82 research outputs found

    Design and fabrication of a basic mass analyzer and vacuum system

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    A two-inch hyperbolic rod quadrupole mass analyzer with a mass range of 400 to 200 amu and a sensitivity exceeding 100 packs per billion has been developed and tested. This analyzer is the basic hardware portion of a microprocessor-controlled quadrupole mass spectrometer for a Gas Analysis and Detection System (GADS). The development and testing of the hyperbolic-rod quadrupole mass spectrometer and associated hardware are described in detail

    Methodology for integration of wind resource forecasts based on artificial neural networks

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    An adaptation of the portfolio theory (PT) is proposed in this article, denoted as PrevPT, "Previsao" (in Portuguese) by PT, to integrate the three artificial neural networks, namely multilayer perceptron (MLP) backpropagation, radial basis function (RBF), and self-organizing map (SOM), based forecasting techniques, aiming to analyze the impact of wind speed forecasting errors and achieve more accurate results. In its first use, the PT goal was to maximize a financial return, at any risk, through the diversification of securities or investments that are not positively correlated. Based on the development of PrevPT, which was used until this work only for solar forecasting, the proposed technique is applied in this paper to integrate and improve the results of individual wind forecasts. Four-year wind speed data (January 2007 to December 2010) from two different locations (Algeciras, Spain and Petrolina, Brazil) were used. Our methodology develops a topology that integrates the forecasts obtained by MLP, RBF, and SOM aiming to obtain smaller forecast errors. By diversifying the forecasted asset, when one of the assets has negative prediction errors, another compensates for them and, thus, the total or partial cancellation of the errors occurs. PrevPT obtains a mean absolute percentage error of 1.13% for Spain and 2.35% for Brazil. PrevPT surpassed the results obtained by the three techniques applied individually in the two locations. The main innovations of the methodology are the significant reduction of errors and optimization of resource planning, and the beneficial features compared to other predictor integration techniques

    Prévalence de la Rhinosinusite chez les Conducteurs de Taxi-motos à Parakou, Benin

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    Introduction : les conducteurs de taxi-motos du fait de leurs activités sont exposés à la poussière, à la fumée des engins et ainsi constituent une couche vulnérable aux pathologies nasosinusiennes. L‘objectif était de déterminer la prévalence de la rhinosinusite chez ces conducteurs à Parakou. Méthode : il s’agissait d’une étude descriptive transversale et analytique concernant les conducteurs de taxi-motos de la ville de Parakou et réalisée du 02 avril au 03 juillet 2018. Résultats : au total 200 conducteurs de taxi-motos de la ville de Parakou ont été retenus pour l’étude. L’âge moyen était de 33,84 ± 8,8 ans. La prévalence de la rhinosinusite chez les conducteurs de taxi-motos était de 15,5% et 78,5% pour la rhinite. Les facteurs favorisants étaient la saison sèche avec la poussière (30 cas ; 15%), la saison pluvieuse avec la fraicheur (11 cas ; 5%) et la fumée des engins (3 cas ; 2%). La rhinosinusite était statistiquement liée à l’antécédent d’asthme (p=0,0000); ainsi 66,66% des asthmatiques présentaient les signes de la rhinosinusite et 32,26% des conducteurs atteints de rhinosinusite étaient asthmatiques. Il existait un lien statistique significatif entre la rhinosinusite et le climat (p=0,024). Conclusion : La rhinosinusite est relativement fréquente chez les conducteurs de taxi- moto du fait des conditions de travail. Une protection par le port de bavette serait utile pour prévenir cette affection. Introduction: Motorbike taxi drivers, due to their activities, are exposed to dust, smoke, and exhaust. They are vulnerable to nose and sinus pathologies. This paper, however, focuses on the prevalence of rhinosinusitis among these drivers in Parakou. Method: A cross-sectional study targeting motorbike taxi drivers in the city of Parakou was used in this study. It was carried out from 02 April to 03 July 2018. Results: A total of 200 motorcycle taxi drivers from the city of Parakou were used in the study. The average age was 33.84 ± 8.8 years. The prevalence of rhinosinusitis in motorcycle taxi drivers was 15.5% and 78.5% for rhinitis. The major factors include dry season with dust (30 cases, 15%), the rainy season with cold (11 cases, 5%), and the smoke of the machines (3 cases, 2%). Rhinosinusitis was statistically related to the history of asthma (p = 0.0000); thus, 66.66% of asthmatics showed signs of rhinosinusitis and 32.26% of motorbike drivers with rhinosinusitis had asthma. There was a significant statistical relationship between rhinosinusitis and climate (p = 0.024). Conclusion: Rhinosinutis is relatively frequent among motorbike drivers due to their working condition.Wearing airway nose mask will help in preventing this condition


