113 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional resonances in Alpine valleys identified from ambient vibration wavefields

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    Although numerical simulations have for long shown the importance of 2-D resonances in site effect estimations of sediment-filled valleys, this phenomenon is usually not taken into account by current hazard assessment techniques. We present an approach to identify the resonance behaviour of a typical Alpine valley by analysis of ambient noise recorded simultaneously on a dense array. The applicability of the method is evaluated further using synthetic ambient noise acquired with current 3-D numerical simulation techniques. Resonance frequencies of the fundamental mode SV and the fundamental and first higher mode of SH are identified from measured data with the reference station method, verifying results of previous studies. Patterns of spectral amplitude and phase behaviour obtained from observed and synthetic noise correlate well with properties expected for 2-D resonance. Application of a frequency-wavenumber technique shows that the noise wavefield is dominated by standing waves at low frequencies (0.25 to 0.50 Hz). The different 2-D resonance modes are creating prominent peaks in horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios, which can not be interpreted in terms of 1-D resonance. We conclude that ambient noise records measured simultaneously on a linear array perpendicular to the valley axis may be used for identification of resonance modes in sediment-filled valley

    Toward Reliable Characterization of Sites With Pronounced Topography and Related Effects on Ground Motion

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    Here we present first results of a joint effort undertaken in ongoing European project NERA -JRA1, which aims at establishing scientifically solid and practically acceptable propositions to incorporate surface topography effects in seismic hazard estimates. We assembled a dataset of both ambient vibration and earthquake recordings acquired at 40 European sites with pronounced topography. It comprises a wide variety of sites including populated hills and even extreme cases of unstable rock slopes in Alpine regions. Results of the polarisation analysis for the two sites presented here show the peculiarity of the topographic site effects

    Uncertainties in VS profiles from geophysical tests and their influence on seismic ground response analyses: results from the Interpacific blind test

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    The InterPACIFIC project is aimed at the assessment of the reliability of different geophysical methods (both invasive and non-invasive) for the estimation of shear wave velocity profiles. Blind tests have been performed in three different subsoil conditions. The observed variability in the results provided by several operators gives a representation of the uncertainties that has to be expected in site characterization. The implications of these uncertainties on ground response analyses are considered in the present paper

    Empirical evaluation of microtremor H/V spectral ratio

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    The objective of this work is to perform a purely empirical assessment of the actual capabilities of the horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratio technique to provide reliable and relevant information concerning site conditions and/or site amplification. This objective has been tackled through the homogeneous (re)processing of a large volume of earthquakes and ambient noise data recorded by different research teams in more than 200 sites located mainly in Europe, but also in the Caribbean and in Tehran. The original recordings were first gathered in a specific database with information on both the sites and recorded events. Then, for all sites close to an instrumented reference, average site-to-reference spectral ratios (“spectral ratio method” (SSR)) were derived in a homogeneous way (window selection, smoothing, signal-to-noise ratio threshold, averaging), as well as H/V ratios (“HVSRE–RF”) on earthquake recordings. H/V ratios were also obtained from noise recordings at each site (either specific measurements, or extracted from pre- or post-event noise windows). The spectral curves resulting from these three techniques were estimated reliable for a subset of 104 sites, and were thus compared in terms of fundamental frequency, amplitude and amplification bandwidth, exhibiting agreements and disagreements, for which interpretations are looked for in relation with characteristics of site conditions. The first important result consists in the very good agreement between fundamental frequencies obtained with either technique, observed for 81% of the analyzed sites. A significant part of the disagreements correspond to thick, low frequency, continental sites where natural noise level is often very low and H/V noise ratios do not exhibit any clear peak. The second important result is the absence of correlation between H/V peak amplitude and the actual site amplification measured on site-to-reference spectral ratios. There are, however, two statistically significant results about the amplitude of the H/V curve: the peak amplitude may be considered as a lower bound estimate of the actual amplification indicated by SSR (it is smaller for 79% of the 104 investigated sites), and, from another point of view, the difference in amplitude exhibits a questioning correlation with the geometrical characteristics of the sediment/basement interface: large SSR/HV differences might thus help to detect the existence of significant 2D or 3D effects.Published75-1084.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journalreserve

    NERA project - Deliverable D11.4: Array measurements

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    The aim of this Task is to present the seismological data and some preliminary empirical results related to two deployed specific arrays; (a) the Argostoli seismological array and (b) the Fucino seismological array. Both experiment arrays provided high quality data that along with corresponding geological and geophysical measurements may serve to critical evaluation of site effects and basin effects. In addition, work on modelling of basin effects may be significantly benefited by the observed acquired in both sites. Given that the analyses of the data obtained during the aforementioned experimental arrays will be performed in close link with activity of NERA-JRA3, the following goals are set: To investigate the link between ground motion spatial variability, strains, seismic wavefield and subsurface properties To compare numerical estimates of ground strain with actual measurements To investigate the capability of estimating ground strains from noise correlation studies. In order to organize and accomplish the work according to the initial schedule, several meetings (actual or/and Skype) among the participants took place during the 2nd year of the NERA-JRA1 project. Minutes of these meetings are given in Appendices 1, 2, 3 and 4.Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation Project, Seventh Framework Programme EC project number: 262330Published4T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismic

    Seismic site characterization of the Kastelli (Kissamos) Basin in northwest Crete (Greece): Assessments using ambient noise recordings

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    Crete is actively seismic and site response studies are needed for estimating local site conditions subjected to seismic activity. In order to collect basic data, we performed ambient noise recordings to estimate the site response of the surface and near subsurface structure of the small-scale Kastelli Basin in northwest Crete. The spatial horizontal to vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) resonance pattern of the investigated sites in the centre of the Basin consists of either one or two peaks divided into low to high frequency range in different sites as follows: (a) in some sites only one amplified peak at low frequencies (0.6–1.2 Hz), (b) in other sites only one amplified peak at medium frequencies (2.9–8.5 Hz) and (c) in yet other sites two amplified peaks in the low to high frequency range (0.6–15.5 Hz). The investigated sites are amplified in the frequency range 0.6–15.5 Hz, while the amplitude reaches to a factor of 4 in the spectral ratios. The one HVSR amplified peak at low frequencies is related to locally soft or thick Quaternary deposits. Microtremors were measured in the coastal northwest part of the Basin in a well—lithified Cretaceous limestone site characterized by fractures and faults striking predominantly in a sector NNE to NNW. Sites of one amplified peak at medium frequencies are extended from coastal northwest to southwest delineating a structure striking to NNW. The two amplified peaks are attributed to shallow subsurface heterogeneities/irregularities, locally induced by fault zones and to the overlying Quaternary deposits. Spatial HVSR variations in the frequency and HVSR shape delineate four structures striking NNE, NNW and in a sector NW to WNW, crosscutting the dense populated Basin suggesting that microtremors could be a valuable tool for providing a first approximation of fault zone delineation at least for the Kastelli-Kissamos Basin. The Basin is classified into the X soil category of the Greek Seismic Code 2000.This work was implemented through the project entitled “Interdisciplinary Multi-Scale Research of Earth-quake Physics and Seismotectonics at the Front of the Hellenic Arc (IMPACT-ARC)” in the framework of action “ARCHIMEDES III—Support of Research Teams at TEI of Crete” (MIS380353) of the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” and is co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and Greek national fund


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    Automation systems for farm animals: potential impacts on the humananimal relationship and on animal welfare Final preprint of article published in Anthrozoös. Please cite as: Cornou, C. 2009. Automation systems for farm animals: potential impacts on th
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