376 research outputs found

    Exceptionally strong magnetism in 4d perovskites RTcO3 (R=Ca,Sr,Ba)

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    The evolution of the magnetic ordering temperature of the 4d3 perovskites RTcO3 (R=Ca,Sr,Ba) and its relation with its electronic and structural properties has been studied by means of hybrid density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations. When compared to the most widely studied 3d perovskites the large spatial extent of the 4d shells and their relatively strong hybridization with oxygen weaken the tendency to form Jahn-Teller like orbital ordering. This strengthens the superexchange interaction. The resulting insulating G-type antiferromagnetic ground state is characterized by large superexchange coupling constants (26-35 meV) and Neel temperatures (750-1200 K). These monotonically increase as a function of the R ionic radius due to the progressive enhancement of the volume and the associated decrease of the cooperative rotation of the TcO6 octahedra.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Superfast Vocal Muscles Control Song Production in Songbirds

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    Birdsong is a widely used model for vocal learning and human speech, which exhibits high temporal and acoustic diversity. Rapid acoustic modulations are thought to arise from the vocal organ, the syrinx, by passive interactions between the two independent sound generators or intrinsic nonlinear dynamics of sound generating structures. Additionally, direct neuromuscular control could produce such rapid and precisely timed acoustic features if syringeal muscles exhibit rare superfast muscle contractile kinetics. However, no direct evidence exists that avian vocal muscles can produce modulations at such high rates. Here, we show that 1) syringeal muscles are active in phase with sound modulations during song over 200 Hz, 2) direct stimulation of the muscles in situ produces sound modulations at the frequency observed during singing, and that 3) syringeal muscles produce mechanical work at the required frequencies and up to 250 Hz in vitro. The twitch kinematics of these so-called superfast muscles are the fastest measured in any vertebrate muscle. Superfast vocal muscles enable birds to directly control the generation of many observed rapid acoustic changes and to actuate the millisecond precision of neural activity into precise temporal vocal control. Furthermore, birds now join the list of vertebrate classes in which superfast muscle kinetics evolved independently for acoustic communication

    Double Exchange Alone Does Not Explain the Resistivity of La1xSrxMnO3La_{1-x} Sr_x MnO_3

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    The La1xSrxMnO3La_{1-x} Sr_x MnO_3 system with 0.2x0.40.2 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.4 has traditionally been modelled with a ``double exchange'' Hamiltonian, in which it is assumed that the only relevant physics is the tendency of carrier hopping to line up neighboring spins. We present a solution of the double exchange model, show it is incompatible with many aspects of the resistivity data, and propose that a strong electron-phonon interaction arising from a Jahn-Teller splitting of the outer Mn d-level plays a crucial role.Comment: Figure available via concentional mail. Contact [email protected]

    Topological defects and shape of aromatic self-assembled vesicles

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    We show that the stacking of flat aromatic molecules on a curved surface results in topological defects. We consider, as an example, spherical vesicles, self-assembled from molecules with 5- and 6-thiophene cores. We predict that the symmetry of the molecules influences the number of topological defects and the resulting equilibrium shape.Comment: accepted as a Letter in the J. Phys. Chem.

    Cooperative Jahn-Teller transition and resonant x-ray scattering in thin film LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3}

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    Epitaxial thin films of stoichiometric LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3} were grown on SrTiO3(110){\rm SrTiO_3(110)} substrates using the pulsed laser deposition technique. From the high resolution x-ray diffraction measurements, the lattice parameters were determined as a function of temperature and the cooperative Jahn-Teller transition was found to occur at TJTT_{JT}=573.0 K. Also measured was resonant x-ray scattering intensity of the orthorhombic (100) peak of LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3} near the Mn K edge from low temperatures to above TJTT_{JT}. We demonstrate that the integrated intensity of the (100) peak is proportional to the 3/2 power of the orthorhombic strain at all temperatures, and thus provide an experimental evidence that the resonant scattering near the Mn K edge in LaMnO3{\rm LaMnO_3} is largely due to the Jahn-Teller effect.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    From chaos to order: Chain-length dependence of the free energy of formation of meso-tetraalkylporphyrin self-assembled monolayer polymorphs

