2,174 research outputs found

    Microcavity polariton-like dispersion doublet in resonant Bragg gratings

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    Periodic structures resonantly coupled to excitonic media allow the existence of extra intragap modes ('Braggoritons'), due to the coupling between Bragg photon modes and 3D bulk excitons. This induces unique and unexplored dispersive features, which can be tailored by properly designing the photonic bandgap around the exciton resonance. We report that one-dimensional Braggoritons realized with semiconductor gratings have the ability to mimic the dispersion of quantum-well microcavity polaritons. This will allow the observation of new nonlinear phenomena, such as slow-light-enhanced nonlinear propagation and an efficient parametric scattering at two 'magic frequencies'

    Social media in marketing research : Theoretical bases, methodological aspects, and thematic focus

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    The widespread use of social media as a marketing tool during the last decade has been responsible for attracting a significant volume of academic research, which, however, can be described as highly fragmented to yield clear directions and insights. We systematically synthesize and critically evaluate extant knowledge of social media marketing extracted from 418 articles published during the period 2009–2021. In doing so, we use an organizing framework focusing on five key areas of social media marketing research, namely, social media as a promotion and selling outlet, social media as a communication and branding channel, social media as a monitoring and intelligence source, social media as a customer relationship management and value cocreation platform, and social media as a general marketing and strategic tool. Within each of these areas, we provide important theoretical, methodological, and thematic insights, as well as future research directions. We also offer useful managerial implications derived from the articles reviewed.© 2022 The Authors. Psychology & Marketing published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    05381 Abstracts Collection -- Form and Content in Sensor Networks

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    From 18.09.05 to 23.09.05, the Dagstuhl Seminar 05381 ``Form and Content in Sensor Networks\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Influência da cobertura do solo na concentração de nutrientes nas folhas do café 'Conilon' em Ouro Preto do Oeste, Rondônia.

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    Este trabalho objetivou verificar a possível influência de diferentes cobertura do solo, nas ruas do cafezal, sobre o teor de alguns nutrientes nas folhas do café conilon.bitstream/item/100450/1/cot204-cafe.pd

    Manejo de leguminosas em cafezal em produção em Rondônia.

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o manejo de leguminosas anuais e perenes no cafezal em produção, principalmente para controle de invasoras na época chuvosa, na ciclagem de nutrientes e na produtividade do cafezal.bitstream/item/42537/1/Cot300-cafe.pd

    Efeitos da arborização na cobertura do solo em agrossistemas com café (Coffea Canephora) no Estado de Rondônia.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho, durante quatro anos foi de implantar e reduzir a presença de plantas invasoras no solo de aumentar a biomassa de liteira; Enquanto que o sistema café em pleno sol teve 60% da parcela coberta por plantas invasoras, principalmente por gramíneas, os consorciados com bandarra e teca tiveram 15% e 5%; Em contra partida, a biomassa de liteira das arvores sobre o solo e as coberturas das mesmas aumentaram por efeito da queda de material (folhas, galhos, frutos) e da sombra; A presença das espécies florestais reduziu o crescimento das plantas invasoras e aliteira formou uma barreira física acima do solo que dificulta a germinação de sementes de invasoras