413 research outputs found

    Wideband current transformers for the surveillance of the beam extraction kicker system of the Large Hadron Collider

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    The LHC beam dumping system must protect the LHC machine from damage by reliably and safely extracting and absorbing the circulating beams when requested. Two sets of 15 extraction kicker magnets form the main active part of this system. A separate high voltage pulse generator powers each magnet. Because of the high beam energy and the consequences which could result from significant beam loss due to a malfunctioning of the dump system the magnets and generators are continuously surveyed in order to generate a beam abort as soon as an internal fault is detected. Amongst these surveillance systems, wideband current transformers have been designed to detect any erratic start in one of the generators. Output power should be enough to directly re-trigger all the power trigger units of the remaining 14 generators. The current transformers were developed in collaboration with industry. To minimize losses, high-resistivity cobalt alloy was chosen for the cores. The annealing techniques originally developed for LEP beam current measurement in collaboration between CERN and industry allowed to extend the frequency response beyond that of traditional core materials. The paper shows the results obtained, exposes the problems encountered with shielding, conductor position sensitivity, load resistor technology and their solutions. The know-how acquired during the collaboration was further applied by the industrial partner to cover a wider range of sensitivity, size and frequency

    Pest management and biodiversity in organic fruit production: the case of apple orchards

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    Numerous pesticide applications are required for orchard protection, regardless of the guidelines. Organic fruit production (OFP) mainly relies on the use of mineral fungicides and microbiological or naturally-occurring insecticides. The environmental impact of this type of production does not significantly differ from that of conventional production when assessed in terms of synthetic indicators. However, the abundance of earthworms, as well as the abundance and specific richness of arthropod pests and beneficials in the orchards and surrounding hedges, is greater in OFP than in conventional orchards. Generalist predators are usually less affected by OFP compounds than by the chemical pesticides applied in conventional orchards. OFP also benefits avian communities, and above all, insectivorous birds, for which organic orchards offer a suitable habitat similar to that of undisturbed natural areas. In addition to this general trend, discrepancies may be observed in the protection responses of different insect groups. The abundance of hymenopteran parasitoids is the lowest in organic orchards in which outbreaks of phytophagous mites are also recorded in relation to the intensive use of sulphur for scab protection. Biological insecticides often act in ways that are similar to those of chemical ones, and the restricted choice of available compounds is likely to induce resistance selection in insect pests. Although maintaining biodiversity is not a direct result of the implementation of OFP guidelines, it seems to be widely considered as an option by organic growers, both alone and as a complementary tool for pest regulation

    RSAT 2011: regulatory sequence analysis tools

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    RSAT (Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools) comprises a wide collection of modular tools for the detection of cis-regulatory elements in genome sequences. Thirteen new programs have been added to the 30 described in the 2008 NAR Web Software Issue, including an automated sequence retrieval from EnsEMBL (retrieve-ensembl-seq), two novel motif discovery algorithms (oligo-diff and info-gibbs), a 100-times faster version of matrix-scan enabling the scanning of genome-scale sequence sets, and a series of facilities for random model generation and statistical evaluation (random-genome-fragments, random-motifs, random-sites, implant-sites, sequence-probability, permute-matrix). Our most recent work also focused on motif comparison (compare-matrices) and evaluation of motif quality (matrix-quality) by combining theoretical and empirical measures to assess the predictive capability of position-specific scoring matrices. To process large collections of peak sequences obtained from ChIP-seq or related technologies, RSAT provides a new program (peak-motifs) that combines several efficient motif discovery algorithms to predict transcription factor binding motifs, match them against motif databases and predict their binding sites. Availability (web site, stand-alone programs and SOAP/WSDL (Simple Object Access Protocol/Web Services Description Language) web services): http://rsat.ulb.ac.be/rsat/

    Flat Low-Loss Silicon Gradient Index Lens for Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths

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    We present the design, simulation, and planned fabrication process of a flat high resistivity silicon gradient index (GRIN) lens for millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths with very low absorption losses. The gradient index is created by sub wavelength holes whose size increases with the radius of the lens. The effective refractive index created by the subwavelength holes is constant over a very wide bandwidth, allowing the fabrication of achromatic lenses up to submillimeter wavelengths. The designed GRIN lens was successfully simulated and shows an expected efficiency better than that of a classic silicon plano-concave spherical lens with approximately the same thickness and focal length. Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) and wafer-bonding of several patterned wafers will be used to realize our first GRIN lens prototype