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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of climate change on the flow duration curves of five small rural catchments in the Amazon, as well as the hydroelectric power duration curves of micro hydroelectric power plants (MHPs) which can be implemented in the respective hydroelectric sites. The scenarios used were RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, defined during the 5th IPCC Report; these are the main optimistic and realistic greenhouse gas emission scenarios in the future. They projected on the flow duration curves of the small catchments under study and, consequently, on the hydroelectric power duration curves. Future precipitation was obtained via the PROJETA platform. For the simulation of flow duration curves, a rainfall-runoff model was used. The determination of the power duration curves was considered with the observed and simulated flow duration curves and with design parameters available in the literature. Based on the simulations, the reduction of high duration flows (minimum flows) was verified for the future scenarios studied, mainly for RCP 8.5, reflecting directly in the reduction of the hydro energetic potential of the analyzed rural catchments

    Production de matières premières et fabrication des médicaments à base de plantes médicinales

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    Les plantes constituent un réservoir pour les pharmacopées du monde. Plusieurs médicaments importants sont fabriqués à partir des substances actives d’origine végétales. En outre de nombreux médicaments modernes ont été fabriqués à partir de ces matières premières. Les plantes médicinales sont utilisées directement sous forme fraîche, sèche ou transformée, stabilisée, ou extrait ou formulée avec d’autres plantes ou excipients de synthèse. Dans tous les cas, la matière végétale utilisée pour fabriquer la forme posologique doit faire preuve de son efficacité, son innocuité et être de qualité conforme aux exigences de la Pharmacopée Européenne pour les phytomédicaments, garantissant ainsi sa sécurité d’emploi. Pour ce faire, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a mis à la disposition des états membres des guides et standards permettant d’harmoniser et de sécuriser leur utilisation. Ainsi de nombreux pays africains ont adopté ces outils après des modifications appropriées pour faire progresser la recherche et le développement (R&D) de médicaments à base de plante. Le but de ce travail était de faire une synthèse des différentes étapes de production, de contrôle qualité et de  standardisation des matières premières issues des plantes médicinales et des médicaments à base de plantes médicinales.Mots clés : Pharmacopée, médicaments, médecine traditionnelle, sécurité d’emploi, phytomédicaments. English title: Production of raw materials and manufacturing of drugs from medicinal plants Plants are a reservoir for the world's pharmacopoeias. Several important medicines are made from active substances of plant origin. In addition, many modern medicines have been made from these raw materials. Medicinal plants are used directly in fresh, dry or processed, stabilized, or extracted form or formulated with other plants or synthetic excipients. In all cases, the herbal material used to manufacture the dosage form must demonstrate its efficacy, safety and be of a quality that meets the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia for phytomedicines, thus ensuring its safe use. To this end, the World Health Organization (WHO) has made available to Member States guides and standards to harmonize and secure their use. Thus, many African countries have adopted these tools after appropriate modifications to advance research and development (R&D) of plant-based drugs. The aim of this work was to make a synthesis of the different stages of production, quality control and standardization of raw materials from medicinal plants and herbal medicines.Keywords: Pharmacopoeia, drugs, traditional medicine, safe use, phytomedicines

    Genetically Engineered Crops: Importance of Diversified Integrated Pest Management for Agricultural Sustainability

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    As the global population continues to expand, utilizing an integrated approach to pest management will be critically important for food security, agricultural sustainability, and environmental protection. Genetically engineered (GE) crops that provide protection against insects and diseases, or tolerance to herbicides are important tools that complement a diversified integrated pest management (IPM) plan. However, despite the advantages that GE crops may bring for simplifying the approach and improving efficiency of pest and weed control, there are also challenges for successful implementation and sustainable use. This paper considers how several GE traits, including those that confer protection against insects by expression of proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), traits that confer tolerance to herbicides, and RNAi-based traits that confer resistance to viral pathogens, can be key elements of a diversified IPM plan for several different crops in both developed and developing countries. Additionally, we highlight the importance of community engagement and extension, strong partnership between industry, regulators and farmers, and education and training programs, for achieving long-term success. By leveraging the experiences gained with these GE crops, understanding the limitations of the technology, and considering the successes and failures of GE traits in IPM plans for different crops and regions, we can improve the sustainability and versatility of IPM plans that incorporate these and future technologies

