385 research outputs found

    The tetrazolium test for soybean seeds.

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    History. Principles of the test. Equipment and supplies. Seed evaluation. Diagnosis of the causes of soybean seed deterioration. Identification of levels of viability. Class 1 (very high vigor). Class 2 (high vigor). Class 3 (medium vigor). Class 4 (low vigor). Class 5 (very low vigor). Class 6 (non-viable). Class 7 (non-viable). Class 8 (dead seed). Recording and interpreting the results. Precision and accuracy of results. Advantages and limitations of the test. When the test should be applied.bitstream/item/67888/1/Documentos-115.pd

    Humoral immune response to antigens of Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 in chronic periodontitis

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    Introduction: Periodontitis is a chronic disease that results from an interaction of a mixed bacterial challenge and the host response. Objective: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the IgG serum levels to Porphyromonas gingivalis antigens by ELISA in individuals with different periodontal conditions correlated with clinical parameters, and to analyze the immunoreactivity profiles by Western blotting. Methods: Serum IgG levels against the cell sonicate antigen from P. gingivalis ATCC 33277 of 28 patients with chronic periodontitis (CP), 10 patients with gingivitis (G) and 21 periodontally healthy individuals (H) were measured by ELISA and Western immunoblotting. Results: In the CP group, sera reactivity by ELISA was significantly higher than in the G and H groups (Kruskal-Wallis

    Efeito de diferentes populacoes de percevejos sobre o rendimento e seus componentes, caracteristicas agronomicas e qualidade de semente de soja.

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    No período de 1980 a 1984, foi conduzida, em Londrina, PR, uma serie de cinco experimentos, objetivando quantificar o efeito de diferentes populações de percevejos sobre o rendimento e seus componentes, as características agronômicas e a qualidade da semente de soja. A cultivar utilizada foi a UFV-1, por sua característica de ciclo longo, constando o experimento de seis tratamentos que previam a aplicação de endosulfan (525 g i.a./ha) quando a população de ninfas grandes e adultos de percevejos (Nezara viridula, Piezodorus guildinii e Euschistus heros) atingisse 1, 2, 4 ou 6 exemplares por metro de linha. Adicionalmente, havia um tratamento com aplicação de inseticida em caráter preventivo, de forma a impedir o surgimento de percevejos nestas parcelas, e um tratamento sem controle, permitindo o estabelecimento de uma população natural destes pentatomideos. As amostragens dos percevejos foram semanais, ou mais frequentes quando próximo ao pico populacional, através do método do pano, com cinco amostras por parcela. Os resultados indicaram não haver redução da produção com populações de ate quatro percevejos por metro, e deduzidos os custos de controle, qualquer população de percevejos propiciou uma produção liquida superior ao controle preventivo, assim como evidenciou não haver diferenças entre as populações de percevejos no tocante a produção liquida. Não foram constatados efeitos deleterios de importância sobre as características agronômicas, porem o aumento da população de percevejos conduziu a um menor numero de vagens, sementes e sementes por vagem, ao passo que o peso da semente não foi afetado. Ate o nível de quatro percevejos por metro, o poder germinativo da semente manteve-se acima de 80%, porem, neste nível, observou-se redução do vigor da semente. O ataque de percevejos provocou uma redução no teor de óleo e um aumento no teor de proteína sem, no entanto, afetar significativamente os componentes destas frações. Apos oito aplicações de endosulfan na dose de 525 g i.a./ha, não foram constatados resíduos acima do permitido pela legislação brasileira. Os resultados alcançados permitem concluir haver grande margem de segurança nas atuais recomendações do Programa de Manejo de Pragas, as quais se situam muito baixo das populações de percevejos que possam ocasionar queda de produção ou da qualidade da semente.bitstream/item/69810/1/Boletim-de-pesquisa-1.pd

    Whipple's Disease With Neurological Manifestations: Case Report

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    Whipple's disease (WD) is an uncommon multisystem condition caused by the bacillus Tropheryma whipplei. Central nervous system involvement is a classical feature of the disease observed in 20 to 40% of the patients. We report the case of a 62 yeards old man with WD that developed neurological manifestations during its course, and discuss the most usual signs and symptoms focusing on recent diagnostic criteria and novel treatment regimens.622 A342346Whipple, G.H., A hitherto undescribed disease characterized anatomically by deposits of fat and fatty acids in the intestinal and mesenteric lymphatic tissues (1907) Johns Hopkins Hosp Bull, 18, pp. 382-391Marth, T., Raoult, D., Whipple's disease (2003) Lancet, 36, pp. 239-246Gerard, A., Sarrot-Reynauld, F., Liozon, E., Neurologic presentation of Whipple disease: Report of 12 cases and review of the literature (2002) Medicine (Baltimore), 81, pp. 443-457Brown, A.P., Lane, J.C., Murayama, S., Vollmer, D.G., Whipple's disease presenting with isolated neurological symptoms: Case report (1990) J Neurosurg, 73, pp. 623-627Bostwick, D.G., Bensch, K.G., Burke, J.S., Whipple's disease presenting as aortic insufficiency (1981) N Engl J Med, 305, pp. 995-998Raoult, D., A febrile, blood culture-negative endocarditis (1999) Ann Intern Med, 131, pp. 144-146Chan, R.Y., Yannuzzi, L.A., Foster, C.S., Ocular Whipple's disease: Earlier definitive diagnosis (2001) Ophthalmology, 108, pp. 2225-2231Louis, E.D., Lynch, T., Kaufmann, P., Fahn, S., Odel, J., Diagnostic guidelines in central nervous system Whipple's disease (1996) Ann Neurol, 40, pp. 561-568Sieracki, J.C., Whipple's disease: Observations on systemic involvement (1958) Amer Med Asso Arch Pathol, 66, pp. 464-467Anderson, M., Neurology of Whipple's disease (2000) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 68, pp. 2-5De Coene, B., Gilliard, C., Indekeu, P., Whipple's disease confined to the central nervous system (1996) Neuroradiology, 38, pp. 325-327Verhagen, W.I.M., Huygen, P.L.M., Dalman, J.E., Schuurmans, M.M.J., Whipple's disease and the central nervous system: A case report and a review of the literature (1996) Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 98, pp. 299-304Feldman, M., Hendler, R.S., Morrison, E.B., Acute meningoencephalitis after withdrawal of antibiotics in Whipple's disease (1980) Ann Intern Med, 93, pp. 709-711Schwartz, M.A., Selhorst, J.B., Ochs, A.L., Oculomasticatory myorhythmia: A unique movement disorder occurring in Whipple's disease (1986) Ann Neurol, 20, pp. 677-683Manzel, K., Tranel, D., Cooper, G., Cognitive and behavioral abnormalities in a case of central nervous system Whipple disease (2000) Arch Neurol, 57, pp. 399-403Halperin, J.J., Landis, D.M., Kleinman, G.M., Whipple's disease of the nervous system (1982) Neurology, 32, pp. 612-617Feurle, G.E., Volk, B., Waldherr, R., Cerebral Whipple's disease with negative jejunal histology (1979) N Engl J Med, 300, pp. 907-908Madoule, P., Ciaudio-Lacroix, C., Halimi, P., Osteoarticular lesions in Whipple's disease, a propos of a destructive form and review of the literature (1985) J Radiol, 66, pp. 345-350Brändle, M., Ammann, P., Spinas, G.A., Relapsing Whipple's disease presenting with hypopituitarism (1999) Clin Endocrinol, 50, pp. 399-403Topper, R., Gartung, C., Block, F., Neurologic complications in inflammatory bowel diseases (2002) Nervenarzt, 73, pp. 489-499Clarke, C.E., Falope, Z.F., Abdelhadi, H.A., Cervical myelopathy caused by Whipple's disease (1998) Neurology, 50, pp. 1505-1506Ramzan, N.N., Loftus, E., Burgart, L.J., Diagnosis and monitoring of Whipple disease by polymerase chain reaction (1997) Ann Intern Med, 126, pp. 520-527Von Herbay, A., Ditton, H.J., Scuhmacher, F., Whipple's disease: Staging and monitoring by cytology and polymerase chain reaction analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (1997) Gastroenterology, 113, pp. 434-441Kremer, S., Besson, G., Bonaz, B., Pasquier, B., Le Bas, J.F., Grand, S., Diffuse lesions in the CNS revealed by MR imaging in a case of Whipple disease (2001) Am J Neuroradiol, 22, pp. 493-495Romanul, F.C., Radvany, J., Rosales, R.K., Whipple's disease confined to the brain: A case studied clinically and pathologically (1977) J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 40, pp. 901-909Thompson, D.G., Leidingham, J.M., Howard, A.J., Brown, C.L., Meningitis in Whipple's disease (1978) BMJ, 2, pp. 14-15Feurle, G.E., Marth, T., An evaluation of antimicrobial treatment for Whipple's disease: Tetracycline versus trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (1994) Dig Dis Sci, 39, pp. 1642-1648Misbah, S.A., Mapstone, N.P., Whipple's disease revisited (2000) J Clin Pathol, 53, pp. 750-755Schnider, P.J., Reisinger, E.C., Berger, T., Krejs, G.J., Auff, E., Treatment guidelines in central nervous system Whipple's disease (1997) Ann Neurol, 41, pp. 561-56

    Tratamento e inoculacao de sementes de soja.

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