17 research outputs found

    Inégalités écologiques, inégalités sociales. Bibliographie indicative

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    Isolation and identification of entomopathogenic nematodes and their symbiotic bacteria from Hérault and Gard (Southern France)

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    International audienceIsolation and identification of native nematode-bacterial associations in the field are necessary for successful control of endemic pests in a particular location. No study has yet been undertaken to recover and identify EPN in metropolitan France. In the present paper, we provide results of a survey of EPN and their symbiotic bacteria conducted in Herault and Gard regions in Southern France. Molecular characterization of isolated nematodes depicted three different Steinernema species and one Heterorhabditis species, H. bacteriophora. Steinernema species recovered were identified as: S. feltiae and S. affine and an undescribed species. Xenorhabdus symbionts were identified as X. bovienii for both S. feltiae and S. affine. Phylogenetic analysis placed the new undescribed Steinernema sp. as closely related to S. arenarium but divergent enough to postulate that it belongs to a new species within the "glaseri-group"., The Xenorhabdus symbiont from this Steinernema sp. was identified as X. kozodoii. All Heterorhabditis isolates recovered were diagnosed as H. bacteriophoro and their bacterial symbionts were identified as Photorhabdus luminescens. Molecular characterization of these nematodes enabled the distinction of two different H. bacteriophora strains. Bacterial symbiontic, strains of these two H. bacteriophora strains were identified as P. lurninescens ssp. kayaii and P. luminescens ssp. laumondi