    Syzygium jambolanum treatment improves survival in lethal sepsis induced in mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The leaves and the fruits from <it>Syzygium jambolanum </it>DC.(Myrtaceae), a plant known in Brazil as sweet olive or 'jambolão', have been used by native people to treat infectious diseases, diabetes, and stomachache. Since the bactericidal activity of <it>S. jambolanum </it>has been confirmed <it>in vitro</it>, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the prophylactic treatment with <it>S. jambolanum </it>on the <it>in vivo </it>polymicrobial infection induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) in mice.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>C57Bl/6 mice were treated by the subcutaneous route with a hydroalcoholic extract from fresh leaves of <it>S. jambolanum </it>(HCE). After 6 h, a bacterial infection was induced in the peritoneum using the lethal CLP model. The mice were killed 12 h after the CLP induction to evaluate the cellular influx and local and systemic inflammatory mediators' production. Some animals were maintained alive to evaluate the survival rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prophylactic HCE treatment increased the mice survival, the neutrophil migration to infectious site, the spreading ability and the hydrogen peroxide release, but decreased the serum TNF and nitrite. Despite the increased migration and activation of peritoneal cells the HCE treatment did not decrease the number of CFU. The HCE treatment induced a significant decrease on the bone marrow cells number but did not alter the cell number of the spleen and lymph node.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the treatment with <it>S. jambolanum </it>has a potent prophylactic anti-septic effect that is not associated to a direct microbicidal effect but it is associated to a recruitment of activated neutrophils to the infectious site and to a diminished systemic inflammatory response.</p

    Molecular investigation of Ehrlichia spp. and Anaplasma platys in domestic cats: clinical signs, hematological and biochemical alterations

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    Ehrlichia sp. e Anaplasma platys são micro-organismos Gram negativos, parasitos intracelulares obrigatórios, residindo em vacúolos citoplasmáticos de leucócitos e plaquetas, encontrados no sangue periférico ou em tecidos. Poucos relatos têm sido feitos sobre erliquiose e anaplasmose em gatos no Brasil, os quais são baseados na presença de mórulas em leucócitos e plaquetas, ou pela detecção de anticorpos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a infecção natural por Ehrlichia sp. e A.platys em gatos no Município de Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, através da hematoscopia e pela detecção do DNA desses agentes. Foram utilizadas amostras de sangue total e de soro de 91 gatos, independente de raça, sexo e idade. Realizaram-se hemograma, bioquímica sérica e PCR, utilizando oligonucleotídes para Ehrlichia sp. e A.platys. Os dados de hematoscopia mostraram que 9,89% dos gatos apresentaram mórulas em macroplaquetas. O DNA de A.platys foi detectado em 13,18% dos 91 animais e em 44,44% das amostras positivas à hematoscopia. O DNA de Ehrlichia sp. não foi detectado em nenhuma amostra. Nenhuma alteração foi observada nos sinais clínicos nem nos resultados laboratoriais nos animais estudados. Os dados sugerem que os felinos domésticos podem atuar como potenciais reservatórios para A. platys, como forma não sintomática das enfermidades relacionadasEhrlichia sp. and Anaplasma platys are Gram-negative micro-organisms, obligate intracellular parasites, residing in cytoplasmic vacuoles of leukocytes and platelets, found in peripheral blood or tissue. Few reports have been made about ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis in cats in Brazil, which are based on the presence of morulae in leukocytes and platelets, or by detecting antibodies. The objective of this study was to investigate the natural infection with Ehrlichia sp. and A. platys in cats in Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, by hematoscopia and DNA detection of these agents. Samples of whole blood and serum from 91 cats, regardless of race, gender and age. Blood count, serum biochemistry and PCR using primers for Ehrlichia sp. and A. platys were perfomed. Data from hematoscopia showed 9.89% of morulae only in platelets. The DNA of A. platys was detected in 13.18% of the 91 samples and 44.44% of the positive at hematoscopia. The DNA of Ehrlichia sp. was not detected in any sample. All animals studied did not show clinical signs neither positive laboratory results. The data suggest that domestic cats can serve as potential reservoirs for A. platys as asymptomatic form of related disease

