-1. The morphological behavior of the in vitro plantas was evaluated to the five, fifteen and thirty days after established the buds under in vitro conditions , and different variables related with the in vitro growth of the buds were analyzed, among which we have: number of sprouted buds, height of the in vitro plants (cm), number, longitude and width of the leaves, buds with roots, longitude of the roots (cm) and longitude of the petiole (cm). The best results were obtained when using the axillary buds coming from budding of tuberous roots in comparison with the axillary buds of the in vitro plants and with the use of the culture medium containing 10.0 mg.l-1 of Pectimorf.Key works: Ipomoea batatas, micropropagation, oligogalacturonidesCon la finalidad de estudiar el efecto de diferentes concentraciones de Pectimorf en el establecimiento in vitro de yemas axilares de boniato, fueron recolectadas raíces tuberosas pertenecientes al clon CEMSA 78-354 y se colocaron en frascos con agua en el laboratorio en condiciones semicontroladas para inducir la brotación de las yemas. Posteriormente, se seleccionaron como explantes para la siembra las yemas axilares de los brotes de los tubérculos (establecimiento) y yemas axilares procedentes de plantas in vitro (multiplicación), las cuales fueron sembradas en el medio de cultivo propuesto por Murashige y Skoog que contenía las sales MS, tiamina (1 mg.l-1), mioinositol (100 mg.l-1), sacarosa (3%), gelrite (2 g.l-1), ácido gibérelico (10.0 mg.l-1) y ácido indol-3-acético (0.05 mg.l-1) y este mismo medio de cultivo sin los reguladores del crecimiento antes mencionados, con diferentes concentraciones de Pectimorf: 5.0, 10.0 y 15.0 mg.l-1. Se evaluó el comportamiento morfológico de las plantas in vitro a los cinco, quince y treinta días después de establecidas las yemas en condiciones in vitro y se analizaron diferentes variables relacionadas con el crecimiento in vitro de las yemas: número de yemas brotadas, altura de las plantas in vitro (cm), número, longitud y ancho del limbo foliar (cm), número de yemas con raíces, longitud de las raíces (cm) y longitud de los peciolos (cm). Se obtuvieron los mejores resultados al emplear las yemas axilares procedentes de los brotes de raíces tuberosas en comparación con las yemas axilares de las plantas in vitro y con el empleo del medio de cultivo que contenía 10.0 mg.l-1 de Pectimorf.Palabras clave: Ipomoea batatas, micropropagación, oligogalacturónido

    Evaluation of the Pectiform effect in the in vitro establishment of axilary buds of sweet potato clone CENSA 78-354

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    With the purpose of studying the effect of different Pectimorf dose in the establishment and budding of axillary buds of sweet potato starting from buds, tuberous roots belonging to the clone CEMSA 78-354 were collected and placed in flasks with water in the laboratory under semicontrolled conditions to induce the sprouting of the buds. Later on, axillary buds of the buds of the tubers (establishment) and axillary buds coming from in vitro plants (multiplication)were selected as sowing material (explants), which were sowed in the Murashige and Skoog culture medium containing the MS salts, thiamin (1 mg.l-1), myoinositol (100 mg.l-1), sucrose (3%), gelryte (2 g.l-1), giberelic acid (10.0 mg.l-1) and indol-3-acetic acid (0.05 mg.l-1) and the already mentioned culture medium without the previously refered regulators of the growth with different Pectimorf concentration: 5.0, 10.0 and 15.0 mg.l-1. The morphological behavior of the in vitro plantas was evaluated to the five, fifteen and thirty days after established the buds under in vitro conditions , and different variables related with the in vitro growth of the buds were analyzed, among which we have: number of sprouted buds, height of the in vitro plants (cm), number, longitude and width of the leaves, buds with roots, longitude of the roots (cm) and longitude of the petiole (cm). The best results were obtained when using the axillary buds coming from budding of tuberous roots in comparison with the axillary buds of the in vitro plants and with the use of the culture medium containing 10.0 mg.l-1 of Pectimorf. Key works: Ipomoea batatas, micropropagation, oligogalacturonide

    The EULAR Outcome Measures Library: development and an example from a systematic review for systemic lupus erythematous instruments

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    Patient reported outcomes (PROs) are relevant in rheumatology. Variable accessibility and validity of commonly used PROs are obstacles to homogeneity in evidence synthesis. The objective of this project was to provide a comprehensive library of "validated PROs"

    Persistent Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States

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