250 research outputs found

    Particle image velocimetry measurements of blood flow in a modeled carotid artery bifurcation

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    Cardiovascular diseases are on of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the western world. Amongst these diseases, atherosclerosis, a progressive narrowing of the arterial wall is one of the most severe and if untreated may lead to stroke or ischemic infarction. Fluid mechanic forces are a key player in the early development and progression of atherosclerosis and a better understanding of the interplay between haemodynamic and vascular diseases is needed. The carotid artery (CA) in one of the predominant sites of atherosclerotic plaque formation. In this work a transparent, scaled model of an average human carotid artery (AHCA) bifurcation was constructed and steady blood flow at Re = 290 and Re = 700 was simulated using an aqueous glycerin solution. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements were performed in the plane of bifurcation and three axial planes in the carotid sinus. Flow inside the CA bifurcation was found to be three-dimensional with strong secondary currents due to the curvature of the vessel. An accurate method for wall shear stress (WSS) calculation along the outer internal carotid artery (ICA) wall is introduced. The method was tested against synthetically generated particle images and was found to perform best for an 8x8 pix2 interrogation windows. A large low momentum flow region with low WSS along the outer ICA wall exists, posing the potential for atherosclerotic plaque formation. Calculated WSS ranged between 0 and 21. Pa and compared well with in-vivo data

    Airflow in a Domestic Kitchen Oven measured by Particle Image Velocimetry

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    Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used to map the internal airflow of a domestic kitchen oven. Oven cooking performance is dependant on the airflow within the cavity. Previous flow measurement techniques such as hot wire anemometry and pitot probes are very time consuming and prone to error in the hot recirculating flow in an oven. The oven cavity, a commercially available mid-range oven, was modified for optical access. The PIV system consisted of a CCD camera, light sheet illumination from a pulsed Nd:YAG laser, and propanediol droplets and hollow glass spheres with a Stokes number of less than 0.055. Experiments were conducted in an empty oven at room temperature and at 180oC, and at 180oC with a single cooking tray installed. Velocity fields were measured in seven adjacent, coplanar object planes each on four different planes in the oven. The velocity data was averaged to yield mean flow fields, and the seven coplanar data fields were subsequently collaged to produce a full cross-sectional velocity map for each oven plane. In the cold and hot empty cavity a single vortex centred on the fan axis was seen, with strong radial flow. The maximum measured velocity in the cold oven was 1.8ms-1, which compared well with earlier hot-wire measurements. When a tray was introduced, the single vortex was replaced by three circulatory features. Shear flow was seen on both upper and lower sides of the tray, with a lower velocity and a stagnation point on the upper side

    A PIV comparison of the flow field and wall shear stress in rigid and compliant models of healthy carotid arteries

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    Certain systems relevant to circulatory disease have walls which are neither rigid nor static, for example, the coronary arteries, the carotid artery and the heart chambers. In vitro modeling allows the fluid mechanics of the circulatory system to be studied without the ethical and safety issues associated with animal and human experiments. Computational methods in which the equations are coupled governing the flow and the elastic walls are maturing. Currently there is a lack of experimental data in compliant arterial systems to validate the numerical predictions. Previous experimental work has commonly used rigid wall boundaries, ignoring the effect of wall compliance. Particle Image Velocimetry is used to provide a direct comparison of both the flow field and wall shear stress (WSS) observed in experimental phantoms of rigid and compliant geometries representing an idealized common carotid artery. The input flow waveform and the mechanical response of the phantom are physiologically realistic. The results show that compliance affects the velocity profile within the artery. A rigid boundary causes severe overestimation of the peak WSS with a maximum relative difference of 61% occurring; showing compliance protects the artery from exposure to high magnitude WSS. This is important when trying to understand the development of diseases like atherosclerosis. The maximum, minimum and time averaged WSS in the rigid geometry was 2.3, 0.51 and 1.03Pa and in the compliant geometry 1.4, 0.58 and 0.84Pa, respectively

    Modelling nasal high flow therapy effects on upper airway resistance and resistive work of breathing

