1,786 research outputs found

    Regeneration of the tropical legume Aeschynomene sensitiva Sw. from root explants

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    Regeneration of #Aeschynomene sensitiva Sw. after callogenesis was obtained form small (2-5 mm long) root explants of 30-day-old seedlings aseptically cultivated on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with various concentrations of growth regulators. After 4 weeks, the best results were observed with 0.54 microM alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid and 2.22 microM benzyladenine. On this medium, the rate of regeneration depended on seedling age and agar concentration. The highest number of shoots per explant was obtained with small cuttings from 30-day-old seedlings grown on a medium containing 8 g/l of agar. Regeneration success was also dependent on explant size. When longer explants (7-20 mm) were cut from the main root, direct regeneration was obtained in two weeks. These cuttings also generated shoots through callogenesis in four weeks but always in lower quantities than with direct regeneration, whatever the seedling age. Here also, the best regeneration was obtained with cuttings from 30-day-old seedlings maintained on a medium with 8 g/l of agar. Regenerants were rooted on growth-regulator-free Murashige and Skoog medium and then acclimatized in a greenhouse. A better survival to transplantation was observed when plantlets were inoculated with the photosynthetic #Bradyrhizobium strain ORS 278. Stem and root nodules developed on the inoculated plantlets and were able to fix nitrogen. (Résumé d'auteur

    A new affordable housing model in China : a case-based examination of a private developer's role

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-111).This thesis examines the motivations behind Wanhuilou, the first affordable housing development to be initiated, constructed, and subsidized by a private developer--China Vanke. This case presents a pioneering firm and a radical project, as China Vanke is the first private real estate developer to build affordable housing without a land subsidy from a government-sponsored program. An innovative design, high standards for quality, and a range of amenities further distinguish Wanhuilou from China's other low-income housing. Moreover, China Vanke initiated this project in the city of Guangzhou, one of China's most expensive land and housing markets. Given Wanhuilou's extremely anomalous nature, this thesis aims to understand why a private developer would embark on such a project. This research is important because it examines a potential solution to a critical problem, China's affordable housing shortage. By exploring different behavioral models as possible explanations for China Vanke's motivations, my analysis reveals the particular elements that helped China Vanke take on this project. This thesis analyses the research question through four different hypotheses, testing if and how the market, national policy, local political economy, and corporate social responsibility can explain China Vanke's decision to build Wanhuilou. While this examination suggests that corporate social responsibility builds the strongest case for China Vanke's motivations, it also shows the interrelationships of these behavioral models. In fact, strategies from other models could complement China Vanke's current approach-although the firm's innovation is not enough to make Wanhuilou a replicable business model, a structural reform of housing, with help from the financial market and government policy, could potentially make Wanhuilou a sustainable enterprise.by Claudine C. Stuchell.M.C.P

    Impact of feedback dimensions on police officers’ performance in crime reduction and security system in the province of Laguna, Philippines: The case of Laguna Provincial Police Office

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    This quantitative study sought to determine the impact of feedback dimensions on police officers’ performance in crime reduction and security system in Laguna, Philippines.Survey questionnaire served as the primary research instrument.Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and percentages, regression using dummy variables, and supplementary details from KII. Findings of this research could provide guidelines for the LPPO in planning the organization's program for crime reduction and enhancement of security system. The consistent practice of feedback exchange among police officers to increase crime solution efficiency in Laguna is recommended

    Computing the drainage discharge and assessing the impacts of tunnels drilled in Hard Rocks

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    International audienceMost Hard Rocks (HR) are or were exposed to deep weathering processes. It turns out that the hydraulic conductivity of HR is mostly inherited from these weathering processes (Lachassagne et al., 2011): (i) within their permeable Stratiform Fissured Layer (SFL) located below the low hydraulic conductivity unconsolidated weathered layer (saprolite). The thickness of both layers often reaches more than 100 m (Dewandel et al., 2006), (ii) and within the permeable vertical fissured layer developed at the periphery of or within preexisting geological discontinuities (joints, dykes, veins, lithological discontinuities, etc.) (Dewandel et al., 2011, Roques et al., 2012). From this conceptual model, the drainage discharge and the surface hydrogeological (piezometry in wells) and hydrological (discharge of streams) impacts of shallow highway tunnels drilled in a metamorphic series (metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks) intruded by granitic bodies have been forecasted. These tunnels belong to the A89 highway recently opened (2012) in France between Balbigny and La Tour de Salvagny (Monts du Lyonnais, 50 km West of Lyon city). They are up to 4 km long, and their depth below ground level ranges between 0 and 300 m. The method is based on

    Quality of life, emollients and hydrating agents.

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    peer reviewedSo-called dry skin is a quite common and annoying condition. This skin may affect individuals that are otherwise healthy. It may be particularly severe and unpleasant in cases of ichthyosis, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. The inductive effects of the environment must not be ignored. Emollients and hydrating agents for the stratum corneum can help relieve the clinical manifestations

    Meningkatkan Perilaku Hidup Bersih Dan Sehat Masyarakat Desa Paputungan Melalui Pembersihan Pesisir Pantai

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    Kebersihan merupakan suatu hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan kita sebagai manusia.Ketika berbicara tentang hidup bersih dan sehat tentunya tidak terlepas dari perhatian masyarakat sekitar.Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat bagi warga masyarakat yang ada di desa Paputungan agar tidak membuang sampah di area pesisir pantai. Wilayah pesisir pantai dan laut akan dijadikan kawasan tempat wisata.Akan tetapi, wilayah ini masih menyimpan beragam permasalahan yang menyebabkan pengembangan dan pengelolaannya tidak maksimal diakibatkan masih banyak sampah yang masih berserakan di area pesisir pantai. Sehingga dalam hal ini akan adanya beberapa upaya yang hendak dilakukan guna menjaga kebersihan yang ada di pesisir pantai, seperti mensosialisasikan kepada masyarakat untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya, selain dari pada itu juga ada pengadaan tempat sampah basah dan kering di area pesisir pantai bahkan melakukan kerja bakti bersama dengan warga masyarakat desa Paputungan.   &nbsp

    Les métamorphoses pâlissantes dans les textes traduits : étude sur le jaune et le blond.

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    Ante la poca atención que reciben en la producción científica en español las “figuras de traducción” (existencia de una serie de fenómenos que se repiten, independientemente de los idiomas y traductores implicados), nuestro objetivo básico es describir el proceder de los traductores cuando verbalizan lo que ven, sienten, perciben y comprenden del mundo evocado en el texto que traducen. Intentamos así aportar un esclarecimiento del fenómeno de la comprensión lectora (las reducciones realizadas por los lectores) para asentar el sentido de los enunciados literarios, y al mismo tiempo de la actividad traductora. Para ello, el artículo plantea analizar el breve espacio que da cuenta de la aprensión e identificación de los colores en el discurso mediante la revisión de la traducción del color amarillo y el matiz rubio en un corpus de textos literarios franceses y españoles (552 ítems analizados) para intentar delimitar las situaciones en las que surgen las traducciones literales de este cromatismo, y las situaciones para las que los traductores proponen distintos tipos de alejamiento, aplicando su propio “filtro de color”. Permite observar estrategias recurrentes en las alteraciones de amarillo y rubio en los textos traducidos, manifestando mayoritariamente una intensificación del realismo -que tiende a adecuar los adjetivos seleccionados a la realidad habitualmente observada (atenuación del color amarillo en determinadas situaciones: naturaleza otoñal, tez, pelo, etc.)-, o bien una respuesta (casi) automática a prácticas de lectura codificadas -preferencia de dorado como equivalente de rubio en situaciones relacionadas con objetos o elementos de la naturaleza-. Nuestra conclusión básica es que la reorganización pictórica presente en las novelas analizadas tiende a acentuar los estereotipos y los modelos realistas, en detrimento de cierta singularidad cromática propuesta por los distintos autores. Consecuentemente los traductores pierden de vista el traslado a la escritura de la imaginación creadora en los textos originales, y en las traducciones privilegian la dimensión referencial del lenguaje en detrimento de su función poética, privilegian un texto más inmediatamente legible e inteligible, designando así un tipo de discurso lícito para la lectura eficaz de enunciados ficticios