464 research outputs found

    Rashba and intrinsic spin-orbit interactions in biased bilayer graphene

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    We investigate the effect that the intrinsic spin-orbit and the inter- and intra-layer Rashba interactions have on the energy spectrum of either an unbiased or a biased graphene bilayer. We find that under certain conditions, a Dirac cone is formed out of a parabolic band and that it is possible to create a "Mexican hat"-like energy dispersion in an unbiased bilayer. In addition, in the presence of only an intralayer Rashba interaction, the K (K') point splits into four distinct ones, contrarily to the case in single-layer graphene, where the splitting also takes place, but the low-energy dispersion at these points remains identical.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Het principium theologiae in zijne beteekenis voor de archaeologia sacra

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    Openbare les Vrije Universiteit Amsterda

    Spin-density-wave instability in graphene doped near the van Hove singularity

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    We study the instability of the metallic state towards the formation of a new ground state in graphene doped near the van Hove singularity. The system is described by the Hubbard model and a field theoretical approach is used to calculate the charge and spin susceptibility. We find that for repulsive interactions, within the random phase approximation, there is a competition between ferromagnetism and spin-density wave (SDW). It turns out that a SDW with a triangular geometry is more favorable when the Hubbard parameter is above the critical value U_c(T), which depends on the temperature T, even if there are small variations in the doping. Our results can be verified by ARPES or neutron scattering experiments in highly doped graphene.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Spin- and band-ferromagnetism in trilayer graphene

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    We study the ground state properties of an ABA-stacked trilayer graphene. The low energy band structure can be described by a combination of both a linear and a quadratic particle-hole symmetric dispersions, reminiscent of monolayer- and bilayer-graphene, respectively. The multi-band structure offers more channels for instability towards ferromagnetism when the Coulomb interaction is taken into account. Indeed, if one associates a pseudo-spin 1/2 degree of freedom to the bands (parabolic/linear), it is possible to realize also a band-ferromagnetic state, where there is a shift in the energy bands, since they fill up differently. By using a variational procedure, we compute the exchange energies for all possible variational ground states and identify the parameter space for the occurrence of spin- and band-ferromagnetic instabilities as a function of doping and interaction strength.Comment: 9 pages/ 8 figure

    Multiple vanishing tumours simulating pulmonary neoplasms. A case report

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    CITATION: Van Gelderen, W.F.C. 1989. Multiple vanishing tumours simulating pulmonary neoplasms. A case report. S Afr Med J, 75:498-499.The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.zaVanishing fluid collection (or tumour) in an interlobar fissure associated with congestive cardiac failure is not common. Multiple vanishing tumours are most uncommon and can resemble other multiple opacities, e.g. metastases. The disappearance of these so-called tumours after treatment for cardiac failure provided proof of the diagnosis in the patient reported. This diagnosis is important to consider in order to prevent unnecessary investigation and treatment.Publisher’s versio

    Rapport boerderijverplaatsing

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    Эндопротезирование плечевого сустава при опухолях проксимального отдела плечевой кости

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    У 25 хворих з ураженням пухлинами проксимального відділу плечової кістки вивчені функціональні результати ендопротезування плечового суглоба залежно від збереження або резекції нервово- м’язового механізму відведення і згинання плеча. Ендопротезування при збереженому механізмі відведення плеча дає високий функціональний результат (85.5±1.65%) і виконує переважно косметичну функцію, коли механізм відведення плеча не зберігається (функція відповідає 63.7±1.28%).Functional results of humoral joints endoprosthetics in 25 patients with upper extremity bones tumours subject to saving or resection of shoulder drawing aside and flection neuromuscular mechanism are studied. Endoprosthetics in the case of shoulder drawing aside mechanism saving gives a high functional result (85.5±1.65%), but it executing mainly cosmetic function, in the case when mechanism of shoulder drawing aside is not saved (such function corresponds to 63.7±1.28% from a due size)

    Israëlitische oudheidkunde en archaeologia sacra

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    De invloed van cultuurtechnische maatregelen op het bedrijfskavelaantal in twee ruilverkavelingen

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