64 research outputs found

    Do general practitioners and psychiatrists agree about defining cure from depression? The DEsCRIBE™ survey

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to document the outcome dimensions that physicians see as important in defining cure from depression. The study also aimed to analyse physicians' attitudes about depression and to find out whether they affect their prescribing practices and/or the outcome dimensions that they view as important in defining cure. METHODS: A 51-item questionnaire based on six validated scales was used to rate the importance of several depression outcome dimensions. Physicians' attitudes about depression were also assessed using the Depression Attitude Scale. Overall, 369 Belgian physicians (264 general practitioners [GPs]; 105 psychiatrists) participated in the DEsCRIBE survey. RESULTS: GPs and psychiatrists strongly agreed that functioning and depressive symptomatology were most important in defining cure; anxious and somatic symptomatology was least important. GPs and psychiatrists differed in their attitudes about depression (p <0.001). Logistic regression revealed that the attitudes of GPs - but not psychiatrists - were significantly associated with their rates of antidepressant prescription (p < 0.001) and that certain attitudes predicted which outcome dimensions were seen as important in defining cure. CONCLUSIONS: Belgian GPs and psychiatrists strongly agreed on which criteria were important in defining cure from depression but differed in their attitudes about depression. The outcome dimensions that were considered important in defining cure were influenced by physicians' attitudes - this was more pronounced in GPs than in psychiatrists

    Comorbid substance abuse and brain morphology in recent-onset psychosis

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    The aim of the presented study was to compare schizophrenia and schizoaffective patients early in the course of the disease with and without comorbid substance abuse disorder (SUD vs. NSUD) with regard to brain morphology. In a prospective design 41 patients (20 SUD vs. 21 NSUD) diagnosed as recent-onset schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder consecutively admitted to hospital received standardized psychopathological evaluation (BPRS, SANS, MADRS, CGI, GAF) and MRI scanning with volumetric measurement of superior temporal gyrus (STG), amygdala-hippocampal complex, and cingulum. Patients with SUD (primarily cannabis) were significantly younger, predominantly male and had a lower socioeconomic status. Despite less attentional impairment (SANS subscore) and elevated anxiety/depression (BPRS subscore) in patients with SUD compared to NSUD, no other psychopathological differences could be detected. There were no differences in the assessed temporolimbic brain morphology between the two subgroups. In conclusion, in this study substance abuse in recent-onset psychosis had no effect on brain morphology and the earlier onset of psychosis in patients with comorbid SUD could not be explained by supposed accentuated brain abnormalities in temporolimbic regions

    Pattern and clinical significance of cancer-testis gene expression in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    Les cancer-testis antigènes appartiennent à la famille des antigènes tumoraux spécifiques. Ils ont montré un pouvoir immunogène chez les patients porteurs de différents cancers. En effet, ils stimulent sélectivement les lymphocytes cytotoxiques, et leur expression spécifique dans les tissus tumoraux en fait une cible idéale pour une vaccination antitumorale. Le but de cette étude est d'identifier l'expression de certains de ces antigènes, d'analyser leur valeur pronostique et de déterminer la meilleure cible antigénique pour permettre une immunothérapie spécifique dans les carcinomes épidermoïdes des voies aérodigestives supérieures. Le profil et le taux d'expression de 12 cancer-testis antigènes (MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGEA10, MAGE-C2, NY-ESO-1, LAGE-1, SSX-2, SSX-4, BAGE, GAGE-1/2, GAGE-3/4) et de 3 autres antigènes tumoraux spécifiques (PRAME, HERV-K-MEL, NA-17A) ont été évalués par RT-PCR sur 57 échantillons de cancers ORL primaires. Les paramètres tumoraux et cliniques ont été prospectivement collectés afin de corréler ces données avec le résultat de nos investigations immunobiologiques. Quatre-vingt-huit pour cent des tumeurs expriment au moins 1 antigène. Une co-expression de 3 gènes ou plus est détectée chez 59% des patients. MAGE-A4 (60%), MAGE-A3 (51%), PRAME (49%) et HERV-K-MEL (42%) sont les gènes le plus fréquemment exprimés. Ils sont totalement absents des muqueuses saines avoisinantes. La présence de MAGE-A et NY-ESO-1 à la surface des cellules a été vérifiée par immunohistochimie. Nos analyses statistiques ont permis d'identifier une diminution de la survie liée au cancer chez les patients porteurs d'une tumeur exprimant de multiples cancer-testis antigènes et notamment MAGE-A4 dont l'expression indépendante d'autres éléments cliniques s'associe statistiquement à un taux de survie diminué. Nos résultats ont permis d'identifier un rôle pronostique de l'expression des gènes associés aux tumeurs dont l'expression est apparemment liée à un phénotype de malignité plus élevé. Cette constatation, corroborée par l'identification parallèle d'un infiltrat lymphocytaire spécifique confirme l'utilité potentielle de certains cancer-testis antigènes comme cible pour une immunothérapie ciblée dans les carcinomes des voies aérodigestives supérieure

    Compressible laminar boundary layers with large acceleration and cooling

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    Supplementary Materials for Beneficial Microbes: <b>Post-milking application of a </b><b><i>Lacticaseibacillus paracasei</i></b><b> strain impacts bovine teat microbiota while preserving the mammary gland physiology and immunity</b>

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    Bovine mastitis (BM) is a major disease in dairy industry. The current approaches -mainly antibiotic treatments- are not entirely effective and may contribute to antimicrobial resistance dissemination, rising the need for alternative treatment. The present study aims to evaluate the impact of post-milking application of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei CIRM BIA 1542 (Lp1542) on the teat skin (TS) of 20 Holstein cows in mid lactation, in order to reinforce the barrier effect of the microbiota naturally present on the teat. Treatment (Lp1542, iodine or no treatment) was applied post-milking twice a day on the 4 teats of healthy animals for 15 days. Blood and milk samples, and TS swabs were collected at day (D)1, D8, D15 and D26 before morning milking and at D15 before evening milking (D15E) to evaluate Lp1542 impact at the microbial, immune and physiological levels. Lp1542 treatment resulted in a higher lactic acid bacteria and total microbial populations on TS and in foremilk (FM) at D15(E) compared with iodine treatment. Metabarcoding analysis revealed changes in the composition of TS and FM microbiota , beyond a higher Lacticaseibacillus abundance. This included a higher abundance of Actinobacteriota, including Bifidobacterium, and a lower abundance of Pseudomonadota on TS of Lp1542 compared with iodine-treated quarters. In addition, Lp1542 treatment did not trigger any major inflammatory response in the mammary gland, except interleukin 8 production and expression which tended to be slightly higher in Lp1542-treated cows compared with the others. Finally, Lp1542 treatment had no impact on the mammary epithelium functionality (milk yield and composition) and integrity (epithelial cell exfoliation into milk and milk Na+/K+ ratio). Altogether, these results indicate that a topical treatment with Lp1542 is safe with regard to mammary gland physiology and immune system, while impacting its microbiota, inviting us to further explore its effectiveness for mastitis prevention.</p