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    Aim The goal of this paper is to quantify upper airway resistance with and without nasal high flow (NHF) therapy. For adults, NHF therapy feeds 30–60 L/min of warm humidified air into the nose through short cannulas which do not seal the nostril. NHF therapy has been reported to increase airway pressure, increase tidal volume (Vt) and decrease respiratory rate (RR), but it is unclear how these findings affect the work done to overcome airway resistance to air flow during expiration. Also, there is little information on how the choice of nasal cannula size may affect work of breathing. In this paper, estimates of airway resistance without and with different NHF flow (applied via different cannula sizes) were made. The breathing efforts required to overcome airway resistance under these conditions were quantified. Method NHF was applied via three different cannula sizes to a 3-D printed human upper airway. Pressure drop and flow rate were measured and used to estimate inspiratory and expiratory upper airway resistances. The resistance information was used to compute the muscular work required to overcome the resistance of the upper airway to flow. Results NHF raises expiratory resistance relative to spontaneous breathing if the breathing pattern does not change but reduces work of breathing if peak expiratory flow falls. Of the cannula sizes used, the large cannula produced the greatest resistance and the small cannula produced the least. The work required to cause tracheal flow through the upper airway was reduced if the RR and minute volume are reduced by NHF. NHF has been observed to do so in COPD patients (Bräunlich et al., 2013). A reduction in I:E ratio due to therapy was found to reduce work of breathing if the peak inspiratory flow is less than the flow below which no inspiratory effort is required to overcome upper airway resistance. Conclusion NHF raises expiratory resistance but it can reduce the work required to overcome upper airway resistance via a fall in inspiratory work of breathing, RR and minute volume

    Experimental measurement of breath exit velocity and expirated bloodstain patterns produced under different exhalation mechanisms

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    In an attempt to obtain a deeper understanding of the factors which determine the characteristics of expirated bloodstain patterns, the mechanism of formation of airborne droplets was studied. Hot wire anemometry measured air velocity, 25 mm from the lips, for 31 individuals spitting, coughing and blowing. Expirated stains were produced by the same mechanisms performed by one individual with different volumes of a synthetic blood substitute in their mouth. The atomization of the liquid at the lips was captured with high-speed video, and the resulting stain patterns were captured on paper targets. Peak air velocities varied for blowing (6 to 64 m/s), spitting (1 to 64 m/s) and coughing (1 to 47 m/s), with mean values of 12 m/s (blowing), 7 m/s (spitting) and 4 m/s (coughing). There was a large (55–65%) variation between individuals in air velocity produced, as well as variation between trials for a single individual (25–35%). Spitting and blowing involved similar lip shapes. Blowing had a longer duration of airflow, though it is not the duration but the peak velocity at the beginning of the air motion which appears to control the atomization of blood in the mouth and thus stain formation. Spitting could project quantities of drops at least 1600 mm. Coughing had a shorter range of near 500 mm, with a few droplets travelling further. All mechanisms could spread drops over an angle >45°. Spitting was the most effective for projecting drops of blood from the mouth, due to its combination of chest motion and mouth shape producing strong air velocities. No unique method was found of inferring the physical action (spitting, coughing or blowing) from characteristics of the pattern, except possibly distance travelled. Diameter range in expirated bloodstains varied from very small (<1 mm) in a dense formation to several millimetres. No unique method was found of discriminating expirated patterns from gunshot or impact patterns on stain shape alone. Only 20% of the expirated patterns produced in this study contained identifiable bubble rings or beaded stains

    Fabrication of a compliant phantom of the human aortic arch for use in Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experimentation

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    Compliant phantoms of the human aortic arch can mimic patient specific cardiovascular dysfunctions in vitro. Hence, phantoms may enable elucidation of haemodynamic disturbances caused by aortic dysfunction. This paper describes the fabrication of a thin-walled silicone phantom of the human ascending aorta and brachiocephalic artery. The model geometry was determined via a meta-analysis and modelled in SolidWorks before 3D printing. The solid model surface was smoothed and scanned with a 3D scanner. An offset outer mould was milled from Ebalta S-Model board. The final phantom indicated that ABS was a suitable material for the internal model, the Ebalta S-Model board yielded a rough external surface. Co-location of the moulds during silicone pour was insufficient to enable consistent wall thickness. The resulting phantom was free of air bubbles but did not have the desired wall thickness consistency

    Modelling Unsteady Processes with the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Technique

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    Over the past 40 years, the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) technique has been developed into a flexible and effective solver for flow problems in the rarefied to near continuum regime. However, even with modern parallelised code, the efficient computation of unsteady near-continuum flows, which are important in processes such as Pulsed Pressure Chemical Vapour Deposition (PP-CVD), remains a challenge. We have developed an unsteady parallel DSMC code (PDSC) utilising advanced features such as transient adaptive sub-cells to ensure nearest neighbour collisions and a temporal-variable time step to reduce computation time. This technique is combined with a unique post-processor called the DMSC Rapid Ensemble Averaging Method (DREAM) which reduces the statistical scatter in the data sets produced by PDSC. The combined method results in a significant memory and computational reduction over ensemble averaging DSMC, while maintaining low statistical scatter in the results. The unsteady code has been validated by simulation of shock-tube flow and unsteady Couette flow, and a number of test cases have been demonstrated including shock impingement on wedges. The technique is currently being used to model the development of an underexpanded jet in a PP-CVD reactor

    Mendelian randomization identifies blood metabolites previously linked to midlife cognition as causal candidates in Alzheimer's disease.

