758 research outputs found

    Effect of endurance training on lung function: A one year study

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    The official published version can be accessed from the link below.Objective: To identify in a follow up study airway changes occurring during the course of a sport season in healthy endurance athletes training in a Mediterranean region. Methods: Respiratory pattern and function were analysed in 13 healthy endurance trained athletes, either during a maximal exercise test, or at rest and during recovery through respiratory manoeuvres (spirometry and closing volume tests). The exercise test was conducted on three different occasions: during basic endurance training and then during the precompetition and competitive periods. Results: During the competitive period, a slight but non-clinically significant decrease was found in forced vital capacity (−3.5%, p = 0.0001) and an increase in slope of phase III (+25%, p = 0.0029), both at rest and after exercise. No concomitant reduction in expiratory flow rates was noticed. During maximal exercise there was a tachypnoeic shift over the course of the year (mean (SEM) breathing frequency and tidal volume were respectively 50 (2) cycles/min and 3.13 (0.09) litres during basic endurance training v 55 (3) cycles/min and 2.98 (0.10) litres during the competitive period; p<0.05). Conclusions: This study does not provide significant evidence of lung function impairment in healthy Mediterranean athletes after one year of endurance training

    Off-equilibrium corrections to energy and conserved charge densities in the relativistic fluid in heavy-ion collisions

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    Dissipative processes in relativistic fluids are known to be important in the analyses of the hot QCD matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. In this work, I consider dissipative corrections to energy and conserved charge densities, which are conventionally assumed to be vanishing but could be finite. Causal dissipative hydrodynamics is formulated in the presence of those dissipative currents. The relation between hydrodynamic stability and transport coefficients is discussed. I then study their phenomenological consequences on the observables of heavy-ion collisions in numerical simulations. It is shown that particle spectra and elliptic flow can be visibly modified.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; title changed, references added, conclusions unchange

    Whole body cryotherapy and recovery from exercise induced muscle damage: A systematic review

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    Introduction Cold therapies are used regularly in medicine for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposure to air maintained between -110 and -160oC, and is hypothesised to reduce pain, local and systemic inflammation. WBC has recently become popular in an exercise and sporting context as a recovery method after skeletal muscle damage, however, research examining the efficacy of WBC in an athletic context is minimal. This review seeks to summarise the evidence for the effects of WBC on exercise recovery measures. Methods Electronic database searches were conducted from March to April 2013. Six large online databases were used; MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and AMED. The search targeted human studies with an exercise task, and WBC intervention. Results included randomised controlled trials (RCT’s), uncontrolled trials and crossover designs. Results A total of 8 studies were included in the review. Two RCT’s, four crossover trials and two uncontrolled trials were identified. Five studies showed WBC had no effect on markers of muscle damage or inflammation post exercise, while 3 studies show a positive effect. Three out of the eight studies measured maximal muscle force production and subjective pain levels following exercise and WBC, with two showing WBC had a positive effect on muscle force recovery and pain. A meta-analysis was not conducted due to the heterogeneity of the studies. Conclusion The current evidence for the efficacy of WBC on exercise recovery is unclear. Published studies report mixed findings, and the study designs make these results difficult to interpret. As WBC is proposed as an aid to recovery in an athletic population, repeated measures of performance, muscle force production and pain are of importance to the athlete, however, are minimally reported in the literature. Cold water immersion (CWI) is widely used in an athletic setting for recovery, and has much literature supporting its use for the reduction of pain post-exercise. Well-designed RCT’s with controlled exercise interventions targeting performance measures are needed, in particular comparison of WBC with CWI data is needed for evaluation

    Effects of whole body cryotherapy and cold water immersion on immune and inflammatory markers following exercise induced muscle damage

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    Introduction: Cold therapies are used regularly in medicine for their analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) involves exposure to air maintained between -110 and -160oC, and is hypothesised to reduce pain, local and systemic inflammation. WBC has recently become popular in an exercise and sporting context as a recovery method after skeletal muscle damage. However, research examining the efficacy of WBC in an athletic context is minimal, in particular, studies comparing WBC to currently accepted recovery methods are lacking. Cold water immersion (CWI) is a widely researched and applied method of skeletal muscle recovery in sport science. As yet, no study has compared the proposed new method of WBC and the currently practiced method of CWI. We have designed a randomised control trial to examine the efficacy of WBC, as compared with CWI on recovery from a bout of eccentric muscle damage. Methods: Sixty healthy male subjects will perform skeletal muscle function tests and an eccentric muscle damage protocol of their left quadriceps femoris, using an isokinetic dynamometer. They will then be randomly assigned to one of 3 groups, WBC, CWI or a passive recovery control (PAS). The WBC will expose subjects to -160°C for 3min, using cold air. The CWI condition involves whole body exposure for 3min, in water maintained at 12°C. The PAS will have subjects seated comfortably at room temperature following the exercise protocol. Blood samples, muscle functional measurements and pain reports will be taken before muscle damage, immediately following damage, prior to therapy administration and post therapy. Further follow up measures to be taken 6 h post, 24 h and 7 days post. Blood samples will be analysed for changes in interleukins 6, 8 and 10, creatine kinase and leukocyte population kinetics. Results: Testing is being conducted. Results to be presented at the international society of exercise immunology (ISEI) symposium in September 2013

