1,706 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of direct reactions with halo nuclei

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    Halo nuclei are exotic nuclei which exhibit a strongly clusterised structure: they can be seen as one or two valence nucleons loosely bound to a core. Being observed at the ridge of the valley of stability, halo nuclei are studied mostly through reactions. In this contribution the reaction models most commonly used to analyse experimental data are reviewed and compared to one another. A reaction observable built on the ratio of two angular distributions is then presented. This ratio enables removing most of the sensitivity to the reaction mechanism, which emphasises the effects of nuclear structure on the reaction.Comment: Invited talk given by Pierre Capel at the "10th International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Dynamics" (Cluster12), Debrecen, Hungary, 24-28 September 2012. To appear in the Cluster12 Proceedings in the Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS). (5 pages, 3 figures

    Recent developments in the eikonal description of the breakup of exotic nuclei

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    The study of exotic nuclear structures, such as halo nuclei, is usually performed through nuclear reactions. An accurate reaction model coupled to a realistic description of the projectile is needed to correctly interpret experimental data. In this contribution, we briefly summarise the assumptions made within the modelling of reactions involving halo nuclei. We describe briefly the Continuum-Discretised Coupled Channel method (CDCC) and the Dynamical Eikonal Approximation (DEA) in particular and present a comparison between them for the breakup of 15C on Pb at 68AMeV. We show the problem faced by the models based on the eikonal approximation at low energy and detail a correction that enables their extension down to lower beam energies. A new reaction observable is also presented. It consists of the ratio between angular distributions for two different processes, such as elastic scattering and breakup. This ratio is completely independent of the reaction mechanism and hence is more sensitive to the projectile structure than usual reaction observables, which makes it a very powerful tool to study exotic structures far from stability.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the XXI International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications & the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the JINR (Dubna) (Varna, Bulgaria, 6-12 September 2015), 7 pages, 4 figure

    Study of Cluster Structures in Nuclei through the Ratio Method. A Tribute to Mahir Hussein

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    For one-neutron halo nuclei, the cross section for elastic scattering and breakup at intermediate energy exhibit similar angular dependences. The Recoil Excitation and Breakup (REB) model of reactions elegantly explains this feature. It also leads to the idea of a new reaction observable to study the structure of loosely-bound nuclear systems: the Ratio. This observable consists of the ratio of angular distributions for different reaction channels, viz. elastic scattering and breakup, which cancels most of the dependence on the reaction mechanism; in particular it is insensitive to the choice of optical potentials that simulate the projectile-target interaction. This new observable is very sensitive to the structure of the projectile. In this article, we review the Ratio Method and its extension to low beam energies and proton-halo nuclei.Comment: Submitted to the European Physical Journal A as a contribution to the Special Issue on "Cluster structure and dynamics of nuclei" dedicated to the memory of Mahir S. Hussein (1944-2019). 12 pages, 7 figure

    A Generalized Circle Theorem on Zeros of Partition Function at Asymmetric First Order Transitions

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    We present a generalized circle theorem which includes the Lee-Yang theorem for symmetric transitions as a special case. It is found that zeros of the partition function can be written in terms of discontinuities in the derivatives of the free energy. For asymmetric transitions, the locus of the zeros is tangent to the unit circle at the positive real axis in the thermodynamic limit. For finite-size systems, they lie off the unit circle if the partition functions of the two phases are added up with unequal prefactors. This conclusion is substantiated by explicit calculation of zeros of the partition function for the Blume-Capel model near and at the triple line at low temperatures.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX. To be published in PRL. 3 Figures will be sent upon reques

    Coulomb corrected eikonal description of the breakup of halo nuclei

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    The eikonal description of breakup reactions diverges because of the Coulomb interaction between the projectile and the target. This divergence is due to the adiabatic, or sudden, approximation usually made, which is incompatible with the infinite range of the Coulomb interaction. A correction for this divergence is analysed by comparison with the Dynamical Eikonal Approximation, which is derived without the adiabatic approximation. The correction consists in replacing the first-order term of the eikonal Coulomb phase by the first-order of the perturbation theory. This allows taking into account both nuclear and Coulomb interactions on the same footing within the computationally efficient eikonal model. Excellent results are found for the dissociation of 11Be on lead at 69 MeV/nucleon. This Coulomb Corrected Eikonal approximation provides a competitive alternative to more elaborate reaction models for investigating breakup of three-body projectiles at intermediate and high energies.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Investigation of the long effective conjugation length in defect-free insulated molecular wires

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    Due to the “insulation” of the π-conjugated backbones, insulated molecular wires (IMWs) are expected to be applied to various optoelectronic applications and nanotechnology.[1] Recently, Kazunori et al have succeeded in the synthesis of a self-threading polythiophene with a polyrotaxane-like 3D architecture (PSTB, see Figure 1), for which an intrawire hole mobility of 0.9 cm2 V−1 s−1 has been measured.[2] Here, we aim to evaluate the extent of π-conjugation along polythiophene backbones sheathed within defect-free “insulating” layers. A comparison between the experimental Raman spectra of the self-threading oligomers (i.e. 2STB-5STB) and the corresponding PSTB polymer indicates that: (i) the ratio of relative intensities of the two most intense Raman bands (I1375/1445) increases with the elongation of the size chain but does not saturate up to the pentamer, and (ii) π-conjugation spreads over 17–18 thiophene units in the polymer. Whether the effective conjugation length of the polymer is better described by using the long oligomer extrapolation approach[3] or periodic DFT calculations of the polymer is discussed in detailed by exploiting the very recent potentialities of state-of-the-art quantum chemical simulations of vibrational properties for crystalline solids.[Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Switching dynamics between metastable ordered magnetic state and nonmagnetic ground state - A possible mechanism for photoinduced ferromagnetism -

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    By studying the dynamics of the metastable magnetization of a statistical mechanical model we propose a switching mechanism of photoinduced magnetization. The equilibrium and nonequilibrium properties of the Blume-Capel (BC) model, which is a typical model exhibiting metastability, are studied by mean field theory and Monte Carlo simulation. We demonstrate reversible changes of magnetization in a sequence of changes of system parameters, which would model the reversible photoinduced magnetization. Implications of the calculated results are discussed in relation to the recent experimental results for prussian blue analogs.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Interaction and thermodynamics of spinons in the XX chain

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    The mapping between the fermion and spinon compositions of eigenstates in the one-dimensional spin-1/2 XX model on a lattice with N sites is used to describe the spinon interaction from two different perspectives: (i) For finite N the energy of all eigenstates is expressed as a function of spinon momenta and spinon spins, which, in turn, are solutions of a set of Bethe ansatz equations. The latter are the basis of an exact thermodynamic analysis in the spinon representation of the XX model. (ii) For N -> infinity the energy per site of spinon configurations involving any number of spinon orbitals is expressed as a function of reduced variables representing momentum, filling, and magnetization of each orbital. The spins of spinons in a single orbital are found to be coupled in a manner well described by an Ising-like equivalent-neighbor interaction, switching from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic as the filling exceeds a critical level. Comparisons are made with results for the Haldane-Shastry model.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of low energy scattering on loosely bound states

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    Compact algebraic equations are derived, which connect the binding energy and the asymptotic normalization constant (ANC) of a subthreshold bound state with the effective-range expansion of the corresponding partial wave. These relations are established for positively-charged and neutral particles, using the analytic continuation of the scattering (S) matrix in the complex wave-number plane. Their accuracy is checked on simple local potential models for the 16O+n, 16O+p and 12C+alpha nuclear systems, with exotic nuclei and nuclear astrophysics applications in mind
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