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    There are currently no disease-modifying treatments for Alzheimer's disease (AD), and an understanding of preclinical causal biomarkers to help target disease pathogenesis in the earliest phases remains elusive. Here, we investigated whether 19 metabolites previously associated with midlife cognition-a preclinical predictor of AD-translate to later clinical risk, using Mendelian randomization (MR) to tease out AD-specific causal relationships. Summary statistics from the largest genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for AD and metabolites were used to perform bidirectional univariable MR. Bayesian model averaging (BMA) was additionally performed to address high correlation between metabolites and identify metabolite combinations that may be on the AD causal pathway. Univariable MR indicated four extra-large high-density lipoproteins (XL.HDL) on the causal pathway to AD: free cholesterol (XL.HDL.FC: 95% CI = 0.78 to 0.94), total lipids (XL.HDL.L: 95% CI = 0.80 to 0.97), phospholipids (XL.HDL.PL: 95% CI = 0.81 to 0.97), and concentration of XL.HDL particles (95% CI = 0.79 to 0.96), significant at an adjusted P < 0.009. MR-BMA corroborated XL.HDL.FC to be among the top three causal metabolites, in addition to total cholesterol in XL.HDL (XL.HDL.C) and glycoprotein acetyls (GP). Both XL.HDL.C and GP demonstrated suggestive univariable evidence of causality (P < 0.05), and GP successfully replicated within an independent dataset. This study offers insight into the causal relationship between metabolites demonstrating association with midlife cognition and AD. It highlights GP in addition to several XL.HDLs-particularly XL.HDL.FC-as causal candidates warranting further investigation. As AD pathology is thought to develop decades prior to symptom onset, expanding on these findings could inform risk reduction strategies

    Assessment of dispersion of airborne particles of oral/nasal fluid by high flow nasal cannula therapy

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    Background Nasal High Flow (NHF) therapy delivers flows of heated humidified gases up to 60 LPM (litres per minute) via a nasal cannula. Particles of oral/nasal fluid released by patients undergoing NHF therapy may pose a cross-infection risk, which is a potential concern for treating COVID-19 patients. Methods Liquid particles within the exhaled breath of healthy participants were measured with two protocols: (1) high speed camera imaging and counting exhaled particles under high magnification (6 participants) and (2) measuring the deposition of a chemical marker (riboflavin-5-monophosphate) at a distance of 100 and 500 mm on filter papers through which air was drawn (10 participants). The filter papers were assayed with HPLC. Breathing conditions tested included quiet (resting) breathing and vigorous breathing (which here means nasal snorting, voluntary coughing and voluntary sneezing). Unsupported (natural) breathing and NHF at 30 and 60 LPM were compared. Results Imaging: During quiet breathing, no particles were recorded with unsupported breathing or 30 LPM NHF (detection limit for single particles 33 μm). Particles were detected from 2 of 6 participants at 60 LPM quiet breathing at approximately 10% of the rate caused by unsupported vigorous breathing. Unsupported vigorous breathing released the greatest numbers of particles. Vigorous breathing with NHF at 60 LPM, released half the number of particles compared to vigorous breathing without NHF. Chemical marker tests: No oral/nasal fluid was detected in quiet breathing without NHF (detection limit 0.28 μL/m3). In quiet breathing with NHF at 60 LPM, small quantities were detected in 4 out of 29 quiet breathing tests, not exceeding 17 μL/m3. Vigorous breathing released 200–1000 times more fluid than the quiet breathing with NHF. The quantities detected in vigorous breathing were similar whether using NHF or not. Conclusion During quiet breathing, 60 LPM NHF therapy may cause oral/nasal fluid to be released as particles, at levels of tens of μL per cubic metre of air. Vigorous breathing (snort, cough or sneeze) releases 200 to 1000 times more oral/nasal fluid than quiet breathing (p < 0.001 with both imaging and chemical marker methods). During vigorous breathing, 60 LPM NHF therapy caused no statistically significant difference in the quantity of oral/nasal fluid released compared to unsupported breathing. NHF use does not increase the risk of dispersing infectious aerosols above the risk of unsupported vigorous breathing. Standard infection prevention and control measures should apply when dealing with a patient who has an acute respiratory infection, independent of which, if any, respiratory support is being used
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