3 research outputs found

    Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Corporate Philanthropy: Evidence from Nigeria

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    This study basically investigates the association between boardsā€™ gender mix and corporate philanthropy among listed firms in Nigeria. To achieve the objective of this study, a total of twenty five listed firms were selected through a stratified random sampling technique. A multiple regression analysis was used to test the research propositions in this study. The study observed that there is a significant association between the gender diversity in the board room and the level of corporate philanthropy among listed firms in Nigeria. The paper therefore calls for a consideration of boardsā€™ gender diversity by management and government in order to explore the possible advantages associated with corporate giving. Keywords: Social responsibility, labor discrimination, corporate governance, heterogeneit

    Annals of the 'Constantin Brrncuui' University of Targu Jiu: Letters and Social Sciences Series No. 3/2014 (Analele Universitatii 'Constantin Brancusi' Din Targu-Jiu: Seria Litere Si Stiinte Sociale, Nr. 3/2014)

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