    The Prognostic Role of Preoperative PSMA PET/CT in cN0M0 pN+ Prostate Cancer: A Multicenter Study

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    CONTEXT: Despite negative preoperative conventional imaging, up to 10% of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) harbor lymph-node involvement (LNI) at radical prostatectomy (RP). The advent of more accurate imaging modalities such as PET/CT improved the detection of LNI. However, their clinical impact and prognostic value are still unclear. We aimed to investigate the prognostic value of preoperative PET/CT in patients node positive (pN+) at RP. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: We retrospectively identified cN0M0 patients at conventional imaging (CT and/or MRI, and bone scan) who had pN+ PCa at RP at 17 referral centers. Patients with cN+ at PSMA/Choline PET/CT but cN0M0 at conventional imaging were also included. Systemic progression/recurrence was the primary outcome; Cox proportional hazards models were used for multivariate analysis. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: We included 1163 pN+ men out of whom 95 and 100 had preoperative PSMA and/or Choline PET/CT, respectively. ISUP grade ≥4 was detected in 66.6%. Overall, 42% of patients had postoperative PSA persistence (≥0.1 ng/mL). Postoperative management included initial observation (34%), ADT (22.7%) and adjuvant RT+/-ADT (42.8%). Median follow-up was 42 months. Patients with cN+ on PSMA PET/CT had an increased risk of systemic progression (52.9% vs. 13.6% cN0 PSMA PET/CT vs. 21.5% cN0 at conventional imaging; P .05). Observation as an initial management strategy instead of adjuvant treatments was related with an increased risk of metastases (HR 1.808; 95% CI: 1.069-3.058; P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: PSMA PET/CT cN+ patients with negative conventional imaging have an increased risk of systemic progression after RP compared to their counterparts with cN0M0 disease both at conventional and/or molecular imaging

    The Prognostic Role of Preoperative PSMA PET/CT in cN0M0 pN+ Prostate Cancer:A Multicenter Study

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    Context: Despite negative preoperative conventional imaging, up to 10% of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) harbor lymph-node involvement (LNI) at radical prostatectomy (RP). The advent of more accurate imaging modalities such as PET/CT improved the detection of LNI. However, their clinical impact and prognostic value are still unclear. We aimed to investigate the prognostic value of preoperative PET/CT in patients node positive (pN+) at RP. Evidence Synthesis: We retrospectively identified cN0M0 patients at conventional imaging (CT and/or MRI, and bone scan) who had pN+ PCa at RP at 17 referral centers. Patients with cN+ at PSMA/Choline PET/CT but cN0M0 at conventional imaging were also included. Systemic progression/recurrence was the primary outcome; Cox proportional hazards models were used for multivariate analysis. Evidence Acquisition: We included 1163 pN+ men out of whom 95 and 100 had preoperative PSMA and/or Choline PET/CT, respectively. ISUP grade ≥4 was detected in 66.6%. Overall, 42% of patients had postoperative PSA persistence (≥0.1 ng/mL). Postoperative management included initial observation (34%), ADT (22.7%) and adjuvant RT+/-ADT (42.8%). Median follow-up was 42 months. Patients with cN+ on PSMA PET/CT had an increased risk of systemic progression (52.9% vs. 13.6% cN0 PSMA PET/CT vs. 21.5% cN0 at conventional imaging; P &lt; .01). This held true at multivariable analysis: (HR 6.184, 95% CI: 3.386-11-295; P &lt; .001) whilst no significant results were highlighted for Choline PET/CT. No significant associations for both PET types were found for local progression, BCR, and overall mortality (all P &gt; .05). Observation as an initial management strategy instead of adjuvant treatments was related with an increased risk of metastases (HR 1.808; 95% CI: 1.069-3.058; P &lt; .05). Conclusions: PSMA PET/CT cN+ patients with negative conventional imaging have an increased risk of systemic progression after RP compared to their counterparts with cN0M0 disease both at conventional and/or molecular imaging.</p
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