209 research outputs found

    Culture-dependent and culture-independent diversity surveys target different bacteria: a case study in a freshwater sample

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    Compared with culture-independent approaches, traditionally used culture-dependent methods have a limited capacity to characterizewatermicrobiota. Nevertheless, for almost a century the latter have been optimized to detect and quantify relevant bacteria. A pertinent question is if culture-independent diversity surveys give merely an extended perspective of the bacterial diversity or if, even with a higher coverage, focus on a different set of organisms. We compared the diversity and phylogeny of bacteria in a freshwater sample recovered by currently used culture-dependent and culture-independent methods (DGGE and 454 pyrosequencing). The culture-dependent diversity survey presented lower coverage than the other methods. However, it allowed bacterial identifications to the species level, in contrast with the other procedures that rarely produced identifications below the order. Although the predominant bacterial phyla detected by both approaches were the same (Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes), sequence similarity analysis showed that, in general, different operational taxonomical units were targeted by each method. The observation that culture-dependent and independent approaches target different organisms has implications for the use of the latter for studies in which taxonomic identification has a predictive value. In comparison to DGGE, 454 pyrosequencing method had a higher capacity to explore the bacterial richness and to detect cultured organisms, being also less laborious.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Nuevos usos sociales de la fotografía: formas de representación y auto-representación fotográfica en las comunidades virtuales

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    La presente tesis busca analizar el fenómeno social que representa la fotografía en el contexto de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación partiendo del diagnóstico conceptual del procedimiento fotográfico. Se realiza un reflexión acerca del papel que juega la fotografía en la construcción de identidades personales en el marco de la representación social; en este contexto se plantea un análisis de las herramientas de connotación icónica que son puestas en práctica al momento de construir personalidades mediante el uso y la exhibición de fotografías. Se analiza el tema del desplazamiento de la frontera entre lo público y lo privado en el contexto de los usos sociales que se le han atribuido a la fotografía en los nuevos tiempos atravesados por el avance tecnológico

    Bioconversion of cellulosic biomass wastes by Azorean hot spring bacterial consortia

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    ECO-BIO 2016Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose is a fundamental step in the carbon cycle and in the industrial bioconversion of biomass to biofuels. In nature cellulose hydrolysis is often catalysed by enzymes from complex microbial communities, nevertheless these studies are limited to a few isolates. Actually the production of biofuels from biomass became a necessity and novel pre-treatments are mandatory to be discovered. Thereby the study of cellulose hydrolysing bacterial communities is a step in achieving a sustainable future in biofuels development. We propose the stabilization of an aerobic thermophilic bacterial consortia (BC) with the ability to adapt and hydrolyse different cellulose-rich wastes. Decaying cellulosic residues were sampled inside Azorean hot springs. Samples were enriched in cellulosic selective medium at 60ºC with growth monitored quantifying DNA. Hydrolysis efficiency was monitored and enzymatic activity was detected using xylan and carboxymetylcellulose (CMC). 16S rRNA hypervariable regions V3/V4 were amplified for phylogenetic characterization of BC using 454 pyrosequencing. Selected BC was able to hydrolyse 50% of cellulose-rich plant mix material in 4 days. Besides hydrolysing low content lignin material as non-wood plants, newspaper and cardboard, the consortia was able to hydrolyse high lignin content material, with lower efficiency. Celulase and xylanase were present in BC and reducing sugars were shown to be higher, compared with control. The phylogenetic results showed a large diversity in the BC with Thermobacillus representing 44% of the consortia, followed by Symbiobacterium 25%, Brevibacillus 16%, Geobacillus 12% and Hipomicrobium 3%. Three Geobacillus species were identified; G. stearothermophilus, G.thermodenitrificans and G.debilis. Further work will comply the isolation of enzyme producing bacteria isolates from the consortia for the construction of new consortia taking in consideration the efficiency of cellulose rich wastes. These results suggest that bacterial communities can be an alternative pre-treatment method of green wastes to obtain molecules to biofuels production.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Expression of genes encoding extracellular matrix macromolecules and metalloproteinases in avian tibial dyschondroplasia

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    Avian tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) is a skeletal disease characterized by disruption of endochondral bone formation. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) macromolecules and ECM-degrading enzymes [matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)] in the growth plates of normal and TD-affected 3-week-old broiler chicks (Cobb strain). Protein levels were analyzed by immunoblotting and gelatin zymography and gene expression by polymerase chain reaction. Expression of genes encoding the ECM macromolecules (collagen types II, IX, X and XI; and aggrecan) was not altered in dyschondroplasia; however, there was down-regulation of genes encoding MMP-9, MMP-13, MMP-10 and MMP-11 in addition to reduced amounts of MMP-2 and MMP-13 proteins. In contrast, there was up-regulation of genes encoding MMP-7 and the vascular endothelial growth factor. These findings suggest that the accumulation of cartilage associated with the disease may be the result of decreased proteolysis due to the down-regulation of MMPs and not to an increased production of ECM macromolecules