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    © 2016 American Chemical Society. We demonstrate that systematic errors can be reduced and physical insight gained through investigation of the dependence of free energies for meso-tetraalkylporphyrin self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) polymorphism on the alkyl chain length m. These SAMs form on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) from organic solution, displaying manifold densities and atomic structures. SAMs with m = 11-19 are investigated experimentally while those with m = 6-28 are simulated using density-functional theory (DFT). It is shown that, for m = 15 or more, the alkyl chains crystallize to dominate SAM structure. Meso-tetraalkylporphyrin SAMs of length less than 11 have never been observed, a presumed effect of inadequate surface attraction. Instead, we show that free energies of SAM formation actually enhance as the chain length decreases. The inability to image regular SAMs stems from the appearance of many polymorphic forms of similar free energy, preventing SAM ordering. We also demonstrate a significant odd/even effect in SAM structure arising from packing anomalies. Comparison of the chain-length dependence of formation free energies allows the critical dispersion interactions between molecules, solvent, and substrate to be directly examined. Interpretation of the STM data combined with measured enthalpies indicates that Grimme's D3 explicit-dispersion correction and the implicit solvent correction of Floris, Tomasi and Pascual Ahuir are both quantitatively accurate and very well balanced to each other

    Genetic evidence for multiple invasions of subterranean termites into Canada

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    Modern quantum chemical electronic structure methods typically applied to localized chemical bonding are developed to predict atomic structures and free energies for meso-Tetraalkylporphyrin self-Assembled monolayer (SAM) polymorph formation from organic solution on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite surfaces. Large polymorphdependent dispersion-induced substrate-molecule interactions (e.g., -100 kcal mol-1 to -150 kcal mol-1 for tetratrisdecylporphyrin) are found to drive SAM formation, opposed nearly completely by large polymorph-dependent dispersion-induced solvent interactions (70- 110 kcal mol-1) and entropy effects (25-40 kcal mol-1 at 298 K) favoring dissolution. Dielectric continuum models of the solvent are used, facilitating consideration of many possible SAM polymorphs, along with quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical and dispersion- corrected density functional theory calculations. These predict and interpret newly measured and existing high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy images of SAM structure, rationalizing polymorph formation conditions. A wide range of molecular condensed matter properties at room temperature now appear suitable for prediction and analysis using electronic structure calculations

    Structural response to O*-O' and magnetic transitions in orthorhombic perovskites

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    We present a temperature dependent single crystal x-ray diffraction study of twinned orthorhombic perovskites La1-xCaxMnO3, for x=0.16 and x=0.25. These data show the evolution of the crystal structure from the ferromagnetic insulating state to the ferromagnetic metallic state. The data are modelled in space group Pnma with twin relations based on a distribution of the b axis over three perpendicular cubic axes. The twin model allows full structure determination in the presence of up to six twin fractions using the single crystal x-ray diffraction data.Comment: 13 pages, including 13 figures and 2 table

    Measurement of the local Jahn-Teller distortion in LaMnO_3.006

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    The atomic pair distribution function (PDF) of stoichiometric LaMnO_3 has been measured. This has been fit with a structural model to extract the local Jahn-Teller distortion for an ideal Mn(3+)O_6 octahedron. These results are compared to Rietveld refinements of the same data which give the average structure. Since the local structure is being measured in the PDF there is no assumption of long-range orbital order and the real, local, Jahn-Teller distortion is measured directly. We find good agreement both with published crystallographic results and our own Rietveld refinements suggesting that in an accurately stoichiometric material there is long range orbital order as expected. The local Jahn-Teller distortion has 2 short, 2 medium and 2 long bonds.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figures, minor change