    Chronic erythropoietin treatment improves diet-induced glucose intolerance in rats

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    Erythropoietin (EPO) ameliorates glucose metabolism through mechanisms not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the effect of EPO on glucose metabolism and insulin signaling in skeletal muscle. A 2-week EPO treatment of rats fed with a high-fat diet (HFD) improved fasting glucose levels and glucose tolerance, without altering total body weight or retroperitoneal fat mass. Concomitantly, EPO partially rescued insulin-stimulated AKT activation, reduced markers of oxidative stress, and restored heat-shock protein 72 expression in soleus muscles from HFD-fed rats. Incubation of skeletal muscle cell cultures with EPO failed to induce AKT phosphorylation and had no effect on glucose uptake or glycogen synthesis. We found that the EPO receptor gene was expressed in myotubes, but was undetectable in soleus. Together, our results indicate that EPO treatment improves glucose tolerance but does not directly activate the phosphorylation of AKT in muscle cells. We propose that the reduced systemic inflammation or oxidative stress that we observed after treatment with EPO could contribute to the improvement of whole-body glucose metabolism.Corinne Caillaud, Mie Mechta, Heidi Ainge, Andreas N Madsen, Patricia Ruell, Emilie Mas, Catherine Bisbal, Jacques Mercier, Stephen Twigg, Trevor A Mori, David Simar and Romain BarrĂš

    Transmission of Two Viruses that Cause Barley Yellow Dwarf is Controlled by Different Loci in the Aphid, Schizaphis graminum

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    Clonal populations of the aphid, Schizaphis graminum, have been separated into biotypes based on host preference and their ability to overcome resistance genes in wheat. Recently, several biotypes were found to differ in their ability to transmit one or more of the viruses that cause barley yellow dwarf disease in grain crops, and vector competence was linked to host preference. The genetics of host preference has been studied in S. graminum, but how this may relate to the transmission of plant viruses is unknown. Sexual morphs of a vector and nonvector S. graminum genotype were induced from parthenogenetic females and reciprocal crosses made. Eighty-nine hybrids were generated and maintained by parthenogenesis. Each hybrid was evaluated for its ability to transmit Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV, and for its ability to colonize two wheat genotypes each expressing a different gene that confers resistance to S. graminum. The F1 genotypes were genetically variable for their ability to transmit virus and to colonize the aphid resistant wheat, but these traits were not genetically correlated. Individual F1 genotypes ranged in transmission efficiency from 0–100% for both viruses, although the overall mean transmission efficiency was similar to the transmission competent parent, indicating directional dominance. The direction of the cross did not significantly affect the vector competency for either virus, suggesting that maternally inherited cytoplasmic factors, or bacterial endosymbionts, did not contribute significantly to the inheritance of vector competency in S. graminum. Importantly, there was no genetic correlation between the ability to transmit Barley yellow dwarf virus and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV in the F1 genotypes. These results taken together indicate that multiple loci are involved in the circulative transmission, and that the successful transmission of these closely related viruses is regulated by different sets of aphid genes

    ISOGAL-DENIS detection of red giants with weak mass loss in the Galactic Bulge

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    The ISOGAL project is a survey of the stellar populations, structure, and recent star formation history of the inner disk and bulge of the Galaxy. ISOGAL combines 15 and 7micron ISOCAM observations with DENIS IJKs data to determine the nature of a source and the interstellar extinction. In this paper we report an ISOGAL study of a small field in the inner Galactic Bulge (l=0deg, b=1.0deg, area=0.035 sq. deg) as a prototype of the larger area ISOGAL survey of the inner Galaxy. The five wavelengths of ISOGAL+DENIS, together with the relatively low and constant extinction in front of this specific field, allow reliable determination of the nature of the sources. The primary scientific result of this paper is evidence that the most numerous class of ISOGAL 15micron sources are Red Giants in the Galactic bulge and central disk, with luminosities just above or close to the RGB tip and weak mass-loss rates. They form loose sequences in the magnitude-colour diagrams [15]/Ks-[15] and [15]/[7]-[15]. Their large excesses at 15micron with respect to 2micron and 7micron is due to circumstellar dust produced by mass-loss at low rates. These ISOGAL results are the first systematic evidence and study of dust emission at this early stage (''Intermediate'' AGB), before the onset of the large mass-loss phase. It is thus well established that efficient dust formation is already associated with such low mass-loss rates during this early phase.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Journa