    Descubre el científico que hay en ti: aprender ciencias de manera divertida

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    La falta de interés por el estudio de la ciencia, así como el rechazo que producen las mismas en el aula, ha generado la necesidad de buscar un medio para volverlas atractivas. Como lo menciona Schmidt, presidenta de Let"™s Talk Science, en el artículo Students lacking interest in Science, es necesario que se muestre la utilidad que tienen las ciencias en la vida diaria como en la vida laboral. En respuesta a dicha preocupación, el Colegio de Ciencias e Ingenierías, El Politécnico, de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) ofrece el proyecto de vinculación Ciencia al Rescate (CAR), el cual es una alternativa para mostrar que la ciencia puede llegar a ser divertida. En el mismo, tanto profesores como estudiantes de la universidad realizan una serie de actividades destinadas a este fin: shows en vivo, videos de ciencia difundidos a través de su página web, una revista de difusión científica para niños, y talleres de ciencia para docentes. El proyecto se inició en agosto de 2015 y funciona hasta la actualidad con la participación de 13 profesores, 24 estudiantes y 6 administrativos

    Taking Root: Enduring Effect of Rhizosphere Bacterial Colonization in Mangroves

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    Mangrove forests are of global ecological and economic importance, but are also one of the world's most threatened ecosystems. Here we present a case study examining the influence of the rhizosphere on the structural composition and diversity of mangrove bacterial communities and the implications for mangrove reforestation approaches using nursery-raised plants.A barcoded pyrosequencing approach was used to assess bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of plants in a nursery setting, nursery-raised transplants and native (non-transplanted) plants in the same mangrove habitat. In addition to this, we also assessed bacterial composition in the bulk sediment in order to ascertain if the roots of mangrove plants affect sediment bacterial composition. We found that mangrove roots appear to influence bacterial abundance and composition in the rhizosphere. Due to the sheer abundance of roots in mangrove habitat, such an effect can have an important impact on the maintenance of bacterial guilds involved in nutrient cycling and other key ecosystem functions. Surprisingly, we also noted a marked impact of initial nursery conditions on the rhizosphere bacterial composition of replanted mangrove trees. This result is intriguing because mangroves are periodically inundated with seawater and represent a highly dynamic environment compared to the more controlled nursery environment.In as far as microbial diversity and composition influences plant growth and health, this study indicates that nursery conditions and early microbial colonization patterns of the replants are key factors that should be considered during reforestation projects. In addition to this, our results provide information on the role of the mangrove rhizosphere as a habitat for bacteria from estuarine sediments

    Cardiospondylocarpofacial syndrome as a distinct hereditary connective tissue disorder: novel missense variant in MAP3K7 in two unrelated patients

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    CDKL5 deficiency disorder is a rare X-linked condition that results in early onset of impairedmotor and cognitive skills such as motor rigidity, stereotypical hand movements and deficient language acquisition aswell as recurrent seizures. It is caused by mutations in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene, which encodes a serine/threonine kinase involved in important neuronal processes such as cell signaling and neuron morphogenesis.FCT: UID/Multi/04326/2019 (CCMAR)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detection of genetic incompatibilities in non-model systems using simple genetic markers: hybrid breakdown in the haplodiploid spider mite Tetranychus evansi

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    When two related species interbreed, their hybrid offspring frequently suffer from reduced fitness. The genetics of hybrid incompatibility are described by the Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller (BDM) model, where fitness is reduced by epistatic interactions between alleles of heterospecific origin. Unfortunately, most empirical evidence for the BDM model comes from a few well-studied model organisms, restricting our genetic understanding of hybrid incompatibilities to limited taxa. These systems are predominantly diploid and incompatibility is often complete, which complicates the detection of recessive allelic interactions and excludes the possibility to study viable or intermediate stages. Here, we advocate research into non-model organisms with haploid or haplodiploid reproductive systems and incomplete hybrid incompatibility because (1) dominance is absent in haploids and (2) incomplete incompatibility allows comparing affected with unaffected individuals. We describe a novel two-locus statistic specifying the frequency of individuals for which two alleles co-occur. This approach to studying BDM incompatibilities requires genotypic characterization of hybrid individuals, but not genetic mapping or genome sequencing. To illustrate our approach, we investigated genetic causes for hybrid incompatibility between differentiated lineages of the haplodiploid spider mite Tetranychus evansi, and show that strong, but incomplete, hybrid breakdown occurs. In addition, by comparing the genotypes of viable hybrid males and inviable hybrid male eggs for eight microsatellite loci, we show that nuclear and cytonuclear BDM interactions constitute the basis of hybrid incompatibility in this species. Our approach opens up possibilities to study BDM interactions in non-model taxa, and may give further insight into the genetic mechanisms behind hybrid incompatibility