926 research outputs found

    Temperature records from a small Canterbury stream

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    Metropolitan Planning and the Phenomenon of Reurbanisation: The Example of Liverpool

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    This paper considers the process and dynamics of reurbanisation and its implications for metropolitan planning. After brief consideration of reurbanisation trends in the UK, through a case study of the city of Liverpool in North West England, the paper explores how these recent trends of population regrowth and changing patterns of housing production (including purpose-built student accommodation) have affected the social structure of the city and what are the implications for planning policy? The paper concludes that population regrowth has been associated with increased spatial social segregation but is likely to continue and will shape future metropolitan planning

    Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer with cavities: theory

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    We study the number of coincidences in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer exit whose arms have been supplemented with the addition of one or two optical cavities. The fourth-order correlation function at the beam-splitter exit is calculated. In the regime where the cavity length are larger than the one-photon coherence length, photon coalescence and anti-coalescence interference is observed. Feynman's path diagrams for the indistinguishable processes that lead to quantum interference are presented. As application for the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer with two cavities, it is discussed the construction of an optical XOR gate

    Riccati parameter modes from Newtonian free damping motion by supersymmetry

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    We determine the class of damped modes \tilde{y} which are related to the common free damping modes y by supersymmetry. They are obtained by employing the factorization of Newton's differential equation of motion for the free damped oscillator by means of the general solution of the corresponding Riccati equation together with Witten's method of constructing the supersymmetric partner operator. This procedure leads to one-parameter families of (transient) modes for each of the three types of free damping, corresponding to a particular type of %time-dependent angular frequency. %time-dependent, antirestoring acceleration (adding up to the usual Hooke restoring acceleration) of the form a(t)=\frac{2\gamma ^2}{(\gamma t+1)^{2}}\tilde{y}, where \gamma is the family parameter that has been chosen as the inverse of the Riccati integration constant. In supersymmetric terms, they represent all those one Riccati parameter damping modes having the same Newtonian free damping partner modeComment: 6 pages, twocolumn, 6 figures, only first 3 publishe

    Isolation, characterization, and in vitro propagation of infantile hemangioma stem cells and an in vivo mouse model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infantile hemangiomas (IH) are the most common benign tumors of infancy. The typical clinical course consists of rapid growth during the first year of life, followed by natural and gradual involution over a multi-year time span through unknown cellular mechanisms. Some tumors respond to medical treatment with corticosteroids or beta-blockers, however, when this therapy fails or is incomplete, surgical extirpation may be necessary. Noninvasive therapies to debulk or eliminate these tumors would be an important advance. The development of an <it>in vitro </it>cell culture system and an animal model would allow new insights into the biological processes involved in the development and pathogenesis of IH.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed that proliferative stage IH specimens contain significantly more SALL4+ and CD133+ cells than involuting tumors, suggesting a possible stem cell origin. A tumor sphere formation assay was adapted to culture IH cells <it>in vitro</it>. Cells in IH tumor spheres express GLUT1, indicative of an IH cell of origin, elevated levels of VEGF, and various stem/progenitor cell markers such as SALL4, KDR, Oct4, Nanog and CD133. These cells were able to self-renew and differentiate to endothelial lineages, both hallmarks of tumor stem cells. Treatment with Rapamycin, a potent mTOR/VEGF inhibitor, dramatically suppressed IH cell growth <it>in vitro</it>. Subcutaneous injection of cells from IH tumor spheres into immunodeficient NOD-SCID mice produced GLUT1 and CD31 positive tumors with the same cellular proliferation, differentiation and involution patterns as human hemangiomas.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The ability to propagate large numbers of IH stem cells <it>in vitro </it>and the generation of an <it>in vivo </it>mouse model provides novel avenues for testing IH therapeutic agents in the future.</p

    Inertial forces and the foundations of optical geometry

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    Assuming a general timelike congruence of worldlines as a reference frame, we derive a covariant general formalism of inertial forces in General Relativity. Inspired by the works of Abramowicz et. al. (see e.g. Abramowicz and Lasota, Class. Quantum Grav. 14 (1997) A23), we also study conformal rescalings of spacetime and investigate how these affect the inertial force formalism. While many ways of describing spatial curvature of a trajectory has been discussed in papers prior to this, one particular prescription (which differs from the standard projected curvature when the reference is shearing) appears novel. For the particular case of a hypersurface-forming congruence, using a suitable rescaling of spacetime, we show that a geodesic photon is always following a line that is spatially straight with respect to the new curvature measure. This fact is intimately connected to Fermat's principle, and allows for a certain generalization of the optical geometry as will be further pursued in a companion paper (Jonsson and Westman, Class. Quantum Grav. 23 (2006) 61). For the particular case when the shear-tensor vanishes, we present the inertial force equation in three-dimensional form (using the bold face vector notation), and note how similar it is to its Newtonian counterpart. From the spatial curvature measures that we introduce, we derive corresponding covariant differentiations of a vector defined along a spacetime trajectory. This allows us to connect the formalism of this paper to that of Jantzen et. al. (see e.g. Bini et. al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 6 (1997) 143).Comment: 42 pages, 7 figure

    Rx Activité physique : Développement et implantation d’objectifs d’apprentissage en matière de counseling et de prescription d’activité physique dans les cursus des facultés de médecine canadiennes

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    Physical activity is an important component of health and well-being, and is effective in the prevention, management, and treatment of numerous non-communicable chronic diseases. Despite the known health benefits of physical activity in all populations, most Canadians do not meet physical activity recommendations. Physicians play a key role in assessing, counselling, and prescribing physical activity. Unfortunately, many barriers, including the lack of adequate education and training, prevent physicians from promoting this essential health behaviour. To support Canadian medical schools in physical activity curriculum development, a team of researchers, physicians, and exercise physiologists collaborated to develop a key set of learning objectives deemed essential to physican education in physical activity counselling and prescription. This commentary will review the newly developed Canadian Physical Activity Counselling Learning Objectives and give case examples of three Canadian medical schools that have implemented these learning objectives.L’activité physique est une composante importante de la santé et du bien-être, et elle est efficace dans la prévention, la prise en charge et le traitement de nombreuses maladies chroniques non transmissibles. Malgré les bienfaits qu’on lui reconnaît pour la santé des populations, la plupart des Canadiens ne suivent pas les recommandations en matière d’exercice. Les médecins jouent un rôle clé dans l’évaluation, le counseling et la prescription de l’activité physique, mais de nombreux obstacles, dont le manque de formation adéquate, les empêchent de promouvoir cette habitude de vie essentielle pour la santé. Afin d’aider les facultés de médecine canadiennes dans l’élaboration de leur cursus sur l’activité physique, une équipe composée de chercheurs, de médecins et de physiologistes de l’exercice a collaboré à la définition d’un ensemble d’objectifs d’apprentissage jugés indispensables à la formation des médecins pour qu’ils puissent offrir des conseils sur l’activité physique et la prescrire. Ce commentaire passe en revue les nouveaux objectifs d’apprentissage en matière de counseling en activité physique et donne des exemples de cas de trois facultés de médecine canadiennes qui ont mis en œuvre ces objectifs d’apprentissage

    Permeability evolution during progressive development of deformation bands in porous sandstones

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    [1] Triaxial deformation experiments were carried out on large (0.1 m) diameter cores of a porous sandstone in order to investigate the evolution of bulk sample permeability as a function of axial strain and effective confining pressure. The log permeability of each sample evolved via three stages: (1) a linear decrease prior to sample failure associated with poroelastic compaction, (2) a transient increase associated with dynamic stress drop, and (3) a systematic quasi-static decrease associated with progressive formation of new deformation bands with increasing inelastic axial strain. A quantitative model for permeability evolution with increasing inelastic axial strain is used to analyze the permeability data in the postfailure stage. The model explicitly accounts for the observed fault zone geometry, allowing the permeability of individual deformation bands to be estimated from measured bulk parameters. In a test of the model for Clashach sandstone, the parameters vary systematically with confining pressure and define a simple constitutive rule for bulk permeability of the sample as a function of inelastic axial strain and effective confining pressure. The parameters may thus be useful in predicting fault permeability and sealing potential as a function of burial depth and faul

    Ethane steam reforming over a platinum/alumina catalyst: effect of sulphur poisoning

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    In this study we have examined the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide and methanethiol over platinum catalysts and examined the effect of these poisons on the steam reforming of ethane. Adsorption of hydrogen sulfide was measured at 293 and 873 K. At 873 K the adsorbed state of hydrogen sulfide in the presence of hydrogen was SH rather than S, even though the Pt:S ratio was unity. The effect of 11.2 ppm hydrogen sulfide or methanethiol on the steam reforming of ethane was studied at 873 K and 20 barg. Both poisons deactivated the catalyst over a number of hours, but methanethiol was found to be more deleterious, reducing the conversion by almost an order of magnitude, possibly due to the co-deposition of sulfur and carbon. Changes in the selectivity revealed that the effect of sulfur was not uniform on the reactions occurring, with the production of methane reduced proportionally more than the other products, due to the surface sensitivity of the hydrogenolysis and methanation reactions. The water-gas shift reaction was affected to a lesser extent. No regeneration was observed when hydrogen sulfide was removed from the feedstream in agreement with adsorption studies. A slight regeneration was observed when methanethiol was removed from the feed, but this was believed to be due to the removal of carbon rather than sulfur. The overall effect of sulfur poisoning was to reduce activity and enhance hydrogen selectivity