    Identification of Antigenic Proteins from Lichtheimia corymbifera for Farmer's Lung Disease Diagnosis.

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    The use of recombinant antigens has been shown to improve both the sensitivity and the standardization of the serological diagnosis of Farmer's lung disease (FLD). The aim of this study was to complete the panel of recombinant antigens available for FLD serodiagnosis with antigens of Lichtheimia corymbifera, known to be involved in FLD. L. corymbifera proteins were thus separated by 2D electrophoresis and subjected to western blotting with sera from 7 patients with FLD and 9 healthy exposed controls (HEC). FLD-associated immunoreactive proteins were identified by mass spectrometry based on a protein database specifically created for this study and subsequently produced as recombinant antigens. The ability of recombinant antigens to discriminate patients with FLD from controls was assessed by ELISA performed with sera from FLD patients (n = 41) and controls (n = 43) recruited from five university hospital pneumology departments of France and Switzerland. Forty-one FLD-associated immunoreactive proteins from L. corymbifera were identified. Six of them were produced as recombinant antigens. With a sensitivity and specificity of 81.4 and 77.3% respectively, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase was the most effective antigen for discriminating FLD patients from HEC. ELISA performed with the putative proteasome subunit alpha type as an antigen was especially specific (88.6%) and could thus be used for FLD confirmation. The production of recombinant antigens from L. corymbifera represents an additional step towards the development of a standardized ELISA kit for FLD diagnosis

    Arboreal monkeys facilitate foraging of terrestrial frugivores

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    Terrestrial animals feed on fruit dropped by arboreal frugivores in tropical forests around the world, but it remains unknown whether the resulting spatial associations of these animals are coincidental or intentionally maintained. On Barro Colorado Island, Panama, we used a combination of acoustic playback experiments, remote camera monitoring, and GPS tracking to quantify the frequency of such interactions, determine who initiates and maintains spatial associations, and test whether terrestrial animals adopt a strategy of acoustic eavesdropping to locate fruit patches created by foraging primates. Indeed, 90% of fruits collected in fruit fall traps had tooth marks of arboreal frugivores, and terrestrial frugivores visited fruit trees sooner following visits by GPS-collared monkeys. While our play back experiments were insufficient to support the hypothesis that terrestrial frugivores use auditory cues to locate food dropped by arboreal primates, analyses of movement paths of capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus), spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), and coatis (Nasua narica) reveal that observed patterns of interspecific attraction are not merely a byproduct of mutual attraction to shared resources. Coatis were significantly more likely to initiate close encounters with arboreal primates than vice versa and maintained these associations by spending significantly longer periods at fruiting trees when collared primates were present. Our results demonstrate that terrestrial frugivores are attracted to arboreal primates, likely because they increase local resource availability. Primates are often among the first species in a habitat to be extirpated by hunting; our results suggest that their loss may have unanticipated consequences for the frugivore community

    An RxLR effector from phytophthora infestans prevents re-localisation of two plant NAC transcription factors from the endoplasmic reticulum to the nucleus

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    The plant immune system is activated following the perception of exposed, essential and invariant microbial molecules that are recognised as non-self. A major component of plant immunity is the transcriptional induction of genes involved in a wide array of defence responses. In turn, adapted pathogens deliver effector proteins that act either inside or outside plant cells to manipulate host processes, often through their direct action on plant protein targets. To date, few effectors have been shown to directly manipulate transcriptional regulators of plant defence. Moreover, little is known generally about the modes of action of effectors from filamentous (fungal and oomycete) plant pathogens. We describe an effector, called Pi03192, from the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which interacts with a pair of host transcription factors at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) inside plant cells. We show that these transcription factors are released from the ER to enter the nucleus, following pathogen perception, and are important in restricting disease. Pi03192 prevents the plant transcription factors from accumulating in the host nucleus, revealing a novel means of enhancing